New to the site and embarrassed to even try



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    Solutions/tough love:

    1) If you look pretty when you work out, you're doing it wrong. Your face gets all red and splotchy, sweat drenches your hair and clothes making them stick to you, hell I have a pair of workout paints that get completely wet in the crotch and it looks like I peed myself. But does it stop me? Not even for one second! And it shouldn't stop you either...

    2) Don't give up on yoga (or anything) if it's something you really want to do. When I first tried yoga I was at or very near my heaviest weight (260) and it hurt my knees like nobody's business and I basically had no balancing skills. So I went off and did other things and lost weight and got more fit and a year or so later I tried again and I did much better. No pain and my balance had improved. Tried it again more recently and I did even better! Same with running or plyometrics or whatever else you may want to do. It may not be the right activity for you now but that doesn't mean you give up on your dream. Just keep up with your diet and what activity you can do and as the weight drops and you improve your fitness, try it again.

    3) Even after losing most of my weight, I have a flabby belly issue. When I do jumping jacks or run, it flops around and sometimes makes a bit of a clapping noise. I could get compression wear but I don't care that much. Again...a bit embarrassing but I don't let it stop me. I know eventually this will improve/go away as I get closer to goal.

    4) Your feet and AT problems will hopefully get better as you lose the weight. I had major plantar fascitis issues when I was at my heaviest and even bought special sandals to make it more comfortable. Make sure you're wearing proper footwear to help cushion the impact of your movements when you're being active. If you haven't already seen a specialist (sports doc, orthopedist) do that so that you can get whatever treatments and orthotics that you may need to help. My gym buddy has been dealing with chronic PF for about a year now. She tried several different self treatments and doctors and finally got some good treatment at a local PT office who got her into a good stretching program. She still has to be careful about wearing the right shoes and not pushing through the pain or doing too much high impact work.

    If you really just can't get past the embarrassment then you can just work out at home. No one else can see you if the blinds are drawn right? if you like walking, I'd recommend the Leslie Sansome Walk Away the Pounds workouts. You can find them at WalMart in the sports section and probably even online. if you're unsure, I'd bet you can probably find samples on Youtube or something. If you like dancing, Hip Hop Abs is pretty fun. There are parts that are a bit more difficult but do your best and don't be ashamed to hit pause and take a breather. That's the great thing about working out at home with a DVD - you can take as many breaks as you want!
  • terrieleeb
    terrieleeb Posts: 13
    I love all these posts! Thank you for being brave enough to be on here. Thank you for allowing us all into your world! Love yourself, you are beautiful! Wow the responses on here have really encouraged me with my own journey. Thanks again!
  • inkydnk3
    inkydnk3 Posts: 62 Member
    Honestly, I think it's great to see ALL shapes and sizes in the gym. I don't judge people. I just think to myself, "good for you"! "Working out and working hard to get healthy". Don't worry about what others think. Go to the gym, try some DVD's at home, go for walks or bike rides...just get moving....You got this!
  • bartonjack
    bartonjack Posts: 42 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP, MinnieInMaine!!! Let people stare. It's their problem. Do what you can do and the results will come. Something is better than nothing. KEEP your goal in front of you and then let them see y ou. They'll be jealous. Again, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!!
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    Everyone sweats a ton when they work out. My face turns red/purple. When I see overweight people out running or biking I think "good for them!"

    If impact is tricky for you, what about swimming, elliptical, or biking? Those are all fairly low impact. Swimming is awesome because even though you sweat, you don't necessarily feel it the same way. Swimming is supposed to be one of the most gentle forms of exercise on your joints and you can burn a **** ton of calories that way! If you feel uncomfortable with your body, get some board shorts and wear a T shirt to swim.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    My belly gets in the way of yoga poses too... it's horrifying. Plus you can't breathe, which defeats the ultimate purpose. Hang in there. It'll get better.
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    Try, TRY! It will be so woth it. Do what u can. A little more each day than the last. You'll be amazed at how quickly youll get stronger.
  • 1der_Nana
    1der_Nana Posts: 41
    When I work out I look gross and sweaty and I am so afraid to have people stare at me. My tummy prevents me from yoga poses and other things I would like to do. The feel of my own body jumping around bothers me. My feet problems and Achilles tendinitis make even walking a challenge. It's discouraging.

    If you are not comfortable working out in the gym yet, give low impact cardio routines a go in your flat. I do them at times as well. Give a go, mate. Hang in there! :smile:
  • cutieryan
    cutieryan Posts: 20 Member
    Allowing what you imagine other people might be thinking about you is only going to hurt you in the end. Be proud of the person you are and how hard you are working. I also have a belly but I LOVE yoga. No, I can't go as deeply into the poses as non bellied people but I still get the benefits and thats all that really matters. You are who you are. Own it!
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    I feel your pain. I am over 50 and ALWAYS feel like people are staring at me, even now. BUT... Just this past Sunday I was able to go BY MYSELF into the weights area at the gym and work out by myself.

    What I'm saying is "YOU GOT THIS!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!" and like another poster said... Sweat is Fat CRYING!!! Let it cry baby, let it cry!!!

    You have bunches of people here who will support you, Do this for yourself, and appreciate that you are getting healthier!!!

    Sharon :flowerforyou:
  • lilbit71
    lilbit71 Posts: 16 Member
    Please keep trying! You never know if someone else is in the gym for the first time EVER and they may see you and say well, if they can do it, so can I! You never know when you are someone's inspiration. It's like Weight Watchers, people keep coming back long after they reach goal, not just for them, but to show the new person that they CAN reach their goals because others before them have and keep doing it daily. So please, help me to keep coming me to realize that I am not alone in this battle, that other people feel gross and sweaty and feel like I do too! Help me to know that WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • stephlpirozek
    You should be proud that ur trying... think of it this way, even if you walk slow you are still doing laps around people who are just sitting on the couch... everyones got to start somewhere :) I know you can do it
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Aww shoot don't worry about what you think others might be thinking, kick *kitten* in your workout , buy yourself a pretty top to workout in and I think sweat is sexy , it is the fountain of youth!!!:flowerforyou:
  • kats1957
    kats1957 Posts: 21 Member
    Start small, say just walking, and record what you eat in the diary! That was the biggest eye-opener for many actual calories I ate in a day. I also have Achilles tendonitis in one heel, and I've lost only 9 pounds and I have hardly even noticed it in the last 5 or so days! Once you start to lose weight, even a little, the feet/knees, etc will feel better! You can do it!
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Sweating is a good thing. It gets toxins out of your body. Don't let that stop you. Even if you only walk up and down the hallway of your house or apartment to start with. Weight loss is mostly about the diet. You can exercise more as the weight comes off. Just make up your mind to do it. I wish you all the best in your journey to a better you. Good luck.
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    Don't let it get you down. You can do this!!
  • winsorsmom
    winsorsmom Posts: 14 Member
    I keep one saying in my head, "I would rather sweat like a pig at the gym, so that I can look like a fox when I put my bathing suit on!" I am still far from my goal, but darn it, I crank the treadmill on an incline of 9 (sometimes 12), at a pace of 4mph for 60 minutes (yes I hold on with that high of an incline) and I go at it... I don't care who is staring at me or what they are thinking... Screw them this is my journey not theirs and to be honest with you everyone else in the gym really could care less what anyone else is doing.

    When I first joined my gym, I use to go in a 3am when no one was there and kick *kitten* on the elliptical and try any new exercises that I didn't want to try in front of people, that's when it clicked that no one cares what I am doing and vice versa, everyone is in it to get healthy and be fit!!

    Good luck and just be yourself.
  • Pamm8577
    Pamm8577 Posts: 17 Member
    I too have Achilles tendinitis, High Arches, Plantar Fascistic and yes it is a challenge, Its Painful, The best thing I found was to keep massaging it best you can Every day and to put your feet in a bucket of ice water to reduce inflammation but the best thing before you go exercising other then doing stretches is to tape up your ankle with athletic tape or heck I have used duck tape before lol, it really helps with the pain. Be sure and do stretches on your ankles, you can pull up you tube and they have some great videos that show you how. Taping has been the best for me. Good Luck and Don't Give up,
  • tomoswilding
    tomoswilding Posts: 56 Member
    Cycling is the answer. I'm big, I'm heavy, and whilst I have a good frame of muscle, (especially in my legs,) I'm the same - hate being stared at by steroid-heads in the gym, embarrassed to be on the running machine next to the incredibly hot girl in the lycra, (plus I can't run to save my life!)

    However, I'm a beast on the stationary cycle, (and on a road bike,) and I'm pretty good on the stationary rower too. From a social point of view, spin class is a great workout where EVERYONE is sweaty and red by the end, so I fit right in!

    I think it's about finding exercise that suits you, both in how comfortable you feel doing it and how accessible it is to you. Despite how you feel there is something out there for you that you will enjoy. :)
  • sandy_gee
    sandy_gee Posts: 372 Member


