C25k challenge

I started the C25k challenge and am absolutely loving the fact that I can run. I can become a runner. After just a week I'm already looking at going on after hitting a 5k. Anyone else done the couch to 5k challenge? How did it go for you? Did you go farther??


  • VixB1842
    VixB1842 Posts: 36
    I've just started it and loving it too :D I never thought I would be able to do anything like this! :D I'm now thinking of taking it further after I've done it and do a 5/10k race or a fun run or something which I would have never ever done before I started this. Love it!!
  • k_winder
    k_winder Posts: 65 Member
    Me too! Just finished week 1 today and I'm impressed by how well I am doing, considering I haven't run since high school gym class....
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Doing zombie version and on week 5. Got my first proper 5k next weekend as a colour run. I also do a parkrun every Saturday although mainly walking it still.
  • kwenners
    kwenners Posts: 9 Member
    I'm starting the C25k tomorrow and can't wait to run again!! We can do this.
  • ldnmaggie
    ldnmaggie Posts: 222 Member
    i started today!:tongue:
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    ive done c25k on and off for a few years now. trying to get back on it. jumped right into week 4 and doing ok.
  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    Y'all are great! Keep up the good work. I'm actually getting motivated to start myself by reading your posts, but I'm not sure these old knees can take it. They give me a fit already.....but then the glass half-full side of me says, if you grin and bear it, and you lose weight, the knees might not hurt as bad. Thoughts??
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    I think i'm going to start this! I need to start somewhere and if you all are having such a good time with it I might as well give it a shot!

    Looking for some supportive friends if any of you would like to add me =)
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Week 5 day 3 tomorrow.......my first twenty min stretch! Can't wait:) anyone can feel free to add me
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm in the middle of week 2. It is challenging for me because I'm running with my youngest dog and she is always herding me but I always find I want more at the end of the workout! I signed up for my first 5K in September and I am already planning on doing the 5Kto10K next. I want to incorporate running into my weekly routine.
  • imafitmom
    imafitmom Posts: 116 Member
    Hi there! I finished c25k about three weeks ago. It was wonderful - I went from being a person who could not run 50ft without being winded to someone who runs 4 miles 3 days a week. I am still cannot believe I am running but I am!!! Doing my first 10K in October. You will be amazed with yourself! :wink:
  • Sailfindragon
    Sailfindragon Posts: 28 Member
    Started yesterday. Going to do Day 2 shortly.
  • sealevels
    sealevels Posts: 123
    I'm a two-time graduate of the program, and I will tell you that it works. It helped me blast off 50+ lbs. each (of course not just doing that - but it helped kickstart everything for me).

    Week 5 Day 3 is the most glorious run.
  • godsgirl68
    godsgirl68 Posts: 4 Member
    I started the C25K last November. I am 45 years old, not in any way athletic and I had never run in my life...even in school when they made us run in gym class I would walk most of it. I didn't have very high hopes for myself going into this, and I was pretty pathetic when I started out...gasping for breath after 90 seconds of running! But here I am 7 months later running two miles almost every day and 3+ when I can spare the time. I know it's been said before, but if I can do it, anyone can!
    Good Luck!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Y'all are great! Keep up the good work. I'm actually getting motivated to start myself by reading your posts, but I'm not sure these old knees can take it. They give me a fit already.....but then the glass half-full side of me says, if you grin and bear it, and you lose weight, the knees might not hurt as bad. Thoughts??

    Don't run on concrete! Run on a track or asphalt, it makes a huge difference - valuable information given to my by aunt who has run for years. Now verified by myself, I've had two knee surgeries due to injuries, one a partial replacement and running without my brace.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I did c25 in 2011. In 2012 I ran 10k races and in 2013 I am now training for a Half Marathon. :)
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I am about halfway through it and loving it!!! I tried years ago on my own and couldn't run too far. I am amazed at how well I am doing now!
    I signed up for a Color Run in September in Brooklyn as motivation and getting new running sneakers as my "Graduation" present.

    I plan on moving on to a half marathon eventually but will give myself a year or two for that.

    I use RunDouble as an app on my phone and you can go the their website to see your progress.

    Good Luck & enjoy it!
  • godsgirl68
    godsgirl68 Posts: 4 Member
    To the woman who is thinking about starting but has bad knees, my right ankle and knee bother me but I've still been able to run. They seem to loosen up after a while and as long as I have very good sneakers and run on level ground I'm okay. Give it a try! Splurge on some good sneakers, though, that is very important!
  • Puddy86
    Puddy86 Posts: 1 Member
    I started the c25k last september after I was hospitalised. The consultant told me that I had to lose weight and exercise or I'd basically had it. The first time I did it, I managed about 12 mins of walking before I had to stop, but I persevered. I finally completed the couch to 5K, then started to repeat it, so do it twice, then three times etc. Now I run at least 90 mins most days and I am going to attempt my first marathon on 11th August. I dont know if I'll finish it, but I'm going to give it a try. I've lost 45 lbs with the running too. It definately makes a difference and it keeps the muscle on, so its fat that you are loosing. My consultant couldnt believe the change in me in my check up!!! I still have a long way to go, but laura and the couch to 5k have really helped.
  • I am on week 6 and it feels great. It does get hard around this time. I find running for 10 minutes or the last day of the week where it is 20 minutes straight very hard but I keep telling myself as I am running, "Look how far you have come, Don't stop, just keep going"