Doctor Said NOTHING!!

Today I had a doctor appointment. The last time I saw her in March I had just started my weight loss journey. Today I had already met my goal and weigh 30 pounds less than I did. I was really proud of myself and waited to hear a small "congratulations" or "you look great" when I stepped on the scale. And I got NOTHING! I am BUMMED. You can believe if I put ON 30 pounds someone would have said something. UGH!!!!


  • Hughes39
    Hughes39 Posts: 169
    Today I had a doctor appointment. The last time I saw her in March I had just started my weight loss journey. Today I had already met my goal and weigh 30 pounds less than I did. I was really proud of myself and waited to hear a small "congratulations" or "you look great" when I stepped on the scale. And I got NOTHING! I am BUMMED. You can believe if I put ON 30 pounds someone would have said something. UGH!!!!
    Well I'll give you a BIG CONGRATULATIONS!
    Sometimes Drs just don't notice I guess. they have a lot of patients and not enough time to spend getting to know each of them!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    The same thing happened to me at my last doctor's appointment. At last year's appointment, they told me I should lose some weight, but then this year when I weighed 30 lbs. less, nothing was even mentioned.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Odd, yes, that your Doctor didn't acknowledge your weight loss... of all people, you would think your Doctor would celebrate it with you. However, don't be bummed!! Yes, it's nice to have the pat on the back. But, you know you've done something amazing for yourself and you should be nothing but proud!! Great job!! :flowerforyou:
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    You look great. Congratulations on your success. It's unfortunate that your doctor didn't say anything but rest assured you are still doing a great job.

    I was just thinking last night what my doctor is going to say the next time I see her ..
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    Whether anyone says anything or not, it is still good to know yourself! I know it is great to hear that someone recognizes your progress, but keep in mind that you have reached your goal!
    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    Well it doesn't seem like he was paying very close attention....I hope he wasn't like that the entire day. Congrats on loosing the weight.....
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    GIRL ~~ !! Same thing here. I've lost almost 25 pounds since I last saw my doctor. I had a physical this morning and nobody said a thing. The doctor, the nurse lady who does the preliminary stuff, nobody.

    But you know what? Yeah it sucked the fun out of the visit, but it really doesn't matter. I know I've lost the weight. I know I can do this now. That's all that matters.

    Be happy - you are awesome. xoxo
  • jhoyett
    jhoyett Posts: 92 Member
    You don't need them. Congratulations! You go girl!
  • oakesgina
    My doctor was one of my BIGGEST cheerleaders durning my weight loss . . . sounds like you need a new doctor : ( Sorry to hear that . . . you should have been greatly praised for your wonderful accomplishment ! My doctor said that only 1 in 50 of her patiences actually succeed with their weightloss journey !!!!! WAY TO GO :)
  • DancingDreamer
    some doctors dont know what its like. they've been thin their whole lives and dont understand that an overweight patient needs ENCOURAGEMENT! not only acknowledgement of them being fat and then none when they're healthy. go you! good for you! you are awesome! wow look how much you did all on your own! thats what they should have said because its allll true!

    ignore that silly doctor and their nonunderstandingness. boo on them. yay on you!

  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Booo!! They broke the 'hippopotamus' oath!!!
  • sexylonglegs
    Well, we are proud of you!!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Well we'll be your cheerleaders!! 30 pounds is awesome and YOU DID IT ALONE! You didn't need them then, and you don't need them now, you did great! Congratulations on hitting your goal!
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    No doctor or health care professional has ever said anything to me about my weight at all. Ever. My last appointment I weighed 230 pounds (I'm 5"5) and nothing! I went in because I was having foot pain (probably plantar's fasciitis) and the doctor didn't even mention that my weight could be contributing to the problem. He just suggested icing it and stretching.

    I really wish a doctor would have said something to me about my weight a long time ago, I probably would have been receptive. But nobody has ever tried to ask me about my weight gain or loss, so I've been able to ignore the problem.

    I think American doctors need to start telling their patients they need to lose weight. Maybe that would help the obesity epidemic we are going through.
  • monsalve2566
    Congratulations,,,,,,,,,,,, you looks wonderful,,,,,,,,,
  • copyqueen1964
    copyqueen1964 Posts: 3 Member
    Dr's can be the smartest people in medicine but the dumbest in the world!...Dont let this Dr discourage doesnt matter what they think...its what YOU feel inside...This is all about YOU what YOU are accomplishing!!! Congrats to you!!! Keep it UP! Like Your Smile! :happy:
  • shintowa
    shintowa Posts: 37
    Guess I'll say the other side of it, then. Some doctors and nurses are trained to not say anything. Yes, you wanted to hear something, but a lot of people do not, and will either get embarrassed or angry if a doctor says anything about their weight loss. Next time try bringing it up yourself, which will give them the okay to mention it, but don't expect them to say something, because often times, they can't.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    You are rocking it! Don't let it get you down!

    Honestly, and this is cynicaly, but I feel like many doctors don't look at it because they are rushed or because then they can't try to sell you on weight loss drugs/surgery/quick solutions that in the end make them money because they are so deep into the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry. My doctor was quick to write me a script for Meridia, get me signed up for lap band surgery, go do the crazy 500-800 calorie a day programs. But diet and exercise? That would not be profitable for him!

    You are doing great! Keep it up! :)
  • vineas
    vineas Posts: 84
    Same thing happened at my last appointment, he mentioned that my blood pressure was down, but didn't say a thing about the 44lb weight loss. Not that I was expecting him to jump up and cheer or something, but even just noticing it would have been nice. Same thing happened at a company party the other day, I'm a consultant and don't see people at the office very often, I'm about 35-40 lbs less then the last time I saw most people, not a word. I did overhear someone mention how they noticed someone else had lost weight, when they only lost like 10. Pretty annoying to say the least.
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Don't feel bad...I saw my Dr a year ago, and she spent 20 min lecturing me on my weight loss. I saw her a year later OVER 100 lbs lighter, and got NOTHING.....same thing happened to my husband...he lost 140 lbs, was totally healthy, and his dr told him....I think you should lose 6 more No encouragment of any deserve to be recognized for your hard work girl....congrats!!!