Stay at home moms, what do you do?

Hey guys! I am a stay at home mom to a 4 year old and 1 year old. When my older one starts preschool in a couple of weeks, I'll have three hours to kill where I will most likely walk. Looking for other things I can do, I would do 30 day shred and everything but I've done it and I like variety!!!

Also- we go to a lot of play dates so I won't always be available to work out during those 3 hours that he is at school. I need something that I can fit into at least some point in the day, maybe 30-45 minutes is what I will have.

What do you guys do?


  • sav3175
    sav3175 Posts: 47
    I have done insanity, rockin body and brazillian butt lifts and i recently just started focus t25 really fun and gets you working. have you heard of turbofire?
  • JackieC22
    JackieC22 Posts: 15 Member
    no, I haven't. How long do these workouts take? I don't actually have that whole 3hours to work out , just saying I could fit a work out in there.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Token Jillian Michaels post. Her videos are mostly 20-30 minutes long.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I am a SAHM of a 3 yr old and 11 month old. I have been doing turbofire for the past 4 months and also throw in 30 day shred, Turbo jam and lift some weights every now and then. We go on alot of walks also. I would definitely recommend turbofire though, It is so fun and gets the job done! There are classes that take 30 minutes to about an hour.
  • JackieC22
    JackieC22 Posts: 15 Member
    my question is... is that enough? Doing just workout videos? Should I be walking to? And how do you log that on here? thanks!
  • Souldor
    Souldor Posts: 7
    Eat less :)

    Start slowly, but eat less. It saves money, and time.

    Personally, shreds like insanity and p90x...I don't like. Don't get me wrong, they work if you're into the whole boot camp thing, but once you stop that, you'll gain the weight back really fast if you're not careful....and stuff like insanity and p90x - those workouts arent' something you can keep doing all the time.

    I personally found a very solid workout program (msg me if interested, i have the female version) and it's pretty much free weights and dumbbells. Going at my own pace and being consistent. It may take longer initially but in the long run it'll greatly help you maintain your healthy weight instead of doing some ON AND OFF thing like p90x for 3 months, nothing for a while cause you're burnt out...oh **** gained weight..let's do p90x again!....etc etc.

    Check out some tips at - i recently launched this website but will be adding tons of nifty tips and recipe ideas to help people manage their diet and successfully keep the weight off!

    My sister just gave birth to her 2nd child and has no time to work out. She's already lost 35 lbs in 3 weeks from giving birth while just keeping in check with what she eats and being in a slight caloric deficit. She has no time to work out yet, and is STILL getting results! Awesome.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    My SIL is a stay at home mom, and she is a member at a gym that has drop-in daycare for 18 extra bucks a month. She goes and works out for an hour or 2 and then goes back home.
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    I have a 4 yr old (as of tuesday) and a 2 1/2 year old..i've done 30DS RI30 and I run..I run on the treadmill when i have to, because I DONT run while pushing my kids tried it, hated it. I run outside any chance i get. I started a month ago a 3 DVD set called Ketllebody by brooke. each one is 30 min. Usually thats how long i have before my kids are trying to tear each other or my house apart.

    I'd try walking if you have a smart phone there are 1,001 apps for walking... then I'd try incorporating something else
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    I am a SAHM/Homeschooling mom of 7 (ages 8 down to 17 month old twins). I have done 30 day shred twice and have done about half of p90x. They are great for toning and I don't have any issue gaining any weight back after I am done with them, but then again I don't lose a lot while doing those. I lose inches (which is awesome), but not pounds. When I am working on losing the weight, I walk. Most of the time my children are with me as I am walking so it isn't exactly super fast. There are Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds videos on youtube that I do at night after they are in bed if I didn't get enough in during the day. Anyway, walking for me has been great for weight loss after each preganancy. I am currently weigh 9 pounds less than I did when I got married (i.e. prior to children.) Eating at a reasonable deficit and doing some exercise is a great combo. Best wishes on your weight loss. :)
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    I am a SAHM mom of 4 kids ages 7, 6, 3 1/2, and 1. I have lost 75lbs. Ive done Jillian Michaels, I got a little more than halfway through Insanity...but the easiest way for me to lose is to walk/jog on my treadmill. If I walk and jog taking turns doing each I burn twice as many calories then doing a cardio video. I just started lifting weights to get my arm strength up but my best advice is stick to walking.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I am a SAHM to 8 kids. I homeschool so the kids are usually with me. We go on walks/hikes together, bike rides, ect. When I have me time I have done the 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, Yoga for Warriors, Zumba. If I had the extra money I would maybe join a gym but that is not an option right now. I also have a stationary bike and an ellipitcal at home that I use.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    FT SAHM to one 2.5 year old wonderful little lunatic son. We take our BOB jogging stroller out almost daily. We run and walk about 40-50 miles/week. I also do Stronglifts 5x5. You've gotten a lot of workout video responses and those ARE NOT FOR ME. I like to run and lift. I also don't like to make companies / people like Beachbody and Jillian Michaels any more money. The biggest advice is to do workouts that are challenging and fun and you will stick with them. Push yourself!
  • LissaD26
    LissaD26 Posts: 13 Member
    Stay at home moms don't have to stay at home! We get dressed, have breakfast and head straight to the gym. I get in a good workout by myself with no interruptions and the kids get their own workout in at the kids' club. They LOVE it, especially when one of the trainers goes in and leads them in a kid workout. We each get time away from each other and have fun sharing what we did that day. We then scoot over to swim lessons, then maybe the library or food shopping, etc. We're home for lunch, quiet/reading time and then a craft/learning activity in the afternoon. They then get to have some "screen time" while I'm making dinner, then a family swim in our own pool before bed.

    It's a full day, but it keeps them busy, gives you some "me" time and keeps everyone active and healthy. :)
  • blbasham
    blbasham Posts: 11
    I do Zumba, 30 Day shred, walk and or ride my stationary bike. My kids like to go on the nature trail in town and walk with me when it isn't too hot!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Exercies videos are great if you are stuck at home. I walk a lot with the stroller. Otherwise I wait until my husband comes home and then I beat it to the gym or to yoga, or zumba or whatever. The majority of my workouts I do outside the home when daddy is in charge of kids for a while. but when I am home with them and can't get out, the big kids like to do yoga with me or else we play just dance on the wii or just blast some tunes and dance. Kids love that and it will burn crazy cals.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Okay, I just had to bust in. Sorry. I was a stay-at-home dad.
    I used to pick my wife up at her work at the end of the day. It was about five miles from home. Then, i would get out of the car, and let her drive home with the kids, while i ran home. Worked perfectly. I'd have half the dinner done before I left, and I wasn't too far behind them actually.
  • JackieC22
    JackieC22 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you guys! Gym isn't in my budget at the moment. I do have to lose about 10 pounds but I'm mainly looking to tone. Going to walk when I can but mainly focus on the exercises to gain muscle and lose inches.

    Anyone know a good place to start?
  • jolene_ca
    jolene_ca Posts: 91 Member
    I'm a SAHM to 5 kids (7, 6, 4, 3, and 21 months)

    I was doing 90 minutes of cardio at the gym 5x a week. I burned out on that fast because I had to go while my husband was home as adding daycare to my gym membership would bump it from $30 to $120 a month. I started T25 last week and LOVE it. I feel like I'm getting a really solid full body workout in only 28 minutes a day. I also walk my kids to and from school. That adds a few miles a day and the young ones enjoy it.
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member
    Zumba, tae bo and just recently bought a kettle bell which I absolutely love!
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    Sahm here and I have a bench with keg extension, elliptical, kettle bells and bike at home. My living room looks like a gym. Lol. I bought everything used so I get to workout daily while watching tv and the kids and even check on the food that is cooking. If u want out of the house I say a jogging stroller is nice with a stop at the park where u can run up and down stairs for slides and play chase or tag with the kids. Before u know it the other kids there want in cause most the moms at the park just read (my park at least) and u r chasing 5-7 kids around.