Boyfriend doesn't like vegetables.



  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    My DH doesn't like many vegetables either. It's never stopped me from eating the ones he doesn't like myself or him cooking them for me (he is great at cooking veggies).

    I think DH and I are strange. We recognize we have different tastes in food. I would say more than 50% of the time there is not the exact same food on our plates. Just last night he grilled up shrimp for himself and tuna steak for me. I roasted potatoes for both of us. He steamed some green beans for both of us. Today we are both having chicken, but I'm going to finish up some broccoli I have (he hates), not sure what he will pair with the meal. Tomorrow he is having salmon, which 'm not a fan of. I'm having filet, which he is not a fan of. More than likely the sides will be shared, but we have not planned out that far.

    Sure if you have a big family it might not work out. Or if your SO expects you to do all the cooking. It's just DH and I and we both cook, so we make it work. There have been times where I've had a filet, potatoes and veggies and all he had was grilled cheese. Although most times there are shared items.

    We care more about eating dinner together, not what is on our plates.
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    He's a grown *kitten* man, if he doesn't want to eat them he won't, but don't let that alter your eating to accommodate his poor eating habits... Like people above suggested, get the veggies into meals like stir fries or in your eggs and ask him if he would like to try, if he doesn't it is really his loss...
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I used to not like veggies. At least, I thought I didn't like veggies. Turns out I didn't like the way my parents prepared them, or I didn't like the idea of them.

    I opened my mind to veggies and new ways of preparing them when I made the decision to get healthy. At first, I did best with veggies mixed into something -- soup, sauce, stir-fry, casserole, omelet, etc -- so that I wasn't tasting just the veg. Today it's not uncommon to have half my plate (or more!) covered with veggies.

    Learning to love veggies can be a process, but you have to be willing to start it.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    If he's an adult, who wants to get healthier, then he needs to suck it up. Vegetables are full of wonderful vitamins and fiber, and it's much easier to fill up within a calorie goal if they are part of the plan. Just keep eating them yourself and if he refuses, that's on him.
    QFT....if he says he wants to lose weight, that requires changing the way you eat....and if he's unwilling, then its his issue...just don't let it drag down your habits!
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    let him cook and eat what he wants. He's a grown up, isnt he? can't he choose what to eat?
  • nashai01
    nashai01 Posts: 536 Member
    I don't eat many veggies or fruits, however juicing has helped. Buy a juicer and make him some drinks. He may like the veggies mixed with fruit.
  • WhoButME28
    WhoButME28 Posts: 63 Member
    I didn't start eating veggies consistently until a couple of years after I began training. Til this day I really don't like them. So much so that I have to chew the ones I do eat with some kind of protein (usually a meat of some sort). I go for potatoes, green beans, cauliflower & broccoli. I also add carrots to shakes although my favorite is spinach - It's easy to eat due to the texture and you can also add it to shakes and not alter the taste of the drink.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    My hubby doesn't like them either. I've stopped making them for him because they just go to waste. I will chop up veggies very small and mix them into things. I put onions in his hamburgers, I stuff chicken and pork with cream cheese and broccoli, I put spinach leaves on his sandwiches instead of lettuce. I sneak a ton of veggies into chili. It's like feeding a very picky toddler. You have to sneak it in.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    My boyfriend and I are trying to lose weight together. He doesn't like any vegetables though besides potatoes and green beans. He will not eat them! I have tried...he will not. So, I guess I am looking for suggestion on how to cook and lose weight for someone who doesn't like vegetables....thanks!!!

    I think your boyfriend and my husband are the same person. That's about the extent of his liking for vegetables. I don't have much advice for you- I am assuming your BF is an adult just like my husband, and unless he wants to try and branch out to try new things, it likely won't happen. Does he like salad? My hubby actually likes lettuce and cucumber- then adds protein. Good filling nutritious dinner or lunch.

    I feel for you. There are so many recipes I would love to try, but 99% of them have things in them he won't eat. I refuse to cook two separate meals. On occasion I will make a batch of something I like and eat on t during the week for lunch, that way I don't get that overwhelming feeling of annoyance at his pickiness. It is extremely annoying. Good luck!
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    Maybe mix them into smoothies? Or juices? My husband loves V-8s. I think it's the most vile thing I've ever tasted in my life, but he loves it... so he drinks one a day with his lunch. The blender has also become his best friend. He throws all sorts of fruits and veggies in there - some taste better than others - but I think he just has fun playing with it :P

    You can also mix it into sauces... I'm not a big spinach fan, but if I blend it into pasta sauce or mix it in with a bean chili, neither of us really notices it. Also, just experiment with different veggies/fruits... I used to think I didn't like veggies at all & never ate any. Just took a lot of trying new ones and expermenting to find what I do like... for instance, I dont' like mushrooms raw at all, cooked in a stir fry I can tolerate, but in pasta/pizza - love!

    Beyond that, I think he's on his own! But don't let that stop you from enjoying them :)
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    I sneak veggies into my toddler's foods, but wouldn't try to trick an adult, lol! That being said, one of my favorite things for my boy is to mix veggies into pancakes. Instead of mixing in plain water, I will blend apple juice, spinach, carrots, greek yogurt, and some other berries or fruits. It's delicious! Smoothies are great because the fruit covers up the veggies in my opinion.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    I prefer cast iron skillet for most of my cooking.. just not vegetables.. they stick so bad. So get a good non-stick skillet. I use olive oil and/or the butter no-calorie cooking spray. Broccoli is probably our favorite veggie here. I use granulated garlic, or garlic powder, salt, and some olive oil. If I'm short on calories I'll spray it down with the 0-cal spray. If I'm not too short, or won't be too much over, then I use some olive oil.. more natural. I just don't understand the ability not to like broccoli. We like green beans too but haven't gotten them lately due to local price.

    We also eat a lot of swiss chard and kale.. but those can be hard to eat especially for someone who doesn't like veggies anyways. How does someone get raised not eating vegetables?? Especially dieting.. when you are this hungry anything tastes good it seems :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    My boyfriend and I are trying to lose weight together. He doesn't like any vegetables though besides potatoes and green beans. He will not eat them! I have tried...he will not. So, I guess I am looking for suggestion on how to cook and lose weight for someone who doesn't like vegetables....thanks!!!
    I'd tell him to grow up and man up and eat his vegetables. He's not a 4 year old is he. Don't pander to him by doing that he'll never eat them
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I'm patiently waiting for this thread to evolve into "dump him because he's so abusive."

    But seriously, if he doesn't want vegetables then leave him alone. Don't be telling guys what to eat. That's what moms are for!
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    He sounds like a bit of a baby. Sometimes you just have to force them down, and then you just get use to them, or if he likes fruit, make a fruit smoothie, with carrots, and spinach in it, you can't even taste them.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    We didn't always like the foods that we eat now (generally a true statement) as we had to learn what foods we liked from infancy. This means that our decisions on what foods we do and do not like can continue to change as we choose to eat them and not reject them for not currently enjoying them.

    He just needs to eat them and find ways to like them, it's not healthy to not eat his veggies and honestly green beans and potatoes do no have enough nutrition to get him buy without absolutely having to take a multivitamin. If you can get him to agree to try different ways of cooking the veggies to find ways to enjoy it then you will have success with him eating more of them.
  • LGcentaur
    LGcentaur Posts: 3
    My husband won't eat a vegetable unless its a potato, corn, or onion. He's not trying to lose weight as he's actually underweight at present, but here are some suggestions I've picked up:

    1. Start him on a daily vitamin so he still meets his nutrient needs.
    2. See if you can get him to drink V-8 and other type drinks.
    3. Hide vegetables where you can - my favorite is adding some spinach to spaghetti sauce.
    4. Mix tiny pieces of other vegetables with the ones he will eat - like chopped red peppers with green beans.
    5. If you can find veggie burgers and hot dogs which still taste similar to meat-based versions and look like meat, see if he'll eat those.
    6. Don't warn him about adding vegetables, just do. Eventually, he'll either stop asking and just eat it or learn to like them.
    7. Find other foods, like Whonu? cookies, which have the nutrition of vegetables without the veggies.

    Good luck!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    ha.. put them on his plate anyway. lol. I do.

    puree them and mix them into other parts of dinner..there are entire cookbooks dedicated to this deception..

    Buy different veggies.. weird ones.. and insist on trying them together.

    Cook them differenlty. I hate boiled beets, but love them roasted.

    Make it a fun challenge that you two can do togheter. Experiments in the kitchen. LOL. (hence why I call my dinner meals concoctions. LOL)

    imo organic veggies taste better. esp tomatoes.
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    I have to say I'm always confused by people who "hate ALL vegetables". That's a wide, wide variety of flavors, textures, and potential ways of cooking them to dismiss out of hand. Different vegetables don't taste the same way or even have the same sort of texture. butternut squash =/= spinach =/= carrots =/= avocados =/= broccoli =/=onions =/= mushrooms, etc. I can understand disliking the flavor or texture of a certain vegetables, but saying "all"...

    Well, since rolling ones eyes wouldn't be an effective strateg, I'd say, he's a grown man. He can choose what he eats. Make dinner, cook vegetables if you want them. He doesn't have to eat them. If, by avoiding the vegetables that are served, he's still hungry, unless there's some physical problem, he's perfectly capable of going to the refrigerator, the microwave, the oven himself and making/finding more of what he wants.

    If the object is weight loss, and he won't eat vegetables, he might prefer Atkins. Atkins can coexist with vegetable avoidance.

    Oh, and he might want to take a multi-vitamin while he's at it.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    Eat healthy and lose the weight, allow him to continue to consume mashed potatoes and string beans. When you lose the weight and he's stuck where he is tell him it's because you sucked it up and ate your veggies.