I blew it!

Hi guys, I signed up here about a week ago because I wanted to lose some weight and wasn't really sure where to start or what to do.

I've been working a desk job about three years, and have put on about 50 pounds without making any lifestyle changes during that three years. (ate the same foods, did the same amount of "exercise", etc. all that changed was I worked at a desk instead of on my feet)

So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish, or at least a lot more healthy than I had been previously, and I guess it has ONLY been a week, but in the past week of doing usually an hour of exercise a day (from 0 seconds a day previously), and cutting back from a 5000-6000 calorie a day diet to usually 1000 or less, I have gained twelve pounds. In a week.

Any protips?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi guys, I signed up here about a week ago because I wanted to lose some weight and wasn't really sure where to start or what to do.

    I've been working a desk job about three years, and have put on about 50 pounds without making any lifestyle changes during that three years. (ate the same foods, did the same amount of "exercise", etc. all that changed was I worked at a desk instead of on my feet)

    So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish, or at least a lot more healthy than I had been previously, and I guess it has ONLY been a week, but in the past week of doing usually an hour of exercise a day (from 0 seconds a day previously), and cutting back from a 5000-6000 calorie a day diet to usually 1000 or less, I have gained twelve pounds. In a week.

    Any protips?

    why are you only eating 1000 calories or less?
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    12 lbs in 1 week.. No.. Smash your scale..
  • BflSabrefan
    12 LBS in 1 week? Your scale is broke. Why are you only eating 1000 calories a day??? I am 5'2 and female and I am eating 1600 a day and losing!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Obvious troll post is obvious.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member

    1. you used to eat 5000-6000 cals per day.

    2. For the last week you've been going the gym and eating 1000cals per day.

    3. You have gained 12lbs In a week.

    I have a really hard time believing those numbers are correct,
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    this is a joke.. I eat 1000 calories by noon...
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 274 Member
    When I started reading this, I was prepared to jump in and try to be helpful, but between the 6000 calories per day and 12 pound gain in a week? I'm thinking troll.
  • cameronwheeler
    You need to eat AT LEAST 1200 calories per day to function. never eat less than that. Try switching from soda to water and i guarantee you will drop 2-5 lbs in a week.

    stick with it though. its doing you better than it is doing worse eating less. Try exercising. I know it sounds like a pain but you gotta do it in order to lose weight. your only doing half of what you need to do. Just go walking for 30 minutes a day. You will drop weight extremely fast.

    I was 307 lbs a few months ago and now i've dropped down to 255 just by eating around 1200 calories per day, drinking water, and no fast food.

    it actually wasn't as hard as i thought it was going to be. i've tried probably 20 different diets in my life (19 years old) and none of them have worked, but now everything is working for me... it can work for you. you just gotta be strong.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I would say that you're looking at a combo of changes hitting your body: 1) Your muscles swelling and retaining water from the shock of exercise and 2) your body going "HEY FOOD HANG ONTO THAT!". Eating more - try using MFP's guided prompts - will help a lot. Water weight from muscle swelling will go down on its own.

    And your scale must be off - you don't gain 12 pounds of fat in a single week. Have heart.
  • marinetteloser
    12 lbs in 1 week.. No.. Smash your scale..
    Tried 2 scales, my actual bathroom scale and the Wii Fit scale, both of them say I'm up 12.

    why are you only eating 1000 calories or less?
    I've been eating when I'm hungry instead of eating for fun. I have fun eating, I'm the kind of guy who was literally eating a lasagna for breakfast and some more lasagna and some calzones for lunch and like a pot roast for dinner. Not because I felt like I *needed* to eat that much, but because I'm a good cook, it tasted good, and I enjoyed eating it, so if I was able to eat it without feeling full (I've done competitive eating, I don't really get "full") I would eat it.

    I probably don't "need" a lot of calories because I'm sitting in a chair 12-18 hours a day typing code and not moving.
    edit: while I will admit on other websites I troll all the time, because it's fun, I'm being serious here.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    12 lbs in 1 week.. No.. Smash your scale..
    Tried 2 scales, my actual bathroom scale and the Wii Fit scale, both of them say I'm up 12.

    why are you only eating 1000 calories or less?
    I've been eating when I'm hungry instead of eating for fun. I have fun eating, I'm the kind of guy who was literally eating a lasagna for breakfast and some more lasagna and some calzones for lunch and like a pot roast for dinner. Not because I felt like I *needed* to eat that much, but because I'm a good cook, it tasted good, and I enjoyed eating it, so if I was able to eat it without feeling full (I've done competitive eating, I don't really get "full") I would eat it.

    I probably don't "need" a lot of calories because I'm sitting in a chair 12-18 hours a day typing code and not moving.

    In order to gain 12 pounds in a week, you would of had to consume 24,500 OVER your suggested daily intake.

    Also, eat more than 1000 calories...seriously...I eat 2300 a day and lose like crazy. Less than 1000 is not healthy.
  • marinetteloser

    1. you used to eat 5000-6000 cals per day.

    2. For the last week you've been going the gym and eating 1000cals per day.

    3. You have gained 12lbs In a week.

    I have a really hard time believing those numbers are correct,

    I don't go to the gym, I play the Wii Fit video game when I don't have a customer on the phone saying "Hey, can you make the program we're using do X feature, that would be really nice" because I work from home a few hours a night after I leave the office.

    I weighed myself a week ago when I signed up for this website and started doing some Wii Fit stuff, I was 235 on both the video game and the "real" scale, this morning when I got up I thought "Ohh, yeah, I've been doing great, let's see the results!" and it said 247, and I was like wait wtf, so I turned on the Wii and it also said 247.

    edit: fixed a typo
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    People forget the numbers he used to consume and what he is consuming now and look at the bigger picture here.

    OP it is impossible for you to gain 12lbs on 1000 calories per day, you are underestimating your food and drink and overestimating any exercise you are logging. End of.

    People forget whether 1k in cals is enough for one day, losing 12lbs on that amount of grub is not physically possible unless the OP has found a way of twisting physics out of shape and if he has, I sure hope he gives his methods to those starving in poor countries, he could be their life-saver.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Well if you're serious then I would suggest eating at least 2500 calories/day to start. If you were eating 5000 that is a remarkable improvement and you can tweak it from there. Definitely don't eat 1000 calories/day... omg, that is unsustainable and downright unhealthy for anyone, nevermind a man. Start as you intend to go on.
  • marinetteloser
    I would say that you're looking at a combo of changes hitting your body: 1) Your muscles swelling and retaining water from the shock of exercise and 2) your body going "HEY FOOD HANG ONTO THAT!". Eating more - try using MFP's guided prompts - will help a lot. Water weight from muscle swelling will go down on its own.

    And your scale must be off - you don't gain 12 pounds of fat in a single week. Have heart.
    Could retaining water really be possible? Admittedly, I drank zero water a week ago, ever.
    I drank coffee, all day, like 2 - 3 pots of it, and I'm drinking a lot of water and juice now and have dropped coffee.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    The answer to your concern is clearly related to cosmic proportionate revelation within the mind related to emotional awareness and relativity. Cleary there is a balance of many psychological alertness factors that relent to the space equation. This could be due to many inadament objectivity factors that relate to various forms of possible solutions. One of the clearest factors is in relation to the body and it's need for adherent nutritional values. These can form different spectrums for various subjects but yours is clearly related to the above information. Good luck on your journey. It can be done.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I'm thinking cut too much, too fast. Calculate your TDEE and cut from there. Also try weighing yourself every day for a bit, track the fluctuations. Granted I'm female, but my body goes up and down a few pounds on a day to day basis.
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    That's impossible. Trolololol lol lol llol
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    Looking at your other posts I'm not thinking troll, however I do agree that 12lb gain doesn't make sense.

    One week is nothing, I didn't see my first loss till a month after I started my diet change. 1000 is no way close to enough cals, use a calculator like the others have suggested. I used the TDEE one as MFP put me on 1200 which a) I struggled with and b) everyone said was too little.

    I still don't get it but eating more (of the right things) lost me more weight than eating less. Log EVERYTHING it will start to make a difference :)
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    First, you need to open your diary so we can see what you are eating.

    Second, you really need to up your calories, make sure you are getting enough Protien, limiting carbs and sugars.

    If you really are eating 1,000 calories and you gained 12 lbs, it could be because of the massive change in eating and exercise.

    SO, get your calories somewhere normal (i.e. let MFP calculate a calorie figure for you and eat Whole, natural foods to reach it). Try and hit 1g of protien to your lean body weight. Stop exercising (One change to the body at a time) and drink your water. Then see where you are after a week.