Hey guys! Lost 17 lbs in 90 days...how do I tone!

Hey guys,

I am 5 foot 4 and weigh 125....is this ideal for a girl? I do not understand the whole BMI thing, I am afraid to keep losing weight, but want to be tones, what do you suggest? Thanks!


  • jscheuf
    jscheuf Posts: 25 Member
    Sadly I don't have the best answer for you because you need to figure out what works for you. But I love work out videos and classes so that's where I would tell you to start but only if that is your thing. I'm sure at your local gym you can find toning classes or ab classes etc. I also really liked Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Since it doesn't sound like you are looking to or need to lose any weight you can still do these videos but just make sure you are eating back your calories.
    I have also had a personal trainer before and they showed me a lot of different ways to use free weights to tone arms, abs, butt and legs. A lot of those exercises you can find online but make sure you learn them correctly so you don't hurt anything. I like to do these in the morning, just turn on something I have recorded and work out and catch up on shows at the same time!
    Good Luck!!
  • lrose50
    lrose50 Posts: 58 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    Weight lifting will tone you ..higher reps vs a higher weight so you don't bulk up..get your body fat % checked out since that's a more accurate number as to where your at body wise than just how much you weigh
  • buffyfan22
    buffyfan22 Posts: 54
    Women don't bulk up... Please do some research before talking... You'd have to try really hard and take special supplements to bulk up. Don't be afraid to lift heavy. Do compound exercises as well. You have to start gradually of course and you'll soon move up little by little. You'll see that you won't ever "bulk up". Go to bodybuildingDOTCOM and educate yourself better as opposed to getting advice from people who just have opinions and don't have any facts.

    *I don't mean disrespect but seriously, don't comment on things you're not 100% sure about.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    And there we have 2 ill informed responses about bulking and lifting weights. ????????

    You seem to want to shed some body fat; key is diet, some cardio and lifting weights. Excessive cardio with low calories will not achieve the results you want and countless reps of light weight is essentially that. Afraid to keep losing weight? Up your calories. Look into books like New Rule Of Lifting For Women, it's a great beginners book to get you started.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Women don't bulk up... Please do some research before talking... You'd have to try really hard and take special supplements to bulk up. Don't be afraid to lift heavy. Do compound exercises as well. You have to start gradually of course and you'll soon move up little by little. You'll see that you won't ever "bulk up". Go to bodybuildingDOTCOM and educate yourself better as opposed to getting advice from people who just have opinions and don't have any facts.

    *I don't mean disrespect but seriously, don't comment on things you're not 100% sure about.

  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Weight lifting will tone you ..higher reps vs a higher weight so you don't bulk up..get your body fat % checked out since that's a more accurate number as to where your at body wise than just how much you weigh

    Wrong....just.....so much wrong up in here...
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.
    We needs a sarcasm font, like STAT!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.

  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.


    Heavy weights do not bulk up women. Testosterone is necessary to bulk up and women have about the same amount of testosterone as a prepubescent boy. I dont any "bulky" 10 year olds and I dont know any "bulky" women.

    I see lean women who a fit but they are not bulky.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.
    Are you new here or are you just dumb?

    OP Weights, heavy weights. You will not get bulky.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.

    Please stop with the nonsense! People act like gaining muscle is so easy to do. It's not and takes a lot of hard work not only in the gym, but also with the diet. You don't just lift some heavy weight and fall into extra muscle.

    OP, lifting will help you with body fat%. There are many benefits to lifting heavy using compound lifts. A few would be maintaining LBM while eating at a deficit, increased bone density, better muscle recruitment, and the obvious, increased strength.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.

    Do I look bulky to you? That is nonsense
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Weights. More reps with a lower weight. Heavier weights will bulk you up.

    heavier weights will not bulk her up....

    just start lifting.
  • DesignerToast
    A healthy BMI is only a guideline, and not a steadfast rule. At 5'4" and 125, you probably fall perfectly into a healthy range for your height. Nice work!

    So you're perfectly healthy and now you want to make some new changes. As other have noted, weight lifting and putting on some muscle will sculpt your body. This requires good eating habits (which I'm guessing you have or have worked on since you've lost nearly 17 pounds in a very safe amount of time) and typically upping the amount of calories you get from protein to help build some muscle.

    I'd recommended the New Rules of Lifting for Women (it's a book) as a great place to start if you've never weight lifted. It has excellent explanations and great programs to follow. There are also lots of online resources too. Starting Strength is also very popular. Google them and look around here...I'm sure there's no shortage of options.

    As others have noted you will not get bulky, but you will get the "toned" look you're after. A very important thing to remember now is that your scale number is no longer the goal. Take body measurements and see changes in the mirror. Lifting might cause you to gain "weight" (some water for muscle repair, and then some as muscle!) but you may continue to see pant sizes fall/ and defined muscles. I'm 5'5" and used to weigh 128 and was about a size 4/6. I'm now 134 but many of my 4/6 pants and shorts are starting to have too much room. I LOVE it!

    Good luck! Weight lifting has been the best thing I've ever added to my fitness routine. As a runner, I thought I'd hate it, but I adore it and the changes it is bringing my body.
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