Water weight after strength training?

I joined the gym and recently started lifting weights. Monday I worked my arms, and yesterday my legs and core. I also ran on the treadmill and used the elliptical. I have been eating 1,200 net calories a day and weigh roughly 134 pounds. I'm trying to get to 125.
Today, EVERYTHING is sore! I weighed myself this morning, and I went from 133.5 to 137 pounds! What??
I heard that after working out, your muscles get all pissed off and retain water. Is this true, and can someone explain it to me? Also, how many days of rest should I take before I work out again? Is going for an hour long walk today okay?
Stretching feels good but I heard you aren't supposed to stretch healing muscles. Oh, and what should I eat to make sure they heal as soon as possible and allow me to work out again? I'm really trying to lose fat and gain muscle, or at least just tone up and lower my body fat %.
So yeahh please answer my questions haha thanks!


  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Go ahead and walk. Don't lift weights today. Do it tomorrow.
    look up 'foam rolling'
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    Also, 1200 calories is not enough, especially if you are doing cardio and weights!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Its from the build up of lactic acid in your muscles - using a foam roller after your workouts and even spending time in the sauna if your gym offers one. Follow up with protein shortly after your workouts to help heal muscles - I usually follow workouts with a protein shake that includes l-gluatmine. You should take a day of rest from weight training between sessions.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Yes, it's true. Sore muscles = extra water weight.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I heard that after working out, your muscles get all pissed off and retain water.

    lol i love that. true. you will retain water weight. get used to the lovely cycle of that, with an extra layer of annoyance added when you get your period.
  • mandapanda721
    I don't have a foam roller.......would a rolling pin work? hahaha
  • Smonks00
    Smonks00 Posts: 31
    yes.. you are not eating enough. and i second the recovery protein post workout. i use ARM ( a max muscle product) it works great and taste failry decent -strawberry and watermelon. it does help with feel less sore... but to be honest if you just strated this new workout rotuine.. you will be sore. and somethign to keep in mind is dont stop moving.. it only makes the pain worse. on your 'off' days take a walk.. swimm...dance.. something. I've noticed that the pain only gets worse if i sit the entire next day.
  • Smonks00
    Smonks00 Posts: 31
    oh and keep up the good work!!!!!!!!
  • Rilzy
    Rilzy Posts: 59 Member
    This explains so much. I would lift weights then suddenly feel like I am doing something wrong even though everything seemed right. Good to know.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I don't have a foam roller.......would a rolling pin work? hahaha

    Check your gym, they may have some in the stretching area. Foam roller, not a rolling pin.
  • mikemcgr
    mikemcgr Posts: 1
    I have been training for years and I always a bit sore the day after. Eventually, the soreness gets less and less. Lifting weights for 2 days would not account for 4lbs of weight gain. That could be water weight. It also depends on what time of the day you weighed yourself the first time and the second time. Try to do this at a consistant time of day and in cloths with similar weight. You would be surprised what a difference a morning weight and a late day weight can be.

    You can, and should walk. Your muscles build up lactic acid and light paced excersise like walking burns off that acid which helps burn fat and build muscle. Just don't over do it. Eat low fat foods with high amounts of protein and low amounts of sugar. Stay away from processed sugars.

    At your weight, don't expect to see a lot of weight lose very quicly. Those ads that say loose 10lbs in 2 weeks are for people who weigh over 200lbs. Unless you are 2'7" tall, you are most likely in the average range for body fat and weight. Stick with it. You will get there.

    Lastly, take measurements besides weight. Measure your waist, hips, chest, neckt, upper thighs, upper arms. Muscle weighs more then fat, it is more dense. You can add weight and loose inches in certain areas where fat gets stored. I once weighed 220 and had a 40in waist. I lost 50 lbs and had a 34 in waiste. After weightlifting for a number of years and eating differently I weigh 185 and have a 33 in waist.

    Good Luck
  • mandapanda721
    I have been training for years and I always a bit sore the day after. Eventually, the soreness gets less and less. Lifting weights for 2 days would not account for 4lbs of weight gain. That could be water weight. It also depends on what time of the day you weighed yourself the first time and the second time. Try to do this at a consistant time of day and in cloths with similar weight. You would be surprised what a difference a morning weight and a late day weight can be.

    Soo, the 4 lbs is water weight or just weight that I already had? I'm confused. I really hope it's water. I weight myself 1st thing in the morning after going to the bathroom.
  • elanafranklin
    Could I use a rolled up yoga mat?
  • mandapanda721
    I thought of that too
  • AmiAlcocer
    AmiAlcocer Posts: 18
    I'm having the same issue. Just started strength training this weekend, so far have got in 4 days (split body) and I'm up 2.2 lbs? I weigh in the morning too, after peeing. Cardio didn't do this to me, so I am hoping against hope that it's water weight. Weigh in is on Friday for me, and I really, really, really don't want to be up, especially since I'm doing everything right. :/

    How long does this extra water bloat last? Is it something that just happens at the beginning of weight training and every time weights are increased? Or is it just permanent until I stop weight training for a few days? Not that I will, since I am tired of being weak. Just want to know if this is my 'new' set point to go off of. :)
  • mandapanda721
    I really hope my weight goes down too. I looked in the mirror and swore I looked fatter....
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    about 8 days after lifting I am up 6 pounds-WTH?
  • gfroniewski
    gfroniewski Posts: 168
    You should just do static stretching after you work out if you don't have a foam roller. It is perfectly fine as long as you hit all the areas: calves, groin, hams, quads, hip flexors etc. I ALWAYS take 5-10 minutes after to get some stretching in. That includes my dynamic stretching BEFORE my lifting as well.
  • BreytonJay
    BreytonJay Posts: 86 Member
    I don't have a foam roller.......would a rolling pin work? hahaha

    Check your gym, they may have some in the stretching area. Foam roller, not a rolling pin.

    The only reason I would say a rolling pin wouldn't work is because it would just roll with your body. You want some firm that you can use your body weight on the item to apply pressure to the pressure point, a baseball works just as well.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Ditch the scale :)