Riding Out A Plateau...Like It Or Not.

Most of us at some time or another in our weight loss journey hit a plateau. This can and will happen, even when we are totally faithful to our regular, successful food plan and exercise routine. This 'nasty plateau' is not because we cheated...added some extra calories...ate the wrong food...failed to work hard enough or run fast enough or do anything wrong. We did not create this plateau. It just happened. It is just part of how our body works. Unfortunately, these sudden halts to our progress can happen on a somewhat regular basis, leading to a variety of responses from the 'plateau victims'.

If you are a control freak, a scale watcher, a bit too eager for results and JUST KNOW THAT YOU ARE DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT...you are just like ME. So...perhaps, you can recognize some of these typical responses of people (including myself), when going through a plateau.

Day #1, and the scale says, "You didn't lose any weight since yesterday." The scale may even say, "Here's an extra pound that you didn't deserve."

Response 1. I'm fine. Tomorrow will be a better day. Maybe, I will check back later to see, if this is a mistake. I will not get discouraged. I am doing everything right. No changes are necessary. :smile:

Day #2, and the scale says, "I don't feel like moving to a lower number. Let's just sit here for a while."

Response 2. This is not good. Two days in a row means that I am on a plateau, a small one...but none the less...a plateau. Rats!!! I wanted to see a better number today. Am I doing something wrong? Am I constipated? Did I take in too much sodium yesterday and retain water? Oh, well. Tomorrow will be better...I hope. :ohwell:

Day #3, and scale just looks at you with that 'blank scale stare'. The cold display shows you the same numbers that you have been seeing for 3 days.

Response 3. Now, you are angry. You may even start verbalizing your anger at the 'stupid scale'. After a small rant at 'this cold blooded thing' at your feet, you may now start to question yourself...about your food plan, your activity level, your metabolism and any other things that could possibly be factoring into this barrier to reaching the next lower number on the scale. You consider skipping a meal, lowering your calories, starving until the scale shows you a different number...anything to break the grip of the plateau. :grumble:

Day #4, and you threaten the scale, before you step onto the flat surface. The scale is silent but deadly, as the numbers light up...and they are not moving even one ounce downward.

Response 4. This is the CRITICAL DAY. Will you be strong enough to continue on, using your tried and true food plan? Will you scream, holler and just want to give up the whole idea of losing weight? Will you host a wonderful pity party with a binge that you know will make that scale move tomorrow...but in the WRONG direction? Will you run for laxatives or some other outrageous solution? Will you just give up, and say that you CAN'T or WON'T keep doing this? Will you even think about the commitment and work that it has taken to get this far? :noway:

Maybe...just maybe...you will sit down and write a blog on MyFitnessPal about this 'stupid plateau'.

As for me, I am into my 4th day of no weight loss. I am still sticking with my current calorie limit. I may be slightly constipated, but nothing to worry about. With my hubbie out of town, I haven't been able to get to the pool to swim laps since Friday; and I realize that could be a factor in my 'stall' on the way to breaking through the 214.0 pound mark. That's what I weighed, just before he left for his trip.

I can find lots of justification for this plateau; but the truth is...it's just a plateau. I can't expect to lose weight every day, even if wanted it, wished for it, prayed for it...willed it to happen. Like it or not, all I can do is ride out this plateau, trust in God, stick to my food plan and hope to come through with a better number tomorrow...or the next day...or even the day after that. This is no time to panic or do something stupid. I will continue to lose weight, but I am not in control of when that weight change will show up on the scale. :wink:


  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Have you been on a plateau or suffered through a plateau? How did you handle it?
  • MasterKat
    MasterKat Posts: 149
    Ah yes, the dreaded plateau. I hit that and the scale gets put away for a week or two and just continue on with my "way of life". I scare easy when the scale doesn't move. Then the temptations bite at my heals and then I can lose myself in a juicy bacon cheese burger...with fries. So I hide it.
  • The scale hardly budged for me last month . I was freaked out but just kept doing what I know is healthy . I only lost 2 pounds last month BUT I lost a pant size . I will never look at a plateau the same ever again .
  • noriri
    noriri Posts: 74 Member
    I don't know if this is a true plateau or what, but this is my situation. I was doing well right up to mid March. I would lose a pound or 2 a week, occassionally skip a week or 2 then lose 3-4 lbs. Anyway I have not been able to lose anything since March. As a result, the scale has fluctuated upward 5 lbs. In this time, I followed various suggestions..still nothing. Had my thyroid checked, it's fine. Saw a nutritionist last week, and she said that I should only be consuming 1200 cals. daily.....not eating more with the exercise. She did say to eat before exercising. Obviously, this can and has been very discouraging. I have however maintained a daily diary, pretty or not. I do my best with exercise, as I have a few health conditions that can make it difficult. My over all resolve remains the same, better health! Some folks on here are terrific. Encouraging, supportive etc. and I am so appreciative of that.
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    I haven't hit any plateaus of such yet. But I know their coming. Thank's for the post. I'm hoping I can plow right through like you are doing. We all have something to look forward to, mine is different than yours is, but we each have to push through, looking to our goal/Onederland.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I would hardly call 4 days a plateau. Also....


    It isn't linear...
  • schruuuth
    schruuuth Posts: 9
    Sitting on a plataeu more or less over the last months. Ok, there have been a wedding and another feast - but it still buggs me whenever I step on the scales in the morning and it just smiles at me ... and shows the same as before.
    The thing that keeps me going is the feedback I get from coworkers or friends I've not seen for a few weeks.
    So, although I dont see the changes, seems they are still existing. So keep it up, and know that human feedback is worth much more than the numbers in the bathroom ;)
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Saw a nutritionist last week, and she said that I should only be consuming 1200 cals. daily.....not eating more with the exercise. She did say to eat before exercising. Obviously, this can and has been very discouraging. I have however maintained a daily diary, pretty or not. I do my best with exercise, as I have a few health conditions that can make it difficult. My over all resolve remains the same, better health! Some folks on here are terrific. Encouraging, supportive etc. and I am so appreciative of that.

    I have been on a set number of calories, approved by my doctor and nutritionist. I do not count exercise; and that has worked for me over more than 6 months.

    As for exercise...You know my limitations...stuck in a wheelchair much of the time; but swimming and sitting exercises have been very helpful. Swimming has been especially good for me, and I always eat breakfast, before I go swimming.
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    To Weight Watcher,

    I haven't hit any plateau's yet but I have started measuring my neck, arms, waist, hips & thighs. This way even if the scale doesn't move, I may have lost inches.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I would hardly call 4 days a plateau. Also....


    It isn't linear...

    I love your illustration. Thank you. :laugh:
  • Breizier
    Breizier Posts: 221 Member
    4-days? Sorry but i don't think thats a plateau.

    Try week 5 of staying pretty much the same or gaining a pound that 2 hours later will miraculously disappear only to reappear.

    I have come to the conclusion that your fat is fighting back. Of course it doesn't want to leave you its happy and comfortable making you miserable.

    Big BUT

    Keep an eye on your clothes when you plateau. I have found that this is when all of a sudden my clothes start getting loose and people start noticing that my shape is changing. My body always feels more doughey - I like to think the fat is loosening ready to be shed.

    Look at all the other changes, not just the scales when you plateau - that helps you to keep going.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    Keep an eye on your clothes when you plateau. I have found that this is when all of a sudden my clothes start getting loose and people start noticing that my shape is changing. My body always feels more doughey - I like to think the fat is loosening ready to be shed.

    Look at all the other changes, not just the scales when you plateau - that helps you to keep going.

    You are not the first person to mention 'a loss in size' that quite often goes along with a plateau in weight loss. I have been noticing some abdominal changes. Happily, my tummy may be shrinking and lift with all my recent swimming.
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    YOU ARE WONDERFUL! You WILL get through this plateau. Thanks for the post :flowerforyou:
  • MachiavelliNZ
    MachiavelliNZ Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in week two of a plateau after losing weight at the rate of around 1kg/week for around 4 weeks before that.

    I'm not going to let myself get discouraged. I know that I'm eating healthily. I know I'm counting my intake. I'm doing well by attending the gym as often as I wanted to (3 per week).

    If my goal weight-loss is expected to take a year then staying the same weight for a week or two shouldn't discourage me.
  • Britterboo22
    Britterboo22 Posts: 300 Member
    I hit a small one when I was at 182.
    I just kicked up my workout.
    I also have the problem of if I cant get in a walk AND my other cardio that the scale may not move for a couple of days so I just stay strong and kick it up the best I can.
  • nmiller0813
    nmiller0813 Posts: 109
    I would not consider 4 days of no weight change a plateau. I typically do not weigh myself everyday. Once a week, so that I am not disappointed. As I have been told, your weight can fluctuate on any given day within 5 lbs depending on a whole lot of things. Be patient! :-)
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    The tape measure is your best friend,
    The scales are that friend that says the odd inappropriate thing from time to time.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I am more in a rut than on a plateau. I've muddled around the 195 mark for Since then end of March and haven't been diligent enough to keep on myself. Not that it is such a bad thing as I've maintianed my weight and made some great NSV's along the last few months. But I really need to get back on track and see if I can drop down a below 190 and see how that feels.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I am more in a rut than on a plateau. I've muddled around the 195 mark for Since then end of March and haven't been diligent enough to keep on myself. Not that it is such a bad thing as I've maintianed my weight and made some great NSV's along the last few months. But I really need to get back on track and see if I can drop down a below 190 and see how that feels.

    I really hope that you are able to get back on track. I will be saying a prayer for your success. :flowerforyou:
  • xRachTasticx
    xRachTasticx Posts: 65 Member
    I am now going into week 3 of my plateau. While on vacation last week I even had the time to go to the gym and work my butt off almost double what I was doing at home. I've continued that trend, along with eating well as I have been. I thought for sure I would see more noticeable changes but not a thing. In fact I've added a pound.

    It's surely discouraging. Especially because I'm not getting over my changes I've noticed thus far, and instead of seeing myself in a "damn, I'm looking pretty good" light, I'm now starting to point out the things I would like to change. The phase I call "Are my thighs really that big?"

    *sigh* I'm taking it day by day. I'm trying new exercises, strength training with weights vs pure cardio (elliptical, and jogging).

    Let's all STAY STRONG!