Exercises for someone with damaged legs?

Ever since school i have had issues with my legs mainly I discovered years later from severely shortened achilles tendons, simply put feet flat on the ground I can barely bend my knees.

My problems get worse two years ago when I was hit by a car which tore three ligaments and the cartilage in my left knee leaving me now with a permantant limp.

Since weight effects how much stress is on your knees I thought it best to loose some.

I think I started down the wrong path doing cardio obviously running was never an option and I could not even swin without pain, so I cycled instead 14 miles most days for my job but it just left my with massive thighs ><

I know there has to be other options out there for me and my goal of also wanting to tone/build muscle suggests I want to be doing some sort of lifting.

Can anyone suggest anything that wont break me or my bank account XD


  • EchoDelta1013
    EchoDelta1013 Posts: 93 Member
    Sorry to read about problems with your legs and your car accident. I was going to suggest DDP Yoga but it is $99 for the combo DVD set. I have bad feet due to a work accident and DDP Yoga has helped me prepare for another foot operation I need in the next 2 weeks. DDP Yoga is primarily low-impact which combines a few traditional yoga moves with some cardio and strength training.

    This video about Arthur Boorman inspired me to try it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448
  • wolfspeaker9
    wolfspeaker9 Posts: 17 Member
    Ahh yeah that would be well out my price range XD