Trying to recommit to working out after baby

I had my second son two months ago and I would like to start working out again but find it hard to get motivated. After my first son I tried to lose the baby weight on my own with no success until a friend directed me towards MFP. Through tracking my calories and exercise I was able to lose 30 pounds. I was so happy! A few months after reaching my goal we were excited to find out we were expecting baby number two. Unfortunately, due to an accident I wasn't able to exercise during the pregnancy but did try to eat healthy and walk.

Now that our little boy has arrived and I've completely healed from both the pregnancy and my injury I would like to start exercising again. However, I'm finding it hard to get motivated to get up and move again. My old workout routine (workout 4 days a week for 30 - 45 min, alternating between running and strength training) isn't as convenient now that I have two boys. Plus the heat makes it hard to exercise during the day. I have a hard time waking early to exercise right now because were are still getting up 2-3 times a night for feedings. I plan to join a gym as soon as my infant son is old enough to go to the gyms childcare center.

The other issue I've ran up against is calorie related. I know calorie tracking made a huge difference when I originally lost weight but I'm concerned about cutting calories while breastfeeding. I experienced a decrease in milk supply when I tried to cut back on calories. I had difficulties with breastfeeding with my first son and I don't want to jeopardize the success I've had nursing my second son. Plus it seems like I have less time to spend inputting my calories into MFP.

Does anyone have some advice on adapting their workouts to being compatible with little ones or even kid friendly? Does anyone have suggestions on how manage calorie intake while breast feeding? If anyone has good suggestion on how to get back into the swing of workout after a nine month hiatus I would be very appreciative.

Thanks for any advice and support you can offer.


  • 628462
    628462 Posts: 58 Member
    I have a 1 year old. I got a jogging stroller but its 100 outside! Hopefully others have some suggestions for exercise!
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    My son is 14 months old so a year ago I was in your shoes. It doesn't normally get that hot here so we went for walks in the morning but I didn't exercise other than that until fall. I didn't cut calories at all until I finished breastfeeding as I had supply problems all thorough and dried up completely at 11.5 months.
  • MusicalMe
    MusicalMe Posts: 64 Member
    I hear where you're coming from. I was almost to my goal after losing 90 pounds two years ago, then I got pregnant. My baby is now a year old and I finally felt like I could focus on myself again. I usually get my exercise in while my girls are taking their naps. It's not always the most convenient time, but I have to fit it in and I am NOT about get outside in 100 degree weather and 90% humidity. I use Jillian Michaels' DVDs, and also Chalene Johnson's TurboFire or Chalean Extreme. They are both good workouts that I can get in while my girls are sleeping. Good luck to you!
  • coco3382458
    coco3382458 Posts: 296 Member
    i think its real tough because you are not getting the rest you should with baby waking up so much. uhhhh i remember those days about 2 years ago and I felt like a zombie. My son did not sleep through the night until after he was 1 years old!! If you have the energy to exercise then I would suggest working out at home. Sneak in a work out while baby is napping, a quick one like 30 day shred thats about a 20 min workout. That is a good starting point. best of luck and congrats on your little one :flowerforyou: