

  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies –

    It seems like most of us are experiencing hot and muggy weather, no matter where we live at. I was at Baltimore Inner Harbor on Saturday for a concert and it was pretty brutal out there. I have been pretty consistent in logging my food and exercise, although I did go over my calorie limit a few times, but my weight has been pretty stable. On a gardening front, I got my first yellow squash and zucchini out of the garden. Sautéed them up in olive oil and garlic last night, quite tasty.

    Anyone doing T25 from Beach Body? This is my first week and I completed the Speed Workout this morning. I liked the Insanity workout, but found it sometime hard to find 60 minutes to get it in, where T25 is 25 minutes, which is totally doable before work.

    :smile: Polly – I always think its good to reflect back and see our measurements. Believe it or not I have a notebook where I have tracked my measurements since I was in my 30’s. Sadly I’m larger today, but I think it is good to track our progress or see where we need to get to. My days of the 26 inch waist are long gone.
    :smile: Kat in Maryland – I love my fitbit, my goal is 14,000 a day. http://www.fitbit.com/user/22GT66 , please feel free to add me.
    :smile: Deb A – sounds like you had a lovely time camping.
    :smile: Heather – what a great NSV – ½ inch for waist and hips is great progress.
    :smile: Lila – I am envious of you and your shortened workweeks for the rest of the summer. How much vacation time do you get? I get 4 weeks, but it doesn’t seem like enough.

    Take care and stay cool.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I hope you recover quickly. Nothing is worse than stress. Congrats on excellent strategy at Golden Corral.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Bon Voyage. I hope everything turns out well.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Pat: I pill my pets by putting the pill on my finger and pushing it down their throats. I’ve been doing this with various cats and dogs over the years, and none of them seems to mind. It is fast and certain. Holding the cats is a trick until they learn. I wrap beginners in a towel.:wink:

    Linda: Congratulations on the great surgical outcomes. Good luck in court.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I’m so sorry to hear about tragedy in Quebec. Sending prayers to the grieving families.:flowerforyou:

    K in Western Washington: Welcome. This is a nice group of women.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: It is good to see you here. I hope you get home in time to enjoy summer.:flowerforyou:

    Lin C: I’m glad you enjoyed the music festival. It sounds wonderful. It will be good to see you around here again.:bigsmile:

    M: Glad you had a great vacation, even if the trip home was long and hot.:flowerforyou:

    I’m finally feeling noticeably better! Yay!!! :bigsmile: I went to yoga this morning for the first time in weeks, and walked downtown and got a haircut. Now I’m at home waiting with DH for the Century Link people to come and install Direct TV. We had it before and I liked it, but DH got restless so we switched to Comcast. Comcast service here has been declining while rates have been escalating, so we’re going to give Century Link a try. DSIL is quite happy with it. The only down side is that Direct TV doesn’t carry Pac 12 Sports. :cry: I’m not a genuine sports fan, but I love my Ducks. :heart: I think I might be able to get an internet subscription if I miss them too much. I almost forgot to mention the tomatoes. I've picked fresh ripe tomatoes from my own plant twice now. This is big news in Western Oregon where tomatoes often don't ripen until August.:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    July goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member

    The Lavender Festival is coming soon. Here is one of the lavender plants in our front yard. We planted it when we moved in in 2011.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :flowerforyou: K (Iwantodance)….welcome to our friendly community…….I live on the Olympic Peninsula and love the weather all year…..I love to dance and dance three days a week ( line dance). I found my first class when I retired and moved up here and now it is my passion along with walking my two Standard Poodles. I hope you will keep coming back and don’t worry about keeping up, just read some and comment some. Is that your dog? Tell us about her.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, congrats on getting a pedometer…..now that you have it, you’ll increase your steps a bit at a time….i started going to bed a little earlier and getting up a little earlier to be able to walk in the morning……it sounds like you have a good plan with your treadmill

    :flowerforyou: Marcie, if you can have fish and turkey, that’s great. Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods so I feel so sad for you that you can’t have it, but it appears that you have an awesome positive attitude that will serve you well in everything you do.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, thanks for checking in….you have been on my mind….how great to be able to shop from your hospital bed.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, when I have a high sodium meal, it takes at least four days for the water retention weight to go away…..do not be discouraged.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lin, your six day musical trip sounds awesome…..welcome back.

    :flowerforyou: Pat (Phoo), I gave up coffee four years ago (cut back gradually like detoxing from drugs) and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and stuck to……I can get up early and get moving right away without sitting with coffee and without having to p** halfway through my walk.

    :flowerforyou: Rachel, welcome….I love your cheerful positive attitude.

    :flowerforyou: Janie, I post a lot on this thread and one more and post only a tidbit of info on the newsfeed.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: I walked the dogs for over three hours this morning because I knew that they would hate going out once it got hot and I was right. I spent two hours on my garden project before it got too hot for me. In a few minutes we’re going to a friend’s house for dinner----have no idea what she’s fixing…she recently did some major remodeling and I am eager to see what her house looks like now.

    :heart: Barbie from sunny and warm NW Washington


    July Resolutions:
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard
    *continue with the squat challenge
    * a plank a day
    *18,000 steps a day
    *don’t take things personally
    *don’t expect praise or recognition
    *keep doing the things that have been working
  • CritterSue
    CritterSue Posts: 54 Member
    Hi All,
    Haven't been chatty, been in a funk. Just wanted to say hi and get back into a routine.
    Barbie-that lavender picture is lovely! Ours is blooming too, and smells fabulous when you walk by it.
    Hope everyone is doing well...
    Critter Sue:wink:
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Barbie - your Lavender is beautiful.

    Critter Sue - sorry you've been in a funk. This hot humid weather isn't easy but it should be drier at the weekend. Hope you feel better soon :happy: Do you have a doggie daycare? I know you talk about your dogs but I think you mentioned clients too.

    I made pasta Alfredo for the family and couldn't summon the enthusiasm for yet more chicken and veggies. I used the Shiratake noodles and measured 1/4 cup of the sauce, and had that with my chicken and broccoli. Of course it wasn't the same as pasta, but I didn't feel quite as deprived. And the sauce was made with nonfat milk and low fat Philly so not too many calories. Thanks Heather for the reminder about those noodles.

    Helen in grey, humid Needham, MA
  • vanessabeams
    vanessabeams Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I only join 5 days ago just looking for support on my weight loss journey Im 50 years old Married for 30 years Mum to three beautiful Grown children Time to take time for me I have over 30 kgs to loose So will be a life time commitement Please add me as a friend as i dont know how to get friends lol Vanessa :)
  • altygirl
    altygirl Posts: 57 Member
    Lucy in DE - I had to blink when I read your post about grandchildren and great-grands. You don't look old enough!! I saw that one of your goals is running outside. Do you do that now? When did you start running? I'm doing interval running on the treadmill and would love to think I could just put on my sneakers, go out of the front door and run, but it's so hard. You're inspiring me.

    Helen in Needham, MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    to tired to comment much tonight,14,000 steps on the pedometer,,13,000 + on the fitbit, I am tuckered..
    will talk with you all in the a.m:wink:
    P.S. Chester did well,back in 2 weeks to gt stitches out, and he is eating sooo, trying to keep him on the floor in his doggie bed will be the issue tonight:laugh:
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,937 Member
    Only have a short time to post. Here is the link to my new challenge! I hope you all can join me! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1040872-move-it-move-it-challange
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks Suzy, I sent you a fitbit invite. Looking forward to egging each other on! Anyone else want to be fitbit buddies?

    I have been getting to the gym more, which was one of my goals for this month. I hope my knee holds out and I can continue. I've tried to simmer down a bit, just doing 1/2 hour on the Arc Trainer. I did THINK about calling the dentist, so I'm getting closer to that goal too. :)

    I am getting killed by mosquitos... any tips on something not too toxic that I can use to keep them off when I walk?

    Thanks ladies, continued success!
    Kat in Maryland
  • newstar44
    newstar44 Posts: 87 Member
    New to this.....just returning to MFP. July goals are to start off strong with consistent logging and getting myself up and exercising again. Put my fitbit on for the first time in months today. Not doing too well, my job is mostly behind a desk, but will try to increase that as well. Nice to meet you all!

    Adrienne in California

    Oh, beautiful lavender Barbie. Mine doesn't even come close. Any tips?
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi girlfriends. Wow today was hot; the heat index was 107! That’s 41.6 C! I went in to work today but as usual didn’t get anything accomplished. By the time I deal with 300+ emails, and visiting faculty, I am out of time. I think next Monday I’ll do the mail from home and not even open it on Tuesday when I go in. I did take a little walk outside. My office was freezing. I walked at a moderate pace and it really wasn’t that bad; there was a breeze and the humidity wasn’t too bad at that time (around 1:30). I’m sure if you were working outside it would have been horrible though. When I left it was miserable. By the time I got home, the metal parts of my key ring were scorching even with the AC on in the car!

    Today was weigh in day and I lost ½ pound. I will sure take it but I wish it had been more!

    Yanniejannie: those frozen meals are swarming with sodium. I love Boston Market and I imagine that is why!

    Michele: you probably won’t see this but have a safe and good trip!

    Janie: sorry your knee is still complaining about the fall!

    Barbie: I think I am going to take up your habit of writing a gratitude list each day. I am often cranky and “pissy” especially at the kids who seem to annoy me like no other. I need to realize that I have sooooo much to be thankful for.

    Renny: we have had news about the runaway train for a couple of days now. How tragic for that little town. Today’s news said that the officials have some evidence that is leading them to open a criminal investigation. I always think of Canada as so peaceful and with so little crime. The whole thing is shocking and sad.

    Lila: I am the same about the water. It’s like the more I need it the less likely I am to have it.
    t’s already after dinner and I’ve had 1 galls plus a caffeine free diet pop.

    Joyce: I’m proud of you too!

    K: welcome aboard!

    Terri: visiting is always so much fun, but tends to be bad on food! I know when I go to my inlaws in Oklahoma….OMG white bread (which I think is poison LOL), bologna, bacon eggs and biscuits and gravy, no fruit of any kind, no vegetables except home canned beans and fresh tomatoes. It’s horrible. One time I decided to take a watermelon “basket” with fresh fruit inside…you know where cut the melon in half in a zig zag fashion and scoop out the melon, then fill it with fruit? DH;s entire family was AMAZED and really didn’t know what to do with it! I kept getting requests for the recipe. Now I know to take at least some fresh fruit when we go!

    Molly: nice to see you

    4dogmom: good for you to be under!

    Heather: jealous of your weather! The discussion about face exercises and all cracks me up….a few months ago I spent several hundred dollars (not in our budget!!!) on face creams…you know potions and lotions. The word got out at work and now people see me and tease me by either wanting to feel my face or by doing the “Vanna White” display up under my face! It’s pretty hilarious and all in good fun

    Mary: it’s amazing how little exercising we actually do isn’t it? I have heard though that many pedometers don’t accurately track some exercises like treadmills, so don’t be disappointed if yours doesn’t. I lower my expectations on water aerobics days!

    Marcie: you are not alone in the chewing up forbidden foods then spitting them out. I know several people who do that! Like

    DeeDee I thought you couldn’t have any type of meat at all.

    Amanda: so glad your operation is over but so sorry you are still in hospital and attached to all manner of things. I hope you are feeling better! I also am very glad to hear you are not being attended to be drips!

    Grandmallie: keep up the good work. I know it’s frustrating when you don’t lose.

    DeeDee: glad your news feed said no cancer news! That’s great! I know you wouldn’t unfriend me!

    Lin: welcome back and glad you had fun! I have a refridgerator magnet that says “HEY! I AM in shape. Round IS a shape! (isn’t it?)” Good for you to not gain weight

    M: glad you are back and so glad you had a great vacation!

    DebA: I am trying to read Red Rabbit; it’s an old Tom Clancy book I have had but never read

    Lucy: welcome back and I’m sure you had a wonderful time!

    SandY ;the site has been having some weird issues! Can you add some walking at work? Around the building? Around the floor? I have started doing laps around my little square when I print or copy.

    Pat: boy you should see our house with 3 cats and a dog….talk about hair everywhere. We joke that when you open a can of tuna it already has hair in it! We do the best we can and that’s why we have a cleaning lady, but OMG we have tons of hair.

    Rachel welcome to our group and come back often

    Katla: I am so glad you are feeling that much better. We have century link and it’s a fortune. We bundle our phone, computer and TV (puppy anyone LOL). Pretty good service but even with basic stuff it’s costly

    Barbie: beautiful lavender. I’m glad you told us what it was; I thought it was a salvia!

    Critter sue: do you know what is causing your funk?

    Vanessa: welcome to you too!

    Kat: well I’m not sure it’s non-toxic, but anything with DEET is what is recommended for mosquitoes to prevent West Nile and other mosquito-borne diseases

    Adrienne; welcome to you too!

    Well I’m off for the evening. Take care everyone! Meg from steamy Omaha where the senior golfers were suffering today!
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Ladies, I am back with a vengeance! I had a 2 hour workout in the gym yesterday and a 1-1/2 hour today! I feel so much better when I workout. My DSO and I made a commitment to go to Jamaica in April and I plan to be wearing a less matronly bathing suit! So it is on! I didn't do so hot with my June goals but I am definitely going to meet my July goals of working out no less than three times each week, walk the dog at least five times each week, and down at least eight glasses of water each day!

    Grandmallie – I was observing the cute little butts and racer back gym shirts in the gym this afternoon.:sad: I agree with you….I won’t ever look like that but I will still be looking pretty darn good plus I’ll be healthy. As a matter of fact I had a NSV today…a lady came into my office and was telling me that she wasn’t feeling too good about herself. She was pretty sure that I wouldn’t understand because I was so much younger than she was. So I asked her how old she was (52) and told her I would be 55 in a couple of weeks. She declared that she thought I was in my 40s. That really felt good! I’ll be praying for Chester and hope he has a good recovery. I keep lots of steamables in the fridge. They do the trick and are healthy for quick hot meals. No need for chiding from anyone. My DSO thinks I am a fantastic chef!:laugh:

    Pat – Hope you get settled in quickly. I also hope you are able to take advantage of the small private pool!:wink:

    Joyce – Great job at Golden Corral! We live within walking distance of one and I refuse to test myself. The hot rolls would be just too hard to resist.:smile:

    Barbie – At this point in my life I recognize that I can’t fix everything for everybody so I don’t try anymore. I do what I can but most of all try to ensure that I am taking care of myself. Usually it all works out with a little encouragement and prayer. Thanks for the well wishes.:smile:

    K in Western Washington – I can’t keep up as much as I would like, but I love the group. There are always words of encouragement for this journey! Welcome!:bigsmile:

    4Dogmom – Good For You! :bigsmile:

    Amanda x – I’m rolling with my strength and your great thought!

    Rachel and Vanessa Beams– Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Janie 12835 – I do post in both places but I prefer here!:tongue:

    Barbie – You lavender is beautiful!:flowerforyou:

    Critter Sue – Funks happen to the best of us!:smile:

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Long day........just home about an hour ago. Stretch between 7--8am, then tried zumba at a city rec center with three friends who talked me in to it 9--10am (liked it, BTW; although I felt strange to say the least waving pom poms around). We were going to lunch so needed to fill in a little time, we ended up shooting a little 8 ball (pool). I ended up winning which is amazing since I haven't touched a stick in probably 40 yrs!!! Home, showered, loaded the car with watermelons and drove to a charity picnic where I added some steps to the old pedometer.....over 13,000 for the day!!!

    Barbie.........I like the idea of a gratitude list, sometimes it's good to take time to remember the good stuff...LOVE your lavender!!!

    Lucy.....I'm very glad you had such a good visit with your family, made some good memories, I'll bet.

    Renny........beautiful baby!!!! congrats, my daughter called my mom Oma too.

    Terri............hope you made your zumba class too (and liked it!!!)

    Amanda........best wishes that you feel better and get home soon

    M..........I go miles out of my way to avoid I 95---and I wouldn't drive DC for a million dollars---you are a brave woman in my book!!

    Pat.......love reading about your "Adventures in catsitting"

    Sandy........Portuguese????? I wouldn't know what it was! Please send some of that rain or I'll have to water everything tomorrow!

    Katla..........SO glad you are feeling better!!!

    Hello to everyone else and welcome newbies; come back often!!!

    yanniejannie, mid-Atlantic
  • vanessabeams
    vanessabeams Posts: 15 Member
    just looking for friends to add me to help me along my weight lost journey Please feel free to add me as friend as im new and not sure how that works :)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    You just got a whole bunch of new friends just by posting! We are all on that journey also so hop on.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janie12835
    janie12835 Posts: 75
    I'vee gone to that lavendar festival - how wonderful!
  • MaMa2Charley
    :flowerforyou: Morning dolls!

    Amanda I hope that you are better this morning.

    DeeDee it isn't being nosy because if you don't ask you can't learn! Ask away. Gr8 news from your doc! Did you pin prick yet lol!

    Barbie I LOVE lavender and have a bottle of lavender oil right next to me. So good for headaches. Charley will walk with Lou (DH) then will stop in his tracks sit at his feet as if to say pick me up and carry me home or back to the car (when he waits for me at a shop) and Lou does! Me, he walks just fine up and all the way back home!

    Vanessa welcome to a wonderful, supportive team.

    Grandmallie what was wrng with Chester? So glad he is eating and feeling better.

    Meg we are HOT here in CO as well and talk about hot it is already 80! Wouldn't a mister be nice?

    I bought 2 watermelons for $5.98 total and can't wait to have a cup of the gorgeous watermelon. Also bought me 2 granny smith apples and 4 plums (plums will be my try this fruit again!).
    They had turkey medallions on sale so this is my protein for a few days.

    My DH, Lou, is not on any eating program but food and all sweets! I worry about him but this is his choice. it saddens me but he isn't ready and has not hit rock bottom as they say.

    I read a lot of labels especially on cereal and found that Honey Bunches of Oats only has 6 grams of sugar compared to the 10+ ones that I read. Not sure if I will like it but Lou will! I also got me some Lactose Free milk so I am set for breakfast.

    Have any of you tried and liked steel cut oats?

    Off to plan my menu and track it.

    Enjoy this day ALL of you.

    Marcie in still HOT Colo :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    A beautiful summer's day here, the windows are open and the birch tree is rustling in the cool breeze. (Just trying to make you all jealous!):laugh: :bigsmile:

    Yesterday we had a Spanish Tortilla made with eggs from my DDIL's parent's hens and our own new potatoes and a side of our own broad beans. Finished off with a dessert of our own rhubarb. How cool is that! An almost free dinner! The potatoes are being attacked by red ants, so we dug them all up. Most are salvageable, but we threw a few away. We have had masses of blackcurrants this year and will be cooking some tonight with apples. We use mostly Stevia to sweeten and a drop of something alcoholic. DH adds a bit more sugar to his. BTW, DH does all the fruit cooking and takes care of the supplies. Also the breakfast fruit we have on our muesli. It's a Matisse picture with all the lovely colours. Main course is Guinea fowl and ditto above. I love it and the bones make a terrific stock. Cold meat is even better tomorrow.:love:

    Good news, and Meg, I am with you. I am definitely taking it, I have lost another 1/2 lb. Soooooooooo close now to healthy BMI. I am 25.04!!! Roll on that extra half:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Tere :happy: -a great NSV! I love it when people say that. Makes all our hard work worth while. Good for you for getting back on track so quickly.:flowerforyou: Can I come with you to Jamaica - it's one of the places on my bucket list.:glasses:

    Inspired by all the internet shopping yesterday - it's all your fault Amanda - by the way, happy healing - I bought some wedge espadrilles. I decided there is little chance of me wearing my party heels on a regular basis, (Ow!) so thought these would be better. I got the wide as the reviews said they come up narrow. I have worn nothing but flats for thirty years because of bad knees and ankles, so this is a stretch for me. It would be nice to be able to wear a slight heel occasionally. They were in the sale. Hmmmm:huh:

    I'm loving my new pj shorts. Make me feel about 18!:blushing: :laugh: I'm not posting a pic though!:noway: :laugh:

    Have a good day, and for those who are not liking their weather, come and visit England!

    Heather in perfect Hampshire UK:flowerforyou: