Stay at home moms, what do you do?



  • tracyhawk
    tracyhawk Posts: 15 Member
    I just started p90x (just doing 20 minutes or so, not the whole work out) and a 20 minute run on my treadmill alternating sprints with speed walking. My baby doesn't nap long enough to do both back to back so I split them up during the day if I can fit them in. Feel free to add me!
  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    I run and do Body by You.
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    Zumba, tae bo and just recently bought a kettle bell which I absolutely love!

    I thought that maybe I was the only one who still did tae bo, LOL. I love it. It incorporates toning as well as cardio.
  • Britterboo22
    Britterboo22 Posts: 300 Member
    Im not exactly a SAHM, I work but im at home a lot too.

    I do various vids and mix them up.
    tae bo
    and dance off the inches

    plus walk walk walk
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I do air squats about 90 of them, while watching tv, then I head to the gym and do 30 minutes worth of strength training on my arms and legs, then I end with 35 minutes of walking very fast on the treadmill up a really high incline on a cross country course, then I do about 10 minutes worth of sit-ups using a big exercise therapy ball, and I'm dead to the world tired after that.

    When my son goes on field trips, which is about once a week, the zoo is usually one of the places frequented and that is lots of walking, which burns tons of calories. I also will jump on the trampoline with him, jump rope sometimes, or bounce on the ball with him facing me and using him as weight. He weighs 59 pounds, maybe a little more and he is 6 years old, so it is a pretty good resistance while bouncing on a big ball!
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member
    Zumba, tae bo and just recently bought a kettle bell which I absolutely love!

    I thought that maybe I was the only one who still did tae bo, LOL. I love it. It incorporates toning as well as cardio.

    Lol I don't fo it as much as I used to but I loved it. I was never any good at it but I burned some major calories trying!
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I say a jogging stroller is nice with a stop at the park where u can run up and down stairs for slides and play chase or tag with the kids. Before u know it the other kids there want in cause most the moms at the park just read (my park at least) and u r chasing 5-7 kids around.

    so true! My kids asked me the other day why the other mommies don't play at the park and I'm the only one. It's sad that some people miss out on that part of their kids lives. Take time to play and get a workout at the same time I say!
  • beautyonthebeach83
    beautyonthebeach83 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm a SAHM of a 4 year old and 2 1/2 year old. My husband works crazy hours and goes on-call a lot so I can't always get to the gym. (I go to a small, local club that no longer offers childcare.) I do a lot of videos as a result and I exercise with my kids. They get a kick out of it and it wears them out. :) I have been doing 30 day shred 5 days a week and I just started doing Zumba for extra cardio. I use the Kardio Kim website because I can't get to a real class. She has a bunch of hour long kickboxing workouts and Zumba sessions and they're FREE! Here's the link: Also, YouTube has a bunch of workouts too in case you get bored with your video library, and you can find both cardio and resistance. I like TheBeachBodyMom and BeFit channels. We have YouTube set up on DH's PS3 so I can exercise in the living room. I try to go to the gym on the weekends when DH is home to watch the kids, unless he's on call and can't. Or we go on hikes as a family or long walks around the lake or the beach. There are lots of things you can do even without a gym membership. :smile:
  • tiabonniwell
    I'm a stay at home mom of three boys. When my older two were in school it was easy to find a babysitter for the baby and head to the gym for a half hour. With summer though its so much harder. So i bought some little weights and I do various exercises (I'm really really trying to tone) and We all go for a lot of walks, and nature hikes. I also like to do zumba and dance central on my wii. I also use my fat blockers and wraps to compliment my work outs :)
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    I say a jogging stroller is nice with a stop at the park where u can run up and down stairs for slides and play chase or tag with the kids. Before u know it the other kids there want in cause most the moms at the park just read (my park at least) and u r chasing 5-7 kids around.

    so true! My kids asked me the other day why the other mommies don't play at the park and I'm the only one. It's sad that some people miss out on that part of their kids lives. Take time to play and get a workout at the same time I say!

    Right hubby and I are the only adults that slides down slides and swing or swim at the association pool. I always remember my mother never did those things so I strive to be a more active patent.
  • AmberEnriquez2
    AmberEnriquez2 Posts: 4 Member
    Im a SAHM and the most effective and fun workout is ZUMBA but i understand the budget thing and those kind of workouts do get pricey..I just go on you tube there are tons of free workouts that you can do and even challenges that are fun and only about half fave is "superherofitnesstv" check her out shes awesome and will have your butt sweating and give you a good workout...
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    Im a SAHM and the most effective and fun workout is ZUMBA but i understand the budget thing and those kind of workouts do get pricey..I just go on you tube there are tons of free workouts that you can do and even challenges that are fun and only about half fave is "superherofitnesstv" check her out shes awesome and will have your butt sweating and give you a good workout...

    I get the Zumba DVD from my library. Check out your library for DVD's/videos you can get for free.
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    I run (C2K5), and do a lot of youtube videos. Currently working through Jillian Michael's 6weeks 6 pack abs one. Also I like the Cassey Ho pilates videos ... she is MEAN (in a good way - ha!)
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    I'm a SAHM of a 5yr old, 3yr old, and 7 month old .. I do chalean extreme. Sometimes Im up as early as 4am working out. I don't wait for the time to come to work out.. as SOON as the opportunity strikes I make it work. Sometimes I have to pause and take care of business (like fetching my now mobile infant) but I make it work :) So far since Feb I've done 2 rounds of 30 day shred, a month of beachbody brazil butt lift and like I said now im on CLX.
  • beautyonthebeach83
    beautyonthebeach83 Posts: 99 Member
    Im a SAHM and the most effective and fun workout is ZUMBA but i understand the budget thing and those kind of workouts do get pricey..I just go on you tube there are tons of free workouts that you can do and even challenges that are fun and only about half fave is "superherofitnesstv" check her out shes awesome and will have your butt sweating and give you a good workout...

    I get the Zumba DVD from my library. Check out your library for DVD's/videos you can get for free.

    I do Zumba at home using a free web site. There are tons of sessions to choose from!
  • NessShockley
    NessShockley Posts: 5 Member
    I am a SAHM too with a 7, 6 and 4 year old. I've checked out every Jillian Michaels DVD (and Biggest Loser DVD's from the library) but recently stuck with Jillian's Hard Body DVD (there are 2 parts) and do that 3 days a week. The other 3 days I run and all the while I walk everywhere. I'll park on one side of the school, drop kids off and walk and walk to get a good burn in for the day. Drink lots and lots of water!
  • NessShockley
    NessShockley Posts: 5 Member
    I will wake up my metabolism with a Muscle Milk shake around 0500 before everyone wakes up, and on the DVD mornings I'll do it before everyone wakes up so I am showered and ready for the day by 0600.
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    im a SAHM to a 1 yr old, i take him in the jogging stroller for 45 - 1 hr if not ill let him play while i workout at my home gym i have heaps of different fitness dvds so i do not get bored.
  • LissaD26
    LissaD26 Posts: 13 Member
    I just don't understand why gyms are so expensive in certain states/areas. I pay $299/2 years (Costco deal w/24HourFitness) and $10/month for child care (additional kids are $5/month). I don't go for manicures, buy fancy coffees, or wear expensive clothes, so I figure $30/month is well worth spending on myself so I can have a little time to myself so I can be a better mom the rest of the day.