Why is everybody so "gaga" over kale?



  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Ironically, I found this today as I was asking myself the same question:


    I also found a kale mayo recipe which I now can't find the link for, but I wrote it down so can share it tomorrow.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Shall add to what HollisGrant said:

    (source/paraphrased: Environmental Nutrition, Vol 36 2012)
    Kale is a descendant of wild cabbage. Non-heading, it is NOT a collard green. The many varieties of Kale differ in taste/texture,yet EACH provide cancer-fighting antioxidants and over 45 flavonoids including eye-healthy lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. It is a SUPER food and just one cup (chopped or not packs over 200 percent of the daily value of Vit A, 134% Vit , and SIX times the daily value of bone-healthy Vit K.

    Kale takes the bite of cancer risk when it is chopped or chewed, releasing compounds called sulforaphanes which help to clear carcinogens from the body. Compared to its raw state, steamed kale leads the team of leafy greens tested for its ability to bind bile acids which can lower blood cholesterol levels.

    **my note, as I really do not like the bold full flavor of Kale, even in a "chip".
    I "hide" it in my smoothies by adding an over-ripe-almost-death's-door frozen banana. I also "hide" it in any Red sauces (think spaghetti, lasagna, chilli). The red sauce hides it and unless I've gotten a little carried away with the amount, doesn't change the color in family-sized portions. And since it doesn't blend well in a blender, I use my Vitamix :bigsmile: . Also, a 1-cup serving is a full serving of veggies, satisfying my veggie for the moment. I also FREEZE (yep, I said Freeze) my Kale in big ziplock bags. After washing, I pull off the leaves from the vein and stuff them in a plastic freezer bag.

    there ya go. Your Kale info for the day. :wink:
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I LOVE kale in my smoothies, and I use my dehydrator with a little olive oil and spices for kale chips. Did I mention that I LOVE it in smoothies? :)

    Agree. Most of my kale consumption is in smoothie form.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    ooh! i know a quote about kale...

    "if God wanted us to eat it, God wouldn't have made it taste like *kitten*." - William Shakespeare, 1564-1616
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    I think it's horrible. I would rather gnaw my own foot off and eat that.

    :laugh: :laugh: I did too till the guy hawking Vitamix's at Costco put one in a smoothie he blended...I watched him...tried it and was SHOCKED to not taste any green at all! :noway: The key is 3oz banana to 1oz Kale :wink:
  • tinylightsbelow
    tinylightsbelow Posts: 85 Member
    I like kale, but I have to admit my favorite green is swiss chard! Swiss chard is less common and definitely more expensive though, so kale is a good stand-in.

    I second the motion that kale chips are amazing. They do have a 'green' taste, but it's subtle and they really develop a great crunch.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I'm thinking kale in a frittata would be awesome, along with zucchini, mushrooms, onion, spinach, etc.!
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    I eat it raw with some dressing. Though pound for pound, it doesn't beat broccoli in the heavy weight cruciferous division.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Add me to the smoothie section. You don't taste it but you know it's there and good for you. :happy:
  • ashleymm625
    kale chips are delicious and really do taste like potato chips to me
  • DanaeMonique
    DanaeMonique Posts: 41 Member
    I LOVE kale in my smoothies, and I use my dehydrator with a little olive oil and spices for kale chips. Did I mention that I LOVE it in smoothies? :)

    I put spinach in my smoothies but I understand Kale is a bit tougher. Does it blend up nicely? Does it totally affect the flavor of the smoothie?

    I use Kale and Spinach in my smoothies, last night I made a smoothie with just the kale, and almond milk, frozen mango and strawerries, a banan and creamy almond better, let me tell you it was DELICIOUS!!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I sometimes sautee it with a little olive oil and salt, then mix in my egg whites in the morning. The oil and salt soften it and it loses its toughness. Great as chips too. If I put it in a salad, I tear it in VERY small pieces and use just a small amount.

    As others have posted, it's a nutritional powerhouse...a ton of bang for the calorie buck. It just takes some getting used to...if you try to eat it plain/raw, you will most likely hate it, as it is tough and a bit bitter...
  • psych107
    psych107 Posts: 5
    To me it tastes like broccoli with a more bitter after-taste.
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    kale chips are delicious and really do taste like potato chips to me

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    ooh! i know a quote about kale...

    "if God wanted us to eat it, God wouldn't have made it taste like *kitten*." - William Shakespeare, 1564-1616

    Thou art right!
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 673 Member
    Sautéed with almonds and butter, little garlic, lemon juice and salt/pepper to taste! Yum

    Kale Chips, EVOO, and season to taste with salt, pepper, garlic powder or other seasonings like curry, etc and toss together - then toss in the oven - Yum!

    I use a food processor and chop up the kale into bite sizes and mix in with my ground turkey when making meatball and burgers. It just adds something to it that is YUM!

    Turkey Meatball, Barley and Kale soup (I make) YUM!!

    So yeah love Kale.. lol
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    "One cup of chopped kale contains 33 calories and 9% of the daily value of calcium, 206% of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, and a whopping 684% of vitamin K. It is also a good source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus.

    Kale’s health benefits are primarily linked to the high concentration and excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K -- and sulphur-containing phytonutrients.

    Carotenoids and flavonoids are the specific types of antioxidants associated with many of the anti-cancer health benefits. Kale is also rich in the eye-health promoting lutein and zeaxanthin compounds.

    Beyond antioxidants, the fiber content of cruciferous kale binds bile acids and helps lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, especially when kale is cooked instead of raw."

    I personally eat it because I like it. Haven't tried kale chips, but I've eaten it raw and steamed.
  • casseymarsh
    Kale is a major superfood with more vitamins/minerals/antioxidents than most foods...and it helps to clean you out. I do not really like the taste and texture of raw kale but I make kale chips all the time and they are tasty. I break the kale appart in pieces and wash and dry, then toss with balsamic and bake at 200 degrees for a good 35+ min, until crispy but not burnt, then toss with salt. I find this low heat and more time works best at keeping the kale from burning onto the pan. I have also been experimenting with other recieps like balsamic and honey; spicy mustard and honey...etc. All very good because you can flavor them however you want and they are a great snack food. Hope you enjoy.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I just started making this super yummy salad:

    red cabbage
    poppyseed dressing
    blue cheese

    I don't measure anything so I can't give you amounts but man it's good.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    ooh! i know a quote about kale...

    "if God wanted us to eat it, God wouldn't have made it taste like *kitten*." - William Shakespeare, 1564-1616

    Thou art right!

    i think he was. i took the liberty of translating it from olde english.