
I'm new here as of yesterday :) and I wanted to share that i think this site is wonderful!

I'm so happy I found something free that is actually as good as or better than weight watchers, I cant wait to get the Blackberry app when it comes out!

I'm a teacher/coach and I have 62 pounds to lose to be at my goal weight!


  • joditafoya
    joditafoya Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck I hope all goes well with you!!
  • randilea
    randilea Posts: 140
    Good luck and welcome!
  • AngChambers06
    AngChambers06 Posts: 126 Member
    thanks so much!!! I hope I can stick to it this time! So far i'm having a tough time keeping under my calories for the day :( I do pretty good until dinner time.