Just starting.....anyone else over 50



  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    I'll be 50 in December and love this app. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    Hi! I'm 55 (well 56 next month) and 5'4.5". I have lost about 60 lbs. I began in Sept. of 2012 at 180 lbs. (my heaviest weight ever) and I am currently 121 lbs. My goal weight was 129 lbs. yet with running I lost more than anticipated and am okay with that as it offers me some flexibility to indulge. I started out with Weight Watchers and doing daily free step time with my Wii Fit Plus. I also began walking - longer and more consistently. I started losing about 11 to 12 lbs. a month. In November, I started running. I trained for my first 5K in late April and did surprisingly well. My 2nd 5K was in June and my 3rd is scheduled for Sept. I run about 3.1 miles between 27:30 and 29:30. I have been on maintenance since March yet I have become leaner since running more, doing elliptical training and some core exercises.

    I enjoy my time on MFP as it keeps me accountable to logging food amounts and seeing the results of consistent exercise. The support you receive and the inspiration of other stories keeps you clinging to the "good, healthy lifestyle" you want to achieve and enjoy. I have personally enjoyed a whole new wardrobe and having the extra energy to keep up with my two grand kids (ages 4.5 and 3.5)

    Keep at your commitment - you will be so pleased with any results you achieve!!
  • carmenrn96
    carmenrn96 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm 54 and have taken charge of the "weight monster". I'm looking forward to chatting with the MFP community as I continue my weight loss journey. Best of luck to you.
  • SwarovskiQueen
    SwarovskiQueen Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement. This should be a successful journey.
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    :smile: Hi I turned 50 in February and have been on the weight loss roller coaster a long time. Feel free to add me.