Tell me why? Only serious replies please.



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not sure if it has been said but you might lose a bit of weight doing this, but I bet you don't lose very much body fat. If you are trying to lower your body fat %, I think it'd be best if you follow the slow and steady as others have suggested.

    Not sure if you are training with weights, but lifting would also be advisable.

    ETA: Just saw your responses above. honestly, I still think you'll lose weight but that will include muscle and your body fat % loss will be very small.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    My ticker goal was set before I knew my body fat. I am not trying to achieve a goal wieght anymore. I am trying to achieve a BF%

    Then your huge calorie deficit is the absolute wrong way to go about it.

    It's much easier to lose fat while sparing muscle than it is to put that muscle back on later.

    If your goal is a certain body fat %, then you are best served by trying to keep every ounce of lean mass you have.

    I know. Hence the strength training and higher protein, etc.

    So you know your current methods are sub-optimal for achieving your stated goal...... and you are going to continue it anyway.

    OK. Glad you started and perpetuated this thread asking for opinions and facts when you were going to discount them all and keep doing what you're doing all along.

    Thanks for wasting everyone's time.

    Whose time is she wasting?
  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    Just thinking...a lot of females eat 1800 calories. And workout a lot. Even to a net of 1000. They just don't necessarily say so. I think you are ok. See how you feel. I think you will know if you need to eat more. You know your body best.
    Good luck!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    My ticker goal was set before I knew my body fat. I am not trying to achieve a goal wieght anymore. I am trying to achieve a BF%

    Then your huge calorie deficit is the absolute wrong way to go about it.

    It's much easier to lose fat while sparing muscle than it is to put that muscle back on later.

    If your goal is a certain body fat %, then you are best served by trying to keep every ounce of lean mass you have.

    I know. Hence the strength training and higher protein, etc.

    So you know your current methods are sub-optimal for achieving your stated goal...... and you are going to continue it anyway.

    OK. Glad you started and perpetuated this thread asking for opinions and facts when you were going to discount them all and keep doing what you're doing all along.

    Thanks for wasting everyone's time.

    Whose time is she wasting?

    Everyone who responded assuming she was being honest about looking for opinions and facts.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Something tell me that no matter what advice you get from us, you're going to do whatever your educated, certified & professional body-building trainer says.

    Good luck.

    Not true. I really legitly want to know what the possible harm is in netting below 1000 calories with some sort of research. Just because she does it and it works to acheive her goals doesn't mean it's safe which is why I am asking for reponses with back up.

    How about doing the research yourself, that way you are able to make up your mind fairly quickly.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    My ticker goal was set before I knew my body fat. I am not trying to achieve a goal wieght anymore. I am trying to achieve a BF%

    Then your huge calorie deficit is the absolute wrong way to go about it.

    It's much easier to lose fat while sparing muscle than it is to put that muscle back on later.

    If your goal is a certain body fat %, then you are best served by trying to keep every ounce of lean mass you have.

    I know. Hence the strength training and higher protein, etc.

    So you know your current methods are sub-optimal for achieving your stated goal...... and you are going to continue it anyway.

    OK. Glad you started and perpetuated this thread asking for opinions and facts when you were going to discount them all and keep doing what you're doing all along.

    Thanks for wasting everyone's time.

    Easy. I have yet to have my question answered. My question was (more or less) what are the effects of netting below 1000 calories? And then I asked for back up so I could see how their conclusion was reached. A lot of responces seem to assume I am not eating or eating a VLCD. I am eating a lot of food to get nutrients and vitamins. I just burn off a lot of calories. This is not a everyday thing. I only train 4/7 days a week. This is not a long term thing. Just a cut cycle. I've only done this two days so far Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is a rest day. Then I will do it Thursday and Friday.

    A lot of people are giving me info on effects of VLCD when in my mind they are different. I am still eating the amount of food needed to function and get the required nutrients. I just am burning more then I am eating.

    I do not want to hurt myself that's why if I could gather supporting evidence to it's negative effects I would stop immediately.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Easy. I have yet to have my question answered. My question was (more or less) what are the effects of netting below 1000 calories?

    Good lord. You actually believe that.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Something tell me that no matter what advice you get from us, you're going to do whatever your educated, certified & professional body-building trainer says.

    Good luck.

    Not true. I really legitly want to know what the possible harm is in netting below 1000 calories with some sort of research. Just because she does it and it works to acheive her goals doesn't mean it's safe which is why I am asking for reponses with back up.

    How about doing the research yourself, that way you are able to make up your mind fairly quickly.

    Thanks I plan on it. I just thought maybe others in the community had the same questions/concerns so would have some data already. I guess not.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My ticker goal was set before I knew my body fat. I am not trying to achieve a goal wieght anymore. I am trying to achieve a BF%

    Then your huge calorie deficit is the absolute wrong way to go about it.

    It's much easier to lose fat while sparing muscle than it is to put that muscle back on later.

    If your goal is a certain body fat %, then you are best served by trying to keep every ounce of lean mass you have.

    I know. Hence the strength training and higher protein, etc.

    So you know your current methods are sub-optimal for achieving your stated goal...... and you are going to continue it anyway.

    OK. Glad you started and perpetuated this thread asking for opinions and facts when you were going to discount them all and keep doing what you're doing all along.

    Thanks for wasting everyone's time.

    Easy. I have yet to have my question answered. My question was (more or less) what are the effects of netting below 1000 calories? And then I asked for back up so I could see how their conclusion was reached. A lot of responces seem to assume I am not eating or eating a VLCD. I am eating a lot of food to get nutrients and vitamins. I just burn off a lot of calories. This is not a everyday thing. I only train 4/7 days a week. This is not a long term thing. Just a cut cycle. I've only done this two days so far Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is a rest day. Then I will do it Thursday and Friday.

    A lot of people are giving me info on effects of VLCD when in my mind they are different. I am still eating the amount of food needed to function and get the required nutrients. I just am burning more then I am eating.

    I do not want to hurt myself that's why if I could gather supporting evidence to it's negative effects I would stop immediately.

    Talk to a physician, a registered dietitian, other trainers and google.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Easy. I have yet to have my question answered. My question was (more or less) what are the effects of netting below 1000 calories? And then I asked for back up so I could see how their conclusion was reached. A lot of responces seem to assume I am not eating or eating a VLCD. I am eating a lot of food to get nutrients and vitamins. I just burn off a lot of calories. This is not a everyday thing. I only train 4/7 days a week. This is not a long term thing. Just a cut cycle. I've only done this two days so far Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is a rest day. Then I will do it Thursday and Friday.

    A lot of people are giving me info on effects of VLCD when in my mind they are different. I am still eating the amount of food needed to function and get the required nutrients. I just am burning more then I am eating.

    I do not want to hurt myself that's why if I could gather supporting evidence to it's negative effects I would stop immediately.

    it has been answered many times. You risk not getting the proper nutrients and calories to be alive healthy and energetic. you will lose a larger % lean body mass , instead of losing mostly just bodyfat.

    and netting low and eatong low is basically the same thing.

    if you want link to actual graphs and spreadsheets and polls and the like- look them up. I doubt any here save links to online research charts; they aren't that reliable anyway. anyone can run testing and draw conclusions to pretty much make it say what they want.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Not sure if it has been said but you might lose a bit of weight doing this, but I bet you don't lose very much body fat. If you are trying to lower your body fat %, I think it'd be best if you follow the slow and steady as others have suggested.

    Not sure if you are training with weights, but lifting would also be advisable.

    ETA: Just saw your responses above. honestly, I still think you'll lose weight but that will include muscle and your body fat % loss will be very small.

    You could be right. I will get my trainer to test my BF% and lean mass% again next monday (a week after doing it) and then go from there I guess. If that is the case this will be my first and last week of it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Not sure if it has been said but you might lose a bit of weight doing this, but I bet you don't lose very much body fat. If you are trying to lower your body fat %, I think it'd be best if you follow the slow and steady as others have suggested.

    Not sure if you are training with weights, but lifting would also be advisable.

    ETA: Just saw your responses above. honestly, I still think you'll lose weight but that will include muscle and your body fat % loss will be very small.

    You could be right. I will get my trainer to test my BF% and lean mass% again next monday (a week after doing it) and then go from there I guess. If that is the case this will be my first and last week of it.

    By what method is your body fat getting tested?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not sure if it has been said but you might lose a bit of weight doing this, but I bet you don't lose very much body fat. If you are trying to lower your body fat %, I think it'd be best if you follow the slow and steady as others have suggested.

    Not sure if you are training with weights, but lifting would also be advisable.

    ETA: Just saw your responses above. honestly, I still think you'll lose weight but that will include muscle and your body fat % loss will be very small.

    You could be right. I will get my trainer to test my BF% and lean mass% again next monday (a week after doing it) and then go from there I guess. If that is the case this will be my first and last week of it.

    By what method is your body fat getting tested?

    If the trainer is doing it, I'm betting caliper test
  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member
    You're setting forth a scenario, asking for people's educated opinions and then telling them specifically what you want them to tell you, which is that what you're doing is fine.

    So, sure, what you're doing is fine. :flowerforyou:

    Not true. I want to know what the harm is to NET under 1000 calories on my workout days with evidence. Is that so hard?

    A physician or a registered dietician would be a better person to ask about this than a forum on a fitness website. I'm not trying to be snarky here but we don't have all the answers and while internet research can be helpful, a lot of it is also wrong. If you're seriously thinking about doing this, and it seems that you are, please discuss this restriction of calories with your doctor. Good luck.

    I don't know if this will help you or not, but people keep saying ask a registered dietician so I will tell you this: I see a registered dietician once every 2 months for my prediabetes and my cholesterol. I was eating 1200 calories a day, and she told me she wanted me to eat at least 1400-1500, so I upped it to 1450. I asked her if I should NET 1450 or EAT 1450, and she said EAT 1450. Which means if I burn 450 calories during exercise, I will NET 1000 a day, and she is fine with that because we can tell from all the tests I endure that my health is improving, not getting worse. I am losing fat, gaining muscle, and my sugars and cholesterol is starting to even out.

    If you feel that you are eating enough, and you are not hungry, having dizzy spells, getting faint or exhausted, then I was say you are doing fine. If you start experiencing side effects, then rethink your strategy. You will encounter a TON of negative responses on this site, so if I were you, I'd stick to asking the questions to a doctor, trainer, dietician, or someone who will not treat you poorly for having a legitimate question. As long as you are eating as much as you say you are and just burning calories, you will be fine. I would suggest making sure you're taking a multivitamin and getting your protein in, but you should be okay.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    By what method is your body fat getting tested?

    If the trainer is doing it, I'm betting caliper test

    the gyms here use hand held things that look like gaming controllers. some gyms have the scales that tell BF%.

    I use calipers at home.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Google Layne Norton's Metabolic Damage series, watch it and then show your trainer.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    So you only want responses that will tell you what you want to hear? Netting less than 1000 calories is not healthy no matter what your educated, certified, body building trainer says.

    I agree wholeheartedly. It takes about 1000 calories give or take just to exist.
    Taking in only 1000 calories is not only not wise, but CAN be unhealthy.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Easy. I have yet to have my question answered. My question was (more or less) what are the effects of netting below 1000 calories? And then I asked for back up so I could see how their conclusion was reached. A lot of responces seem to assume I am not eating or eating a VLCD. I am eating a lot of food to get nutrients and vitamins. I just burn off a lot of calories. This is not a everyday thing. I only train 4/7 days a week. This is not a long term thing. Just a cut cycle. I've only done this two days so far Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is a rest day. Then I will do it Thursday and Friday.

    A lot of people are giving me info on effects of VLCD when in my mind they are different. I am still eating the amount of food needed to function and get the required nutrients. I just am burning more then I am eating.

    I do not want to hurt myself that's why if I could gather supporting evidence to it's negative effects I would stop immediately.

    it has been answered many times. You risk not getting the proper nutrients and calories to be alive healthy and energetic. you will lose a larger % lean body mass , instead of losing mostly just bodyfat.

    and netting low and eatong low is basically the same thing.

    Ok... assuming they are the same do you know this? This would only answer the first part of my question the second is for back up or evidence on your claim. You don't need to prove it to me, but I can't assume your right unless I know where or how you came to that conclusion. For example if I believed everything I heard.... I wouldn't be asking on the forums I would taken my trainers word. Her word isn't enough and neither is yours. I need proof, research, or articles.

    Also, in my mind these are different. One way you are eating food with nutrients and vitamins..... and one you aren't eating much so no nutrients and vitamins.
  • kensomebody
    kensomebody Posts: 5 Member
    I keep hearing on here how vlcd, starvation mode diets cause an increase in the percent of muscle mass loss vs fat when compared to a more conservative diet, but I can not find any study showing this. Could some one please link some sort of study or review article showing this. The only evidence I have found shows that it actually works opposite to popular opinion here. That being said these vlcd are horrible for long term weight loss as they are simply not sustainable and don't teach the person how to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    You will lose weight, but your metabolism will slow down, you will lack the energy to properly fuel any reasonable level of intensity for you workouts, and you will burn a higher portion of muscle, so it's a case of diminishing returns. Then of course there is the more obvious issue of a lack of proper nutrients that is likely to come since you don't have enough calories to fit them into your diet. And what about fat? Where does that fit into the remaining calories? There are all sorts of medical problems associated with taking in insufficient fat, perhaps the most superficially noticeable being significant hair loss. No, you're not going to die if you only eat 1,000 calories per day but yes, it's going to negatively impact your health. Is remaining at 40% BF a little longer a bigger detriment to your health? No idea.

    Thanks. I am a little worried about my metabolism which is why I asked the question. I am eating more then 1000 a day. Just netting below 1000. Most days I eat between 1400 - 1800 somedays higher. My works outs have been burning about 1000 calories at least 4 times a week.

    Speaking from current experience. I've been stuck at a plateau doing the exact same thing. My way of attacking this, I'm going to start eating more and go see my doctor. Good luck.