Torn Plantar Fascia - I've tried everything! HELP!

Back at the end of February, I tore my plantar Fascia on my left foot really badly (Heel spur) and I've done so much to help it heal (also hurt my right foot as well, but no where near as bad as my left) I have been to the Dr and to the physical therapist. I am doing what I am told to do. Usually I take 800mg of Motrin twice a day for 7-10 days and that gets rid of the pesky inflammation, but due to the tear this time, it has taken forever to heal. I have done all that PT has instructed me to do - I even got that foot thing that you wear to bed at night (that caused me sleepless nights because i am a belly sleeper so it didn't work out so well!) I've been icing it after working out or walking. I even went and spent $50 on the right special insoles. I've gone to the podiatrist who told me that my foot has a high arch, but because I am heavy, I am not flat footed - so even got insoles from him.

I am now going on 5 months with no relief at all. I finally went to a running store yesterday (I'm not a runner, yet) but this place measures your feet, watches you walk barefoot to see how your arches collapse, checks to see in which direction you pronate, etc... and then picks out shoes for you based on what your feet need. Turns out that my feet were a good fit for a pair of men's Brooks (I am a female!) I also ended up with a new pair of heat moldable arch supports by Montrail. At the time, the shoes fit great with the insole. I wore them all day yesterday and all day today. My left foot hurts WAY worse today than it has in months. Did I make a mistake spending $200 on the shoes and arch supports? The shoes were $160 - hands down the most I have ever spent on a pair of tennis shoes. The insoles were $40. The shoe place did tell me that I have 30 days to wear the hell out of the shoes and if I am not satisfied, I can bring them back and exchange for another pair. I'm wondering if my foot just needs time to adjust to better shoes?

And I'm begging for a remedy that i haven't tried yet? Something that works for you when this happens?

I do not want to stop losing weight - I do not want to stop working out. But it's getting to the point where I can hardly walk when I stand up!!

Any advice will be graciously taken!



  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I had PF but not nearly as bad as you. It took lots of time to recover.. Ice and Motrin with lots of rest. Over time, it got better and I have ran several half marathons, training for a full.

    My advice... Rest, ice, Motrin and patience. Take a few days off, rest then try the shoes again. Try this for a few weeks and if the shoes aren't helping at all.. Take them back.

    (((Hugs))) hang in there! I used to get so frustrated that I would never been able to run. I kept at it though and here I am!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,722 Member
    I've had PF with heel spurs. I was prescribed calf stretches and over the counter arch supports which got rid of the problem. The calf stretches which really helped were done as follows:

    Place a cutting board on a book that is about 2 inches thick. Stand with your toes raised on it for five minutes at a time, a couple of times a day. I had this set up in front of the wash basin where I brush my teeth, as well as a spot in the kitchen.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I had pf and got insoles made by a podiatrist. He cast my feet and made hard plastic insoles. It felt like I was walking on tennis balls at first. It was $330 for the insoles. That was what Ins. didn't cover.

    Good luck pf sucks. I'd return the new sneaks.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Demand better help from your doctor and PT. Have they done any PT beyond exercises? (Ultrasound or electric stimulation?) Air cast to let it heal?
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Try Hoka One Ones. I started wearing them when I developed a foot problem on a 24mi run. I had a friend who had torn her plantar fascia and was in a "boot" and nothing helped....I had her try my hokas and she couldn't believe how much relief they gave her. She ordered a pair and had them overnighted, and has been happy ever since.

    They are a bit expensive, but if you order through roadrunner sports and become a VIP member (for $1.99 online) you get 10% off and can try the shoes for 90 days to see if you like them.

    Good luck!
  • dmurray407
    My husband has PF, tried new shoes, new inserts, stretches, anything he could do to avoid going to see his MD. He finally went to the doc who gave him a cortisone injection in his heel. He immediately felt better. When the lidocaine mixed in with the cortisone wore off it hurt quite a bit for a day or so. Now after a week and a half the pain is gone. Not sure if this would work in your situation but it might be worth checking out.
  • Docpremie
    Docpremie Posts: 228 Member
    I wear the Orthaheel brand of shoes & it has taken away all pain from PF. I wear Alegria shoes for work (I'm an intensive care physician & spend tons of hours on my feet.) For casual, I spend most of my time in Orthaheels flip flops, and for exercise, I wear the Orthaheel tennis shoes. They really fit into & fill your arch (I have a high arch), so they feel a little weird at first, but within a couple days, my feet felt fabulous!!! The Orthaheel brand was developed by a podiatrist.
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    Anyone ever read the book "Born to Run"? or anything about barefoot or minimalist running? I get the idea from researching that changing the way you move when you walk or jog helps a lot more than orthodics or expensive shoes. I can't speak from experience since I've never had a foot injury, but my dad was a huge supporter of minimalist running and I've started jogging wearing Feiyue shoes, which are martial arts shoes, without any problems. Like I said can't speak from experience but I've read a hell of a lot of stories online (when I started researching footwear) of people curing Plantar Fasciitis with foot strengthening exercises that help reduce the amount of impact your body puts on the heel of your foot - I also have several e-books on the subject if you would be interested
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I tried the orthaheel and it makes mine worse. I wouldn't invest more money without guidance from your doc or PT.
  • ThriveAZ
    ThriveAZ Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a PF veteran, having dealt with this issue on one foot, then the other, over the past 2 years. Here's what finally fixed the problem:
    1. Superfeet insoles. I use the green ones. Sore the first 2-3 days as feet adjust, then much better. Everyone's feet are different however, so you may have to try a few before you find the one that works for you.
    2. Strassburg sock at night ( The plantar shortens at night and heals in a shortened position, then when you take your first few steps in the morning, you re-injure it. Best for the plantar fascia to heal in the lengthened position, which is what this sock does.
    3. If neither of these work, see an orthopedic doc and ask him to prescribe the Dynasplint.
    4. IMPORTANT: Before you get out of bed in the morning, pull the toes of your foot back to stretch the fascia, for at least one minute, before stepping on the ground. This will also prevent further damage and help speed healing.

    Best of luck to you -- it will get better, I promise.
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member
    Have you tried going barefoot whenever possible? Google it and see what you find on the subject. Some doctors/patience swear by others say definitely no. Some people use vibram 5 fingers. I'm sorry your going through this. I just wanted to put something else out there before you go the steriod or surgery route. Massage is good to,not as mean as the PT:-)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Have you tried going barefoot whenever possible? Google it and see what you find on the subject. Some doctors/patience swear by others say definitely no. Some people use vibram 5 fingers. I'm sorry your going through this. I just wanted to put something else out there before you go the steriod or surgery route. Massage is good to,not as mean as the PT:-)

    My doc says absolutely not on the bare feet. (FWIW, I hate wearing shoes and always took my shoes off as soon as I get home and put them on just before leaving, and I've got a killer case.)
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I have had PF now for 4 months and I have tried everything as well. I got special made custom inserts for my tennis shoes that help when walking/exercising except for the fact that they make my foot sit too high in the shoe and give me blisters.

    I wear the PF brace at night which make a huge difference when getting out of bed in the morning (if I don't wear it, I almost need crutches to walk). I know you are a belly sleeper so it didn't work for you. Stretches and calf raises are very important as well.

    Mine is taking forever to heal and although it isn't as bad as it used to be, it is still painful and really a problem at work when I am in very high, non supportive heels. I have given up walking around barefoot and in flip flops for now (which is a huge adjustment for me).

    I am thinking about trying the steroid shots in my foot to see if it will make a difference. You might want to talk to your doctor about it.

    Best of luck for a speedy recovery :)
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    Mine was not torn. I was using Voltaren Gel and it helped. I also found a website that said when you walk on the tread mill to make sure your arms swing naturally and to walk on an incline. I sent the article to someone else never heard back if it helped them. I can tell you following the advice from this article saved me I have been pain free for about 6 months now. I can look for it again if you want to read it. Again I did not have a tear. I also had inserts made by my dr. I love them, all they say on them is allied labs hybrid. My dr said NEVER barefoot. I have my sneakers on all day till I hit the shower then bed. My kids laugh they say moms eternal punishment being insneakers all day...hahha funny kids..NOT..:)
  • mewilmes
    mewilmes Posts: 44 Member
    Try Rock Tape. You should be able to get it at a running store or on-line. Are you able to keep your feet in a neutral position while you sleep? Maybe by sleeping with your feet against a wall. Good luck! PF is rough.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    Stretching before you get up might help. The best thing I've found for fascia and tendinosis pain has been Super Cissus. And yeah, it sucks, but -- rest.
  • email4jenp
    email4jenp Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you so much for all of your replies! I appreciate you retelling me your experiences and what has worked for you.

    I do go to PT and in addition to the stretches, they do ultrasound - I am still not sure if that is actually working or not. Right now I've opted not to get the cortisone shot and my reasoning is since I tore the PF, if I get the shot, it masks the pain and I am worried about re-injuring it further if I push harder since the pain isn't there to stop me. I'm not at the surgery door stop yet either. I've had PF in the past pretty bad before, but not this bad. But I think I would have to endure this for more than a year for surgery (and I am just not a surgery person if it's really truly not needed, which I don't think it is at this point) I really need to lose quite a bit of weight, I know taking the weight off will help significantly, but I need to be able to walk and work out too! It's a catch 22!

    I see a few things here that I will definitely try. I have not tried the rock tape yet and I will look into orthaheel and read some reviews. I know once I get my foot healed, I will be way more aware! I injured it walking 7 miles aggressively and not wearing the right shoes.

    The Dr did suggest minimalist shoes - however, I can't do that while injured. I tried a pair on at the shoe store and there is no way I would wear them right now. I have such a high arch that it's just not for me. Maybe when I am at my goal weight and my foot has healed, it might be something i might be interested in trying out. I also never walk around barefoot (that causes so much more pain for me while injured and I avoid flip flops when I can (but we have pool, so I do use flips between the house and pool) and wear tennis shoes constantly out and about.

    I'm always open to more suggestions!

    Thanks again!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My gym buddy is finally on the path to recovering from a bad case of PF after a year of trying just about every option under the sun. What has really helped her is a combination of regular stretching and wearing specific shoes (birkenstock sandals in her case). For activity, stationary bike was the perfect answer. She could do the elliptical and some stair work too but had to be very careful about form and only lasted about 10 minutes before the pain got too bad to continue.

    You say you stretch with your PT but have they given you a routine of exercise/stretches to do on your own?

    A couple of other therapy options you may want to look into (either ask your current PT or find another local provider) is the Graston Technique and the use of Kinesio Tape. Graston can be a bit painful but the idea is to break up the scar tissue in that fascia which will allow for proper healing. I've had it done to my ankle after a bad sprain and to my shoulder (chronic issue) and it has helped immensely.
  • email4jenp
    email4jenp Posts: 52 Member
    Yep - I went to the PT for 4 weeks (one day each week) and they gave me a bunch of great stretches to do & tips for icing, etc... I love the PT. I do stretch before I get out of bed in the morning.

    One thing I did yesterday and today so far (thankfully have been home and not super busy) is that I have iced my foot constantly. I made my own ice pack (2 parts water, 1 part rubbing alcohol) and I put it in a large zip lock bag (doubled up and sealed with duct tape! LOL!) and I like how that pack molded to my foot better than the other ice pack I was using. I want to say that I think I feel a slight bit better.

    I am about to go for a walk though - just 10 minutes & ice it again and see if the constant icing helps.
  • mark511
    mark511 Posts: 2
    I tore my PF like you. After a couple of years PF, I finally tore mine as well and was told by my doctor to stop stretching immediately! You will only make it worse he said. The stretching is for regular PF not if the thing is torn. At least until it has some healing time. I believe my tear was due to 5 steroid shots. Had I known that it there was a good chance of a tear from the shots I would have never got them. You would think the doctor would tell you that. The last one being so painful I could not walk for a day or two then I felt the thing tear. Now, I have got a small ball of scar tissue where it tore. I was told to roll my foot on a golf ball to break up the scar tissue but that that method seems to tear it or at least it feels like it is tearing again. If I use the inserts it just makes it worse and I have been to two orthopedic doctors. Honestly, I feel their science related to torn PF is not much better than it was in 1920’s mainly ending with a $100 charge and a pat on the back.