I can do this!

Hi all, I just thought i would come by and say hi. I started on this website probably over a year ago and have not been good on dieting. I dont have much motivtion and just love food alot. I really want to loose weight so that i can like myself better though. I just turned 26 and am 5'7" and almost 250 lbs and really want to get under 200 as my first goal. I always seem to start my diet over every monday because i get off of it by like tuesday. I really want to stay on it though and look better for myself and my boyfriend. I also just want to be healthier so i dont get worn out just doing simple tasks. I am a really lazy person and really wish i could change that. Me and my boyfriend have a membership to a gym, we just never seem to go, we find other things to do like watch movies or just hang out and eat or something. Today we are starting "again" on our diet and plan on going to the gym tonight...we will see if we actually make it this time. I hope i can make my goal some day and be proud of what i look like.


  • ManjKA
    ManjKA Posts: 35
    Hi! Hopefully you stick to your aim this time. If the gyn is not working for you, try something else active that you will actually enjoy rather than something you feel you have to do. I used to be a member of a gym and never went because I didn't like it in there. I took up fencing for a while which was loads of fun and you get to meet new people and still work up a sweat. Now that I don't go fencing anymore, me and my partner walk home from work which doesnt exert a lot of energy but you're still getting exercise and we get to catch up on the day too, so it's something we can still do together. then when you've been doing something you enjoy for a while it will motivate you to start doing something more active - good luck!
  • stackya1
    stackya1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! So far, yesterday i was right on my calories and took the dog(a big black lab the likes to pull on the leash) on a 2 mile walk. its a start! And i ate a good lunch today that i just went to the grocery store and got a deli sandwich and chips and an apple instead of going to mcdonalds or some fast food. hopefully i can stay on it, especially since we are going away for my boyfriends birthday this weekend so i hope i can get right back on it when i get back. good luck to you on whatever goals you have set for yourself!
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    You CAN do this, because you ARE worth it! Try planning your gym time into your days, maybe meet their right after work or right before work so you don't get home and find other things to do with your time. Also, I would try changing your ind set from "trying another DIET" to changing your LIFESTYLE! Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do.

    Start with small steps and go from there. It's great to have the goal of getting under 200 as a first step. I would suggest to even add one or two more small goals in there (drink X amount of water a day, get to the gym X times a week) Write these goals down, and when you get to your goal of 200 - CELEBRATE! Reward yourself - a new outfit, new shoes, an evening out. Try not to make your rewards food related, but have something set up that you can look forward too!

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to help support you along your way!
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    Hey keep going and get plenty of friends on here to motivate you, keep logging your food. Walking is great for loosing weight, I started the couch to 5k, started mostly walking and little bit of running, I'm on week 5 now and running for 15 minutes, if you would have told me 5 weeks ago I would be running for 15 minutes I would have laughed. The weight is coming off slowly, but hey its coming off and thats all that matters. Everytime I weigh myself I say this is the last time you will be this weight, because next weigh in you will be less. Good luck on your journey just remember where you want to get to and that will be your motivation.
  • Wefita
    Wefita Posts: 91 Member
    YOU can do it! The best thing to do is QUIT making excuses! I love food too, and alcohol. Unfortunately most food and drinks are just consumed with way too many calories to lose weight. I enjoy cooking, and my newest obsession is taking unhealthy recipes that I LOVE, and making it healthy!! It is so awesome to be able to enjoy food again, and also know that it is good for me! It's not really a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Once you change your lifestyle, it becomes a habit, and it won't feel like such a chore. It's great that you have your boyfriend to help motivate you! You can do it together! When one doesn't feel like going to the gym, the other one is there to motivate you to go! I have struggled with my weight my whole life, and have tried every diet. I have successfully lost 60 lbs more than once, and have put it right back on. This time around, I will SUCCEED! I have changed my entire lifestyle, and I have been going strong since May 13th. As the time goes, you will start to notice how your energy picks up, and you will also notice that the gym becomes easier, and you can actually feel yourself getting stronger!!!! You can totally do this! I am a little over 5'7 and am 250, my goal is to be 180. Baby steps. You got this!
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    In order to stick to it, you have to REALLY want it. You have to look at the health risks that you will encounter if you don't lose the weight, and you have to look at your life and see what it is that really drives you to want a healthier lifestyle. If you are dedicated, you can do it. I am 5'6" and started in February at 278 pounds. I was told that I was prediabetic and that my HDL was too low. I am 28 years old and knew that if I didn't change something, I likely would have the same health issues as my family members and have a heart attack before age 50. I am a single mom and my child needs me to be healthy. Those factors opened my eyes and 5 months later, I am down 63 pounds and still going in the right direction. I have found so many healthy choices that still taste amazing, and found exercises that I enjoy doing so it doesn't feel like a chore. I now have more energy than I have in years and actually want to live life instead of letting life live me. When you are truly ready, something inside you will drive you in the right direction. You can do this! You can do anything you set your mind to as long as you truly want it. Good luck to you, and if you want a supportive friend, feel free to add me. :)
  • inkydnk3
    inkydnk3 Posts: 62 Member
    Find you motivation and stick with it. Make better choices with food, even when your going away for the weekend. If you're eating out check the restaurant's website for the nutritional content. At least you'll have some idea of what to eat and what to stay away from.
    If you don't enjoy going to the gym try to find other activities you do like. Walking you dog is a great start! There are a lot of great DVD's you can do at home. Just anything to get you moving.
    Change is not easy. Stick with it and don't give up. One of my favorite sayings...
    "If you're tired of always starting over then quit giving up"!
  • I hate the gym. I would always sign up and then not go and then I'm paying monthly for what?.... nothing. I started karate with my son about 6 years ago. It was something to keep us connected and close. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! It's hard, but I don't feel like I'm doing something boring like a treadmill or a stationary bike. I also go on bike rides with my hubby. Too fun! Here's something to think about. If I ate nothing but apples and turkey burgers, I'd go nuts and eventually fall off the wagon. Try going to the hungry girl website. Great, great, ideas for food, recipes, even for cocktails ( I found a great cosmo recipe with 100 calories) etc. They have great books and you can even sign up for their newsletter. Give it a try, yummy food and you don't feel like you're depriving yourself. :wink:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    We're here to help, yet its up to YOU! Since you and your boyfriend want to make changes together that is even better. Accountability is big. Step one, its not a DIET. Make LIFE CHANGES. a Diet is temporary and sounds restrictive. Life changes is Choosing to eat an apple instead of the fries. Choosing some grapes instead of chips, etc. Change things out. Some people can't "change it all" and stick with it. If thats you, then change a few things... do it for a week and add that exercise weather its the gym or walking the dog. The next week, add another change. Etc. Eventually you WILL crave the good stuff vs bad! You're too young to sound so down! Do this for YOU and Your life!

    we're here to help!!! Friend me if you'd like.
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
    Hi welcome
    Best thing to do is not diet.... Eat well to start with, don't try to limit your calories too much, track everything. The longer you stick at it the easier it will become you will crave healthy foods not junk food. I know I have been there before twice. I'm 43 now and many years of dieting has not helped....I'm nearly where I started again 15 years ago....arghhhhh.

    But..., this time is different, I'm not going to beat myself up about food choices......

    My dairy is open to friends, I plan to blog, so you are welcome to add me, this is a life time thing and you are lucky you have time on our side.
  • stackya1
    stackya1 Posts: 3 Member
    You guys are all so nice!! Its nice to have people out there rooting for me that dont even know me. I can do this and i really want a better lifestyle. I can become the person i want to be and stick to this. If anyone has tips though, here a few of my roadbumps...i hate salads. I have tried over and over to like them, i just cant do it. I dont like how they taste or the texture or anything. I dont like most veggies. I like carrots and sweetcorn and some cooked veggies but thats about it, so that eliminates alot of the healthy food. And i love bacon!! Its like my obsession, so i try to stay away from it, but about a week into my diet all i want and can think of is a huge greasy cheeseburger with lots and lots of bacon!(sorry if that makes anyone else want it now). then usually i give in and have one and then cant get back on my diet. Also, when i look at alot of healthy recipies, they have veggies and stuff i dont like in them. i dont know what would be good foods to make cause i like cooking sometimes too but its usually not healthy stuff. if anyone has any tips, that would be great and thanks for all the support and advice already!! (and what was that hungry girl site?)