New from Dayton, OH

Hey everyone. I'm new here. My girlfriend showed me the iPhone app and I've been hooked since. I'm on day 16 of eating healthy and going back to the gym. It's crazy to see the progress in several different areas already. It would be easy to stop this completely and go back to being unhealthy, but I don't see it happening. I like this challenge! My girlfriend is a Registered Dietitian and she is also being a lot more healthier. We already loved our life together, now it's even more exciting. It's great to have someone that knows a lot about food and why it's good/bad to do certain things. Anyways, I look forward to posting a lot more. I am an avid forum poster on a bunch of other sites, so I'm sure it will be the same here.


  • ppatchell
    I'm a newbie too... Welcome!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bigran82
    Thanks! I'm just glad I have the willpower to not drink a case of beer every week like most of my friends. Or eat fast food every day. I'm trying to only eat out (get something healthier than I used to) a couple times a week at most. And only drink a 6-pack at most per week. Hope I can keep this up forever.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Welcome - I work for LexisNexis out of Dayton but live in Missouri. :smile:

    You like it here on MFP.

    See ya...
  • megharber
    i live in dayton as well. i have been doing this for about 80 days and LOVE it. I am still eating some "bad" foods on occasions like holidays and birthdays but with moderation. It's all about moderation to me and learning how to change you life and love the person that you are..
    congrats for starting this journey.
  • bigran82
    I love it so far. I have my iPhone on me 99% of the time, so it's easy to keep track of everything. I work probably 10 minutes from Lexis-Nexis.
  • bigran82
    Yes, I think my biggest problems in the past were:

    -drinking too much alcohol
    -eating too large of portions of the wrong kinds of food way too often
    -skipping a lot of meals
    -way too sedentary/not going to the gym for long periods of time
    -not taking vitamins
    -bad sleeping habits

    In only a couple weeks, I've totally changed all of that and I can already feel that I have so much more energy, I'm in a better mood, and I think I'm just a better person to be around. I live in Englewood and work Downtown.