Pushups Range of Motion: Full Body vs Modified

Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
I am currently having to be careful with certain exercises due to an aggravated rotator cuff injury, so here is my question. . . From a strength perspective, is it more beneficial to do full body pushups with a limited range of motion or modified pushups with a full range of motion?


  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Bump! Someone PLEASE help. Pretty pretty please!! :sad: I'll be ever so thankful!!!! :smooched: :heart: :smooched:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    full range of motion (FOM) is always more beneficial.
  • brianyeager
    I don't know. What I do know is what I do. When working through injuries I give it time to heal. Once I do that I do the full exercise even if it is a limited range of motion. That has worked for me. If I were you, I would try both and try to gauge what works best. I have had shoulder injuries and bench pressed through it (heavy weight at that).
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    I could be wrong, but I believe full range of motion (even if you have to modify by placing your hands higher than ground level like on a bench) would give you better results and engage more muscles, but it may depend on the injury itself, which I know nothing about.
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    Witha shoulder injury you may find that a full range of motion just isn't possible I know some with that type of injury will do push ups against a wall to take some of the pressure off. You don't want to hurt yourself more
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    full range of motion... if you dont go all the way down all the way up, you arent engaging all of the muscles properly. do it on your knees if you can, experiment with wider or narrower hands to see what feels better. but make sure your back is straight!
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Thanks for the answers!!! Kisses for you all! :smooched: I'd offer cookies, but there is no cookie smiley, sadly enough. :bigsmile:

    I think I'll alternate between using a bench to take some stress off, and doing modified for now!