New to the site and embarrassed to even try



  • gogogo53
    gogogo53 Posts: 17 Member
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I started where you are now! I had torn my achilles tendon and had to wear a boot for 19 weeks/24 hr a day/7 days a week. It was the longest 19 weeks ever! I slipped on something while in the boot and broke my nose. I didn't ever think I would ever get out of the boot. Please be caseful with your's! If you know someone that has a boot ~ borrow it and wear it at least at night. You will be suprised how much it will help! OK with saying that you can do it, say the heck with what anyone thinks or says! I never ever thought I would be where I am today. I was 260 lbs when I started. I have lost 69 lbs. I feel better than I have in so long. I'm 52 years old and even though it has come off slowly, for the first time in years I can honestly think I'm going to reach my goal and go past it. I set my goal for 100lbs because I didn't have faith that I could actually even loose that. Lift your head up and say the heck with everyone and what ever they think. You can do this and you will be so proud of yourself. Friend me if you'd like. :bigsmile:
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    I wish I could sweat, I never have, and that's bad. I pass out alot from heat, because I can't cool down. I have to walk in early morning,or after sun goes down. Can only go to functions where I can get out of heat when need be. I was about 8 years old when I found out that I didn't sweat. I was at state fair, passed out two times, and have had trouble all my life, so be thankful you do sweat.....
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    When I work out I also look gross an sweaty. So does everyone else! Don't sweat it! (Pun intended!) No one will judge you for trying to get yourself in shape! I have a lot of respect for the people I see working out (granted they are actually working out and not sitting around the gym trying to look cute.) You can do it!

    And if you really are uncomfortable working out in public, try DVDs, or home workouts. Get some dumbbells and a yoga mat. Also, try Love them
  • brelolita
    brelolita Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I had this app for awhile and decided to really start using it. I have been off and on in losing weight . I have the exercise down pack just need to start eating healthier. I started doing the slow carb this week. So far so good. I wish everyone sucess :)
  • BrookeLee2
    BrookeLee2 Posts: 39
    If you're not ready to go in a public gym yet, then don't:) If you have extra money, invest in a used (or new, whatever) treadmill or other exercise machine until you're happy.
    Otherwise, find videos on YouTube such as Blogilates she's AMAZING. You have a professional fitness coach in your own home for free. How cool is that?

    Then, when you're ready, try and hit the gym again. Don't think the gym is the only place you can work out:D

    Edit: P.S, if you're gross and sweaty, you're doing it right.
  • JohnMatrix
    JohnMatrix Posts: 59
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    It sucks I know. I sweat like a lunatic and it's not even funny. But you know what? Your TRYING!! That's better than most people who aren't even getting off their *kitten* and putting the donuts down. Just remember your making a positive change for yourself and that's the end result. Doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.
  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    I totally know how you feel. I have social anxiety - do you? I mean this in the nicest way - just get over it! There is nothing embarrassing about exercising and being sweaty. Nothing at all. Most people aren't even going to notice you, and I would bet everyone who does is going to have a positive reaction. What does it matter, anyway? Do it for YOU. Sweat washes off. Health and fitness do not. Get your workout on, get sweaty, then afterwards you can take a hot shower and enjoy your post-workout glow. If it makes you feel more confident, try to put together a couple of workout outfits that make you feel comfortable and cute.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    just do it put some headphones on block everyone out and concentrate on your goals in the end the reward will be awesome and you will be glad you did it a lot of those people you see also have the same insecurities.
  • the0th3rjen
    the0th3rjen Posts: 27 Member
    I completely feel your pain. I am normally the biggest person in the room. I sweat buckets. I don't have those adorable workout shorts and tanks. Belly fat slapping? That's me and it sucks, but no one can do this for me.

    I am sure that the previous comments have said it all. but you must remember that you are running your own race. Those other people are just in the background to your workout. Tune out those distractions and learn how to modify your workouts, Yoga, etc to your body. Ask for help, if the instructor is worth anything, they can help you to adapt and prevent injury. Sometimes you just can't physically do what is being called for. Just keep at it and push and train your body. Or do something different. Water aerobics or DVD's are great ideas.

    You are all the more awesome for getting out there and proving to yourself that you can do this.
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    I sweat like a man in 100% humidity when I work out....and I DONT CARE - its not about what other people think - you are doing this for YOU. I don't really use a public gym - except the one at work - but I get in and out - I'm not there for social hour, I'm there to work out dangit. When I see someone just starting out - i say GOOD FOR YOU - at least you are trying - so keep it up, you will find something that you like - and when you do - stick with that until you find something else you like. the best exercise is the one you will keep doing. Try not to think about what other people are thinking and STINK IT UP!!!
  • Ademar111
    Ademar111 Posts: 66 Member
    My boyfriend is a fitness freak and the way he explains it is best. When I ask him about the gym and what happened he simply tells me " I don't have time to pay attention to other people or talk to them, I go to the gym to work, when I am done working, I leave". The people that truly are there to "work" dont pay any attention to anyone else, they are there to "work" and then leave.
  • SilviCor
    SilviCor Posts: 110 Member
    When I first started exercises, I used videos in the privacy of my own home. When I finally got the courage, I joined a women's only gym, which really encouraged and motivated me to go further.

    Congratulate yourself for getting out there and doing it. It's really an accomplishment in itself!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    STOP MAKING EXCUSES...we all look gross and sweaty when we work out! You can do whatever you put your mind stop telling yourself that you can't :huh:

  • The_GingerBeard_Man
    The_GingerBeard_Man Posts: 197 Member
    Dont let it get you down.

    To be honest other people really don't matter, but I know all too well that the hardest person to be ok with is yourself.

    I tried to go back to the gym a year ago, and I felt so out of place that I left. It is weird to think about what I would look like now if I had stuck with it.

    I lost some weight by counting and walking. Then I went back to the gym with my brother to work out with me. Having someone else by my side made it way easier.

    Do you have someone who can go with you?
  • kimdyj
    kimdyj Posts: 224 Member
    I take pride in sweating! It shows that I'm working hard and damn proud of it! That's one of the reason why I hate going to the gym because I see a bunch of fit people and it can be intimidating but I turn it to an inspiration that one day I will look like them.
  • lilly684
    lilly684 Posts: 3 Member
    At my heaviest, I weighed over 200 lbs. This was very hard for me being like this, though slowly over a period of few years, I have been able to lose 50 lbs. It takes time when we are hindered, though every small step you take to live healthier will produce results even if you cannot see it right away.

    Don't be discouraged! Keep going and find what you enjoy, even if you have to keep switching things up. :) You can do it! Do your research and discuss your concerns with your physician. He or she may have some insight that will be useful to you. We are all rooting for you!
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I have ankle problems and use a stationary bike at home as my main exercise. Although you use your feet to pedal, it is very low impact on your foot and ankle (just be sure to wear shoes).
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    You did not succumb to defeat and that is the first step. Fight and turn that inner voice off that is telling you those negative things. Each time you go, you are a step closer to changing your body and mind. It sounds like you are beating yourself up and assuming what you think these people are saying/thinking.

    I take Les Mills Body Attack every Monday night and it's a sports training class. This class involves a lot of high knees, burpees, juming jacks, lunges, push ups, etc. Many of the participants are athletes. The instructor told me 2 years ago do not give up and the results will speak for themselves. While I am still one of the larger ones in this class, I can do things now physically that I could not have done had I given up. It is one of the most challenging classes for me weekly, yet, I would not trade it for nothing. After Body Attack, I take yoga and guess what? I am the biggest one most times there also, yet, I can do bridge, bow, dancer's pose and other movements that some of the smaller women still can not do and yes I still have a stomach.

    In terms of sweating, most of us do.

    We really are our own worst enemies most times.

    From what I have read so far from other responses, you are not alone and came to the right place for support. I am going to say to you what Liz said to me 2 years ago; "Do not give up" . You can do this.

    Please keep us posted on your progess.

  • Robertsollady
    Robertsollady Posts: 56 Member
    Hello i am new to this site to, i weigh alot i am embarrased also but, our Bodies our worth fighting for, don't give up, keep your head up we all can do this
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    Solutions/tough love:

    1) If you look pretty when you work out, you're doing it wrong. Your face gets all red and splotchy, sweat drenches your hair and clothes making them stick to you, hell I have a pair of workout paints that get completely wet in the crotch and it looks like I peed myself. But does it stop me? Not even for one second! And it shouldn't stop you either...

    2) Don't give up on yoga (or anything) if it's something you really want to do. When I first tried yoga I was at or very near my heaviest weight (260) and it hurt my knees like nobody's business and I basically had no balancing skills. So I went off and did other things and lost weight and got more fit and a year or so later I tried again and I did much better. No pain and my balance had improved. Tried it again more recently and I did even better! Same with running or plyometrics or whatever else you may want to do. It may not be the right activity for you now but that doesn't mean you give up on your dream. Just keep up with your diet and what activity you can do and as the weight drops and you improve your fitness, try it again.

    3) Even after losing most of my weight, I have a flabby belly issue. When I do jumping jacks or run, it flops around and sometimes makes a bit of a clapping noise. I could get compression wear but I don't care that much. Again...a bit embarrassing but I don't let it stop me. I know eventually this will improve/go away as I get closer to goal.

    4) Your feet and AT problems will hopefully get better as you lose the weight. I had major plantar fascitis issues when I was at my heaviest and even bought special sandals to make it more comfortable. Make sure you're wearing proper footwear to help cushion the impact of your movements when you're being active. If you haven't already seen a specialist (sports doc, orthopedist) do that so that you can get whatever treatments and orthotics that you may need to help. My gym buddy has been dealing with chronic PF for about a year now. She tried several different self treatments and doctors and finally got some good treatment at a local PT office who got her into a good stretching program. She still has to be careful about wearing the right shoes and not pushing through the pain or doing too much high impact work.

    If you really just can't get past the embarrassment then you can just work out at home. No one else can see you if the blinds are drawn right? if you like walking, I'd recommend the Leslie Sansome Walk Away the Pounds workouts. You can find them at WalMart in the sports section and probably even online. if you're unsure, I'd bet you can probably find samples on Youtube or something. If you like dancing, Hip Hop Abs is pretty fun. There are parts that are a bit more difficult but do your best and don't be ashamed to hit pause and take a breather. That's the great thing about working out at home with a DVD - you can take as many breaks as you want!
  • terrieleeb
    terrieleeb Posts: 13
    I love all these posts! Thank you for being brave enough to be on here. Thank you for allowing us all into your world! Love yourself, you are beautiful! Wow the responses on here have really encouraged me with my own journey. Thanks again!
  • inkydnk3
    inkydnk3 Posts: 62 Member
    Honestly, I think it's great to see ALL shapes and sizes in the gym. I don't judge people. I just think to myself, "good for you"! "Working out and working hard to get healthy". Don't worry about what others think. Go to the gym, try some DVD's at home, go for walks or bike rides...just get moving....You got this!
  • bartonjack
    bartonjack Posts: 42 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP, MinnieInMaine!!! Let people stare. It's their problem. Do what you can do and the results will come. Something is better than nothing. KEEP your goal in front of you and then let them see y ou. They'll be jealous. Again, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!!
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    Everyone sweats a ton when they work out. My face turns red/purple. When I see overweight people out running or biking I think "good for them!"

    If impact is tricky for you, what about swimming, elliptical, or biking? Those are all fairly low impact. Swimming is awesome because even though you sweat, you don't necessarily feel it the same way. Swimming is supposed to be one of the most gentle forms of exercise on your joints and you can burn a **** ton of calories that way! If you feel uncomfortable with your body, get some board shorts and wear a T shirt to swim.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    My belly gets in the way of yoga poses too... it's horrifying. Plus you can't breathe, which defeats the ultimate purpose. Hang in there. It'll get better.
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    Try, TRY! It will be so woth it. Do what u can. A little more each day than the last. You'll be amazed at how quickly youll get stronger.
  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    If you are not comfortable working out in the gym yet, give low impact cardio routines a go in your flat. I do them at times as well. Give a go, mate. Hang in there! :smile:
  • cutieryan
    cutieryan Posts: 20 Member
    Allowing what you imagine other people might be thinking about you is only going to hurt you in the end. Be proud of the person you are and how hard you are working. I also have a belly but I LOVE yoga. No, I can't go as deeply into the poses as non bellied people but I still get the benefits and thats all that really matters. You are who you are. Own it!
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    I feel your pain. I am over 50 and ALWAYS feel like people are staring at me, even now. BUT... Just this past Sunday I was able to go BY MYSELF into the weights area at the gym and work out by myself.

    What I'm saying is "YOU GOT THIS!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!" and like another poster said... Sweat is Fat CRYING!!! Let it cry baby, let it cry!!!

    You have bunches of people here who will support you, Do this for yourself, and appreciate that you are getting healthier!!!

    Sharon :flowerforyou: