Not losing at 1200 calories per day



  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Red meats are not a crappy source of protein, I eat it at 1 meal per day and is a great way to get healthy protein and fat. I also eat a full 1/2 lb chicken breast once a day as well as 8 egg whites for my main protein sources, any lean meat is a good option.

    Reasons why 1200 may not be working could be dependant on what your BMR & TDEE are (they may be more than 1000 kcals per day in difference... would be good to know) and if you are eating at too low of a deficit then you will not lose weight, you will in turn start storing unused carbs/fats/proteins as body fat which will increase your weight.

    Something else that can be a factor is water weight which is affected by sodium intakes and exercise. You need to replenish the proteins in your musles to reduce water retention after a good strength workout and also need to ensure you are consuming a proper level of sodium for your activity. If you are sweating buckets all day long I'd suppose 2500-3500mg of sodium would be useful while not sweating and not doing a lot of activity you should have between 500-1500mg of sodium. Consuming too little or too much sodium can affect your water weight.

    Other reason is that you may not be accurately measuring your intakes and burns, are you calculating everything as accurately as possible and tracking everything down to the last morsel that passes your lips and the last set you did during your workout?

    Many factors and it's good to take a look at all of them to figure out why you aren't getting results.

    Best of luck!
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Lift weights, figure out what your TDEE is and eat 10-15% below that number (MFP is pretty generic to start with, but once you tweak it, it's awesome), and hit your macros - you're way under on your protein the few days I saw in your diary. And limit the "processed junk" as you say. (But DON'T cut out entire food groups, like carbs.) Best of luck.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    People will probably tell you to eat more. Figure out your TDEE and BMR and find a number that works better for you is what they'll probably say.

    This - eat at a 15% deficit - with only 27 pounds to lose you should be aiming for .5 pound loss a week, instead of 1 or 2 pounds. You should be eating more than 1200 calories.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    Your diet is almost entirely junk food/diet food/processed food.

    Jiimy D and soda for breakfast? Yikes.

    Start eating real food. Full fat food.

    You are a shining example that just counting calories isnt going to work if its just manufactured food.

    Much of what we think of "food" is just a factory product. They strip anyway anything good for humans, get this batch of pharmaceutical grade raw materials and cook it up in a factory to make the OPPOSITE of real food. Stuff that humans will crave that is shelf stable, profitable, and mass produced.

    If its most or any of these three things, I would suggest not eating it.

    Cottage cheese, chicken breast (low sodium turkey is great!), nuts (great healthy fats), fruit veggie.

    Get the junk outta your body and you will be okay.

    My thoughts exactly.....Up your protein, lower your sodium, get rid of all that processed stuff. I have a friend that hounds me about sodium!! You can do this but you have to research and be willing to make some changes.
  • I might be building muscle with boot camp and running but I am not sure.
    False. Certainly not on 1200 calories a day.
  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    I would throw in some fruits and veggies. I would hold onto my weight too if I ate the foods in your diary. Not sure if you should eat more or not. I don't preach 1200 calories but I eat 1200 calories a day and do just fine. Depends on your size. I am 5' 1". I really don't need a lot of food. But I need a lot of nutrition. So eating right is really important. I hardly cook at all so if you don't have time it's easy to grab a fruit or veggie. Most days my lunch is fruits and veggies. I eat yogurt, cereal, eggs, peanut butter, veggies and fruit. I rarely cook. You can do it. Stick with it. Only a week into also...don't be too hard on yourself. Go for the lifestyle change. It takes time. :flowerforyou:
  • alexandra_may
    alexandra_may Posts: 1 Member
    1. 8 glasses of water a day
    2. fruits & veggies - start with just fixing one thing at a time - breakfast. Instead of what you are eating, eating oatmeal and fruit or fruit and yogurt or cereal and fruit...etc.
    3. Make sure to eat at least 3 full meals a day - even if you feel you will go over your caloric intake because of it, it is very important to be consistent and structured.
    4. Once you have that down you can replace your lunches with soups and salads - whole wheat sandwiches. Then dinner can be the next thing.

    + Get rid of the diet coke. That bloats you up and helps to expand your stomach. Simply removing that from your diet will help to shrink your stomach and you will feel full faster!
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    I am drinking between 64-100 oz of water per day
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    I started at about 180 and I lost NOTHING eating at 1200, a few people on here told me to eat more and I upped my calorie intake to 1400 - 1500 and started to eat back all my exercise calories.---That is when the scale started moving. ---Whatever you do, take slow and try one thing at a time so you know which thing actually works for you. When I decided to ear more---it was hard because I was scared I would gain but two weeks into I was losing about a pound per week. Some weeks I lost nothing and other weeks I lost more but my monthly average was about 1 - 1/2 pounds per week and I'm good with that.
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    Instead of cutting carbs look at the sodium intake looks like you have some high sodium foods so it could be water weight that being said I am by far a saint when it comes to a low sodium diet and if you look at my diary you will see doritos and ham etc. I didn't see any results until I changed to a 1200 cal a day diet and I try not to eat back all my exercise calories even with some not so great days I have lost. Forget all these formulas the bottom line less calories + calories burned =a loss Good Luck
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    you eat wayyy too many processed foods. carbs, sodium, carbs! switch out the processed foods for whole foods.
    instead of eating an english some strawberries and nuts
    dont eat anything from a package and the weight will fall off!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    You are not eating healthy.. and my guess is you are eating more then you think you are..

    Rethink your food choices. You eat a lot of sodium and quite a bit of candy.. that is going to help you retain weight and retain water, not lose it. You eat a lot of premade prepackaged foods, they are generally high is sodium and fat.

    I still think you are eating more then you think you are.

    1/3 or 1/2 a tbsp of peanutbutter?? That's probalby less then you are actually eating. 55 goldfish? Did you count or just go with a serving size? Was that cake actually cut into 12 pieces?? (not picking on you, just pointing stuff out. I did the same thing in the beginning too)

    Also you need more protein.
  • jakesfitness
    jakesfitness Posts: 123 Member
    I see a few things:

    1) A lot of processed foods that are high in sodium. Try eating REAL food.
    2) A lot of sugar - even processed sugar. You do realize that even diet soda can make you fat, right?
    3) Not a whole not of vegetables.
    4) Carbs are way to high with too little protein.

    You're needing those 5 hour energy because you're not FEEDING your body what it needs. Cut out processed foods and eat whole REAL chicken, fish, meat, fruits, veggies, nuts and you'll be amazing at how much food you can eat and not need all of those drinks.

    OMG this ^^

    you are eating candy bars, cokes, lemon truffles, and fast food... just because your within your calories doesnt mean you are going to loose weight. YOur not supplying your body with nutrients, you are starving your body of nutrients. cut back on the sugar, eat less processed food, cut out your cokes, or limit to 1 a week at least to start. and get some protein!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    *listens intently while munching hot wings and drinking pepsi*

    OR. You could just give it longer than a week. Sometimes I don't lose weight for 2-3 weeks and then drop a few pounds all once. Averages out to about a pound a week.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    sodium is my problem so just make sure to increase water by a lot on days with sodium over 1000mg.....
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    I jump-started my "leveling off" at -25 lbs with going more Paleo and less fruits(carbs). I started loosing again.
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    I eat 1 tsp of peanut butter on my toast, and I do count out everything that I eat that is in a portioned amount so I know those are accurate
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    Everyone has given very good advice. My one tip please, please, please stop the 5 hr energy drinks. They cause seizures. I know because I had a seizure on them (nothing in my day to day routine changed besides drinking 1 5 hr energy drink every morning for 2 weeks straight) Now I am forever on anti-seizure medication because my neurologist couldn't find anything wrong with me and doesn't believe it has anything to do with the 5hr energy drinks.

    I drink the ultra zero monster drinks now 1 every morning and thats it. (i don't drink coffee)
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I will start cutting out so much of the processed junk and try to find time to cook more actual meals and eat more fruit & veggies.
  • Babygi6003
    Babygi6003 Posts: 356 Member
    People will probably tell you to eat more. Figure out your TDEE and BMR and find a number that works better for you is what they'll probably say.

    This - eat at a 15% deficit - with only 27 pounds to lose you should be aiming for .5 pound loss a week, instead of 1 or 2 pounds. You should be eating more than 1200 calories.

    I just switched my MFP goals to lose 1 lb a week and it upped my calories to 1480per day...I am going to do that instead of 1200 but try and eat more real foods instead of processed junk