Hi everyone! I'm asking on here as a sort of last resort!

I have for 3 weeks been following a strict diet and exercise routine and have seen NO weight loss. I'm pretty upset about it and am finding it hard to stay motivated.

I am 5'8 and 156lb (my goal weight is 134lb)

I eat a diet consisting of lots of protein and vegetables. I haven't strayed from it no matter how much I fantasize about m&m's!
I usually have special k with trim milk for breakfast
a wrap with chicken & rocket for lunch
half a banana for afternoon tea
steak or chicken with broccoli & pumpkin for dinner
4 tbl spoons of natural yogurt for dessert

I go to the gym 6 days a week, where I do 1 hour of cardio (ellyptical, bike & cardio wave 20 min each) On these I go at the highest speed I can and basically bathe in sweat.
I also go for an hour long brisk walk 6 days a week.

I have noticed my fitness and energy levels are much better but I'm so upset I haven't lost any weight and my clothes fit just the same.

What am I doing wrong?? I thought I was doing everything right!


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Open your diary.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    What you describe as a typical eating day doesn't look like more than 1000 calories tops, I'm being generous and over estimating.

    Please give us a better idea of how many calories you intake daily and how much you burn during exercise.

    Your estimated BMR is: 1,526 calories/day, this is the amount of calories your body would burn if you were in a coma, you'd need to eat that just to stay alive. Keep that in mind.

    Your TDEE on Sedentary is 1863 calories/day, this is what you'd maintain your current weight on if you ate it every day.
  • PepePants
    PepePants Posts: 47 Member
    You might try upping your calories. Scary, I know. But if you are working that hard and eating so few calories, your body might be desperately hanging on because it thinks you're heading for starvation... Also, try upping your water to 3 liters per day. Good luck, sounds like you're on the right path!
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    I agree with Lady Nocturne. It sounds like you aren't eating enough. Also, at 5'8", 156 lbs sound pretty darn good! I myself am maybe 1/2" taller than you and my goal is 160. I could maybe do 150, but don't know if I want to starve myself to get there.

    I find it really difficult to believe you haven't lost anything doing what you are doing. Once again, maybe you just aren't eating enough. Are you logging your food and exercise here on MFP?
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I am about where you are at 155 pounds at that height. But I have also lost 30 so far. Now that I am in a normal healthy range, my weightloss is slow and is about 1 pound every 7-10 days.

    So you will have a slow weight loss, but I bet you aren't eating enough with how much you work out. Also watch the water weight which you might have right now.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Once you open your diary up, then we can look but the common cause is under eating. Also, drop some of the cardio and start picking up some weights. And I would suggest working recomposition.
  • sheridan00
    Opened my diary. I hadn't been logging everything in previously so there are days there's nothing on there but lately its complete. Thanks!
  • sheridan00
    Also wanted to add that this weight is the biggest I've been. I sat around 140-143lb for years but gained a lot of weight over the past year.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Opened my diary. I hadn't been logging everything in previously so there are days there's nothing on there but lately its complete. Thanks!

    It's hard to provide advice if you aren't logging everything. It's very easy to over eat if you aren't tracking. I would suggest logging everything for a month and see if you have results. Additionally, with only 20 lbs to lose, you should be aiming 1 lb per week and about 50% of your exercise calories.
  • sheridan00
    It is everything logged in. I just mean there is a period where I didn't log anything for a week.
  • Krissy501
    Krissy501 Posts: 4
    I would consider eating more, and HIIT training for 20 minutes three times a week. Your body is hanging on to every calorie it can because in essence it is being chased by a hungry tiger every day. You need to shake up your routine a bit with High Intensity Interval Training, rest days, and possibly an off-diet day of eating every week. On that day, go nuts and eat M n M's til you're sick. Pizza, beer, fries - nothing is off limits for that day. Intentional calorie spiking lets your body know that it's not in the middle of a famine and so when you return to a moderate calorie intake, it will drop the pounds. Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It is everything logged in. I just mean there is a period where I didn't log anything for a week.

    If you are truly only eat 900 calories, then you need to eat a lot more calories. BTW, looking at your stats and workout routine, you should be eating around 1900 calories. What I would suggest is dropping cardio to 2 days a week and do weight training for 4 days. Also, you can adjust macro's to around 40% carbs 30% protein and 30% fats. This will help with muscle retention when combined with resistance training. Also, keep in mind, that weight training = getting stronger, not bulky.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Also wanted to add that this weight is the biggest I've been. I sat around 140-143lb for years but gained a lot of weight over the past year.

    You're 19. Of course you've gained some weight over the past year. You are at a good weight now for your height so maybe quit trying to starve yourself back to a teenie bopper weight and work on some strength training to shape your body.