Absolutely Starving

slyall08 Posts: 25 Member
So I started MFP yesterday and have changed my eating drastically. I am now trying to do the 1200 calories that MFP alots but I have quite literally went to bed hungry yesterday and am getting ready to today. I am so hungry. Does anyone find 1200 calories tough to do?


  • PepePants
    PepePants Posts: 47 Member
    I took a quick peek at your food diary. I think you could probably mix it up and actually eat more volume and stick to your calories. Do you like vegetables? You could eat a large and satisfying salad for one of your meals. Also, you hadn't charted any water--this helps a lot. It's filling and sometimes we think we're hungry, but we're really thirsty and maybe even a lil' bit dehydrated. I shoot for 3 liters per day, I often don't make it. But the days I do are better eating days--I eat less and feel more satisfied. What about exercise? Not only is it great for your mental health, it allows you to eat more. Hope this helps!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Yes! I'm on 1200 cal too. I try to net 1200-1400. It's too hard to stick to exactly 1200, so give yourself some wiggle room. I also workout once (or twice) a day so that I'm able to eat more. For me, that goal is a good kick in the rear to workout. Don't let yourself get hungry though. Aim for 1200 if you feel that it's right, but don't starve yourself. And if it's just not something that possible for you, up your calories. In my experience, being hungry leads to binging and giving up. And no one needs to hear their tummies rumbling.
  • katiehrgovic
    katiehrgovic Posts: 32 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey! :)

    You can adjust your goals on My Fitness Pal by clicking on "Goals" and then the green button that says "Change Goals". It will also allow to you adjust macro-nutrient goals for the day. Hope this helps!
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I feel 1200 is too less for me. I exercise a lot and hence I keep it around 1600 or so
  • slyall08
    slyall08 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. I have actually drank quite a bit of water today and yesterday. I drink water naturally so I don't track it normally. I haven't started working out just yet. I am trying to do baby steps. This week, I am doing strictly dietary changes and I will gradually add workouts. In the past I have gone all in to fast and have failed and I really want to make this work.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Get walking, running or any cardio. I find 1200 cal plus what I earn in activity points to be more then I can eat.Good Luck
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,350 Member
    I lasted on 1200 calories for exactly one day. It's too low. Being hungry leads to overeating.
    KAYRRIE Posts: 201 Member
    Yes! I thought I had to starve too in the beginning and went to bed hungry many nights. But I learned the trick to that is workout and you get to eat those calories back and wala, more food for you. I promise it works. I'm proof it does. And I no longer go to bed hungry.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    I eat 1200 to 1300 calories. lower carb and I eat 6 times a day. I eat lots in volume. I sent you a friend request for my diary is only open to friends.

    I also notice you have extermely low protein. Protein helps you feel fuller. You may want to up that a bit more.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    You're probably hungry because you're not eating enough. 1200 is the minimum number MFP gives anyone based on how you input your goals. In reality, most people need to be eating more than that. If you give us your height, weight, age, and goal weight, we can help you figure out how much to eat. Or you can go here to calculate your calorie needs: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    This is also a really good thread explaining how many calories you need: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    Anyway, no matter how much you're eating, try eating natural whole foods instead of processed stuff. Real food keeps you feeling satisfied for longer, for less calories. You can definitely still have treats in moderation; just try to clean up your diet a little. Weight loss doesn't have to be miserable and you should never have to go to bed hungry. Good luck!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You're probably hungry because you're not eating enough. 1200 is the minimum number MFP gives anyone based on how you input your goals. In reality, most people need to be eating more than that. If you give us your height, weight, age, and goal weight, we can help you figure out how much to eat. Or you can go here to calculate your calorie needs: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    This is also a really good thread explaining how many calories you need: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013

    Anyway, no matter how much you're eating, try eating natural whole foods instead of processed stuff. Real food keeps you feeling satisfied for longer, for less calories. You can definitely still have treats in moderation; just try to clean up your diet a little. Weight loss doesn't have to be miserable and you should never have to go to bed hungry. Good luck!

    Totally agree with this.
    You are eating too little.
    You do not need to starve to lose weight and it can actually make weight loss more difficult in the long run as you have nowhere left to go once you get closer to goal.
    Eat as much as you can, while still losing weight is my advice, your metabolism will thank you.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I find that when I'm hungry it really helps if I eat more.

    And I mean that in as non snarky a way as possible.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I felt like utter, absolute crap when I was on 1200. I upped to 1500 and felt a bit better. Then 1800 and felt even better. And now...well...I eat like a boss. You might want to reevaluate that number; it's not enough (nor necessary) for many people.
  • Cardio exercise is easy and the calories burned allow you to eat more. Try an easy pace recumbent stationary bicycle and graduate to a fat tired cruiser to start. You may find that you love it. It made all the difference for me.
  • djmajors
    djmajors Posts: 1
    I can honestly say that 1200 calories seemed impossible at first but what I figured out was that a net 1200 wasn't crazy/difficult. Remember, you don't have to eat 1200 cal, you have to net 1200. That means eating 1800 (which is perfectly normal) means you have to exercie 600 back off. Now, 600 was at first a lot of work. 90 minutes on the treadmill and a walk in the evening... then down to 80... etc. Now I can burn 600 in a 30 minute eliptical run.. It seems so odd that I only started on 4/22 and needed to lose 15 lbs but now that I'm down to within 3 lbs and I'm at a 19.5% bodyfat, I'm glad I used MyFitnessPal. It worked for me...
  • gogo99999
    gogo99999 Posts: 23 Member
    It will be hard for the first week. Are you drinking lots of water? I find this helps. After the first week your body seems to adjust to the new way of eating. Good luck. Try your hardest to stick with it. Make sure also that you have lots of protein.
  • azjoanna
    azjoanna Posts: 16 Member
    I've been on MFP for 70 days and I'm finding that 1200-1400 calories is quite fulfilling if you make wise choices. Plenty of protein, and lots of bulky fresh or frozen veggies. My food diary is public so feel free to take a look for examples of what a 1230/per day avg week looks like. I do not go to bed hungry....I usually have a smoothie before bed (1 cup almond milk and 1/4 - 1/2 cup frozen fruit):smile: You can do this....it just takes a little while to get the hang of it.
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    Since you just started, it may take you a few days to come up with foods that are more filling for you. You are welcome to look at my diary and see what I eat. I am not hungry very often using this app. Sometimes I have to force myself to eat more calories in a day. Just go thru mine and see what I eat and try those things. :smile:
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    Have a look at eat more2 lose weight... you eat more then your body needs to survive ( like in a coma) and less then you need for daily activities..(TDEE total daily energy expenditure. ..). im on 1700.. never hungry.. go have a look!!
  • I felt like utter, absolute crap when I was on 1200. I upped to 1500 and felt a bit better. Then 1800 and felt even better. And now...well...I eat like a boss. You might want to reevaluate that number; it's not enough (nor necessary) for many people.

    Thats awesome and inspiring for me in particular. I tried eating 1200, I tried eating 1500, all I ended up doing was overeating all the wrong things- bc i was starving. I dont even like junk food, and never overate/binged in my life until I started overly restricting. So over the past 2 weeks Ive increased my calories to 2000 total but I probably net 1800 bc I incorp workouts. I am eating clean and feeling great. Im going to try this method for 30 days and hope to have some success.