30 Day Squat Challenge, July 2013



  • christenafreda
    christenafreda Posts: 212 Member
    Count me in!
  • paulaj1887
    paulaj1887 Posts: 22
    I'm in. :smile:
  • laphillips12
    laphillips12 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in.
  • StripedSmoker
    StripedSmoker Posts: 104 Member
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Sure! I'll start today and make up for missing yesterday. I won't use weights for any of these though, since this is in addition to the lifting program I'm doing (and I do plenty weighted squats with that)

    *runs to the bathroom at work to do some for yesterday!*
  • DHURD38
    DHURD38 Posts: 5
    I'm in...starting today.
  • harthron
    harthron Posts: 68
    30 squats this morning - a lot tougher than I thought but I just ran 4 miles before I did the squats. Nice burn
  • kimclenard
    kimclenard Posts: 46 Member
    I did my 30 day squat challenge without weights. I do weighted squats twice a week in my BodyPump class :-)
  • kimclenard
    kimclenard Posts: 46 Member
    Just as an encouragement note to all you ladies. I completed my 30 day squat challenge this past Sunday. Started with 50 squats on day 1 and ended with 250 squats on day 30. Whew! But the encouraging note is that I see such a difference in my legs, butt and my stomach. Going to continue to maintain by doing a 100 squats in the morning and 100 squats at night. Go ladies! You can do this!!

    That's so awesome to hear. Just what I'm hoping. Did you do yours with weights or without?

    I did my 30 day squat challenge without weights. I do weighted squats twice a week in my BodyPump class :-)
  • fidgit813
    fidgit813 Posts: 20 Member
    I'd love to join in too!!
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I'm loving this challenge. I can totally feel the burn in my quads from yesterday.

    I read that widening your stance works the gluts more than the quads so I'm going to try that with my 60 squats today. I'm doing 3 sets of 20.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Day 2 is done
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    I did 3 sets of 20 and I really feel it today!
  • misskeara
    misskeara Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone, started day 1 of my 30 day squat challenge today- 50 squats! Doing mine with an easy shaper bar- anyone else done the challenge with one? Well done everyone so far!! :smile:
  • I did it last month :)
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Wow, this is going to be a difficult one! I will give it a shot . . .250 squats at the end of 30 days?? Not even sure if I can do one Squat. :smile:

    Good Luck everyone!

    Sounds like a lot for me too, since just starting out.

    So I'm committing to do 1/2 the amount each day in July! .. gotta to start somewhere :)
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I'm on day 9 now. Yesterday was a rest day. I've noticed two things. First, the squats are getting easier to complete. Today I will do 4 sets of 25 (I got my first set done this morning). It took me just a few minutes to get them done at a moderate pace.

    Also, even after increasing the amount I'm doing every day, my legs are not sore the next day. The first two days I could barely walk.

    After the next rest day, I will probably increase the number of squat in each set since the numbers are climbing.

    I've noticed a slight (non visible) difference in the tone of my thighs and butt. I plan to take pics on day 16.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • im a lil late but i am joining in. i have up to day 9 to make up too. doing it now =)
  • I am starting the challenge today! Can't wait to see what a difference it makes!
  • Will try seems like a reasonable challenge.