Doctor Said NOTHING!!



  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I first started MFP because my doc told me I needed to lose weight. I lost 35, and he was ecstatic. He even gave me a hug and said he was proud of me! =)

    He's since moved to another practice, and I went to another doc there. He didn't even notice on my chart that I had/have been losing weight... He told me I needed to lose. Then when I said, I've lost 35 and am still working on it, he seemed to just disregard it.

    I think some don't have the time (or maybe just don't want to) look into their patients history... Sad really.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Don't feel bad...I saw my Dr a year ago, and she spent 20 min lecturing me on my weight loss. I saw her a year later OVER 100 lbs lighter, and got NOTHING.....same thing happened to my husband...he lost 140 lbs, was totally healthy, and his dr told him....I think you should lose 6 more No encouragment of any deserve to be recognized for your hard work girl....congrats!!!

    wow. that's really sad.
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I once had a Doc tell me that I probably couldn't lose anymore weight and that I looked good at the weight I was at. I am 30 lbs smaller now.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Guess I'll say the other side of it, then. Some doctors and nurses are trained to not say anything. Yes, you wanted to hear something, but a lot of people do not, and will either get embarrassed or angry if a doctor says anything about their weight loss. Next time try bringing it up yourself, which will give them the okay to mention it, but don't expect them to say something, because often times, they can't.

    Isn't that their job though????
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    My doctor was one of my BIGGEST cheerleaders durning my weight loss . . . sounds like you need a new doctor : ( Sorry to hear that . . . you should have been greatly praised for your wonderful accomplishment ! My doctor said that only 1 in 50 of her patiences actually succeed with their weightloss journey !!!!! WAY TO GO :)

    i agree....the fact that the dr didnt even discuss what you were doing to lose the weight, how you were continuing on in this journey is a red flag....i'd make a point of saying something next time i saw her/him....

    ps...congrats on your loss...keep up the good work...
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    You be proud of yourself! Good for YOU!! I had the same thing happen to me several years ago. I had lost 50pds and the whole visit the dr. said nothing and, I see the same dr. every year for many years, at the end of the visit I said to her that I had lost 50 pds and she looks at my file and says oh ya thats good. It is really frustrating when the dr, that tells you to lose weight doesn't even notice it when you lose 50ps. So I hear you, it is kind of maddening. My internists ALWAYS comments on my weight even if I'm only down a couple of pds so I don't understand why a dr, isn't suppose to comment on a pt. weight, isn't that their job????? Our health?????
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Makes me think of the last time I went to a Doctor's visit with my husband. They told my husband he was "obese" because his weight was over the "normal" range of their little chart. He was body building at the time and was all muscle!! :ohwell:
  • shintowa
    shintowa Posts: 37
    Guess I'll say the other side of it, then. Some doctors and nurses are trained to not say anything. Yes, you wanted to hear something, but a lot of people do not, and will either get embarrassed or angry if a doctor says anything about their weight loss. Next time try bringing it up yourself, which will give them the okay to mention it, but don't expect them to say something, because often times, they can't.

    Isn't that their job though????

    Yes, it is, but at the same time they have to look out for the company (hospital) and themselves. You anger a patient because you mention that they lost weight, and they could turn around and sue the hospital or yourself because of your words. Really sad, but does happen. That's why so many people are taught to not bring it up now. Really, I think the sue-happy environment just makes it harder for them to do their jobs, but it isn't their fault that this happens, it is the patients who overreact.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Well phooey on them. You have an entire group on this website who are very proud of you. But most of all be proud of your accomplishments!
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I think you need a new doctor, too! I once lost 30 pounds and when my doctor didn't say anything about it, I pointed it out. He said, "Well, you're still fat." Do I need to mention he's no longer my doctor?

    My new doctor is wonderful! She notices every little loss, makes positive suggestions to me, and cheers me on. When I was feeling down on myself, she said, "well, you don't drink [because of a medical condition, not 'cause I'm some kind of saint], you don't smoke and you don't take illegal drugs. You're doing quite well! You only have one thing to work on!" She referred me to a counselor when the two of us decided together that it would be helpful for me to get my mind in the right place.

    Any doctor who doesn't acknowledge the INCREDIBLE, WONDERFUL, POSITIVE thing you have done for your health is not worth the paper their degree is printed on! (Boy, I'm not opinionated at all, am I?)
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I think you need a new doctor, too! I once lost 30 pounds and when my doctor didn't say anything about it, I pointed it out. He said, "Well, you're still fat."

    :noway: :noway: :noway: What an *kitten*!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Today I had a doctor appointment. The last time I saw her in March I had just started my weight loss journey. Today I had already met my goal and weigh 30 pounds less than I did. I was really proud of myself and waited to hear a small "congratulations" or "you look great" when I stepped on the scale. And I got NOTHING! I am BUMMED. You can believe if I put ON 30 pounds someone would have said something. UGH!!!!

    Weird! Course maybe she was caught up in the rest of your chart, who knows, did you say anything after her not mentioning??

    I guess I always bring it up before mine ever gets a chance. LOL
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    Guess I'll say the other side of it, then. Some doctors and nurses are trained to not say anything. Yes, you wanted to hear something, but a lot of people do not, and will either get embarrassed or angry if a doctor says anything about their weight loss. Next time try bringing it up yourself, which will give them the okay to mention it, but don't expect them to say something, because often times, they can't.

    Isn't that their job though????

    Yes, it is, but at the same time they have to look out for the company (hospital) and themselves. You anger a patient because you mention that they lost weight, and they could turn around and sue the hospital or yourself because of your words. Really sad, but does happen. That's why so many people are taught to not bring it up now. Really, I think the sue-happy environment just makes it harder for them to do their jobs, but it isn't their fault that this happens, it is the patients who overreact.

    Agreed... there's so much red tape in the world of medicine today that I feel like nobody can really do their job. It's tough balancing what you know is right with what policy (written or unwritten) says when the situation doesn't really fit the policy. Every policy manual probably says something about bringing up the need to lose weight, but when a patient is healthy, one shouldn't be trying to get too much information, and all it takes is one person who's having a bad day and just really wants to make trouble to make it all go bad.

    That being said, some doctors need to work on their bedside manner... nothing wrong with a complement, especially on a significant loss. Congrats to you msdjsmith!