can you ever lose the csection "shelf" roll of fat?

If so, how? I have had three abdominal surgeries (appendix, csection, abdom hysterectomy) so I have like zero core excuse, the reason I don't have them is the **** diet and no training, but now I'm doing as much as I can and I'm having great success getting stronger and a bit smaller and less flabby everywhere else except there and the whole way up from the belly button...I've also been diagnosed with IBS which I hear can make it hard to lose the abdominal gut fat. It's like when I do planks, the center of my tummy hangs's a lot of excess skin, too, from multiple weight losses and pregnancy...

but...enough *****ing and moaning... I can take control....How do you lose that shelf ... I know it's mostly diet and you can't spot reduce fat/big areas, but there must be something I can do...I'm doing 3 days heavy beach boot camp and 2 days heavy personal training a week plus occasional hot yoga... how do I lose the csection shelf?


  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I want to know too! And I don't want to hear its food. LoL I have trouble not eating junk.
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
  • xxxkrystlexxx
    I'd also like to know this!
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    There's quite a few threads on the success area of those who have made their tummies flat. I've still got a droopy bit there - it floats in the bath, which is interesting!! - I'm hoping eventually it will tighten up as everything above it tightens up, but I guess no-one is going to invite me to model for Playboy any time soon:grumble: :laugh:
  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    I also have this problem, am really hoping after another year of keeping my weight stable it will be a little better. I do a lot of core strengthening and am definitely stronger, unfortunately it doesn't look much better..
  • corinnelapolt
    I also had a c-section - almost 13 years ago. In the last year I started going to Pilates and I can do things today that I have never been able to do, effortlessly. I'm told that it's a dual approach, core training (like Pilates) and fat loss (diet). Don't forget the impact of drinking enough water!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    In my experience, not entirely. I have decent abs. I love working them, and I can see a 4 pack, but the area around/below the navel, will just never be flat again. It could be that I waited too many years to work on that after having kids, or it could be that the damage was too severe. I am still numb around my c-section scar. But it's not enough that I need spanx or anything like that. I've worn bikinis, but not tiny ones. I'll do a mid rise bottom or really now I prefer boy short bottoms because I think they're cuter.
  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    Yes, I also have a 4 pack but south of the belly button is a different story. I was very overweight for about 6 years and also still have numb areas, I think the combined damage is too much for my skin to tighten..
  • bbzgrl110
    bbzgrl110 Posts: 45 Member
    I would love to know the answer to this. I've had 3 c-sections, a tubal-ligation, and a hysterectomy. I also have IBS, and degenerative disc disease in my lower back. I've heard that working my core with help with the disc issue also. Even if I never have a "flat" belly again, I would love to be able to tone it up more than it is.
  • madamchoochoo
    madamchoochoo Posts: 36 Member
    Honestly... im not sure anything except from surgery would shift it totally. I had a c-section 7 years ago and have done pilates religiously for 2 years, my core is really strong and i've got almost emerging abs, but STILL i have the shelf - albeit its only tiny but the reality is in my opinion that unless i get to a point where i have insanely low body fat its not going to go as the area is rigid from the stiches. If i stand upright it goes but as its rigid it appears when i sit down, almost like the skin hangs over where the scar is? Hope that makes sense?
  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with all of you , I have the same issue, but I think its a skin thing. I don't think it will matter how hard you work out or how much weight you lose I think the skin around this area has taken too much damage with the operations for it to every shrink back entirely. But I'm hoping that if I concentrate on my core and improve my muscle tone I can make it look a lot less obtrusive.... and good 'control' pants help!
  • pacsqueen
    pacsqueen Posts: 88
    And I thought I was the only one with this issue!! If nothing else, this string makes me not feel like I'm the only one!! Thanks so much and here's hoping for a "cure"!!!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I will keep checking this post for answers, as I have the same issue.

    My gyn and PCP told me plastic surgery was my only option because the skin is just too loose.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    <== 90% diet, 10% exercise. Abs are all about what you put into your body. I had a c-section 3 years ago, but lost the belly in a matter of weeks.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I know 2 moms who were able to get down to a flat, tight belly after having 2 c-sections. One worked her butt off, ate clean, etc. and another lost the weight naturally and didn't have a lot of abdominal fat to begin with. It's possible!
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    In my experience, not completely. I had two c-sections and lost all the baby weight after both kids, but it has not entirely gone away and I suspect it won't. However, weight lifting has helped quite a bit, along with a fairly clean diet. I have an ab progress pic in my profile if anyone is interested. It doesn't show the c-section scar, but I'm pretty pleased with how far I've come above the scar line!!
  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    It is nice to know other people have this issue. I don't think I would consider surgery unless there were health implications. Sometimes I like to think of it as a reminder to keep myself healthy from now on!
  • Jessimaaka
    Jessimaaka Posts: 127 Member
    I've heard it never truly completely goes away without the assistance of surgery. Which sucks because mine is not pretty! But I'm only 11 months out.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I know moms that have had multiple C-sections.

    Clean eating and heavy lifting is the way to go they say.

    6 packs and no pooch.
  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    In my experience, not completely. I had two c-sections and lost all the baby weight after both kids, but it has not entirely gone away and I suspect it won't. However, weight lifting has helped quite a bit, along with a fairly clean diet. I have an ab progress pic in my profile if anyone is interested. It doesn't show the c-section scar, but I'm pretty pleased with how far I've come above the scar line!!
    Wow Lauren, am almost inspired to take up weight lifting!