I blew it!



  • ...OP it is impossible for you to gain 12lbs on 1000 calories per day, you are underestimating your food and drink and overestimating any exercise you are logging...
    I'm not really sure what you mean here, I'm not coming up with any calorie values on my own, I'm just typing the names of everything I've eaten in the search box and adding it, as for exercise I've used a timer and stop myself at an hour, because it's just easier to pick a "previous exercise" and not mess around with editing the time spent doing it each day.

    Would you be able to take a peek at my food diary, I think it's public, but I'm new here so I'm not really sure.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    The answer to your concern is clearly related to cosmic proportionate revelation within the mind related to emotional awareness and relativity. Cleary there is a balance of many psychological alertness factors that relent to the space equation. This could be due to many inadament objectivity factors that relate to various forms of possible solutions. One of the clearest factors is in relation to the body and it's need for adherent nutritional values. These can form different spectrums for various subjects but yours is clearly related to the above information. Good luck on your journey. It can be done.

    Dude you just broke my brain.
  • Anony1023
    Anony1023 Posts: 19 Member
    what's a troll?
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member

    1. you used to eat 5000-6000 cals per day.

    2. For the last week you've been going the gym and eating 1000cals per day.

    3. You have gained 12lbs In a week.

    I have a really hard time believing those numbers are correct,

    Totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And why go from so many calories a day, to straight away so little..... You should have maybe reduced them by half for a few weeks, then lower etc........Not 1,000 calories. Even I eat more than that
  • I'm thinking cut too much, too fast. Calculate your TDEE and cut from there. Also try weighing yourself every day for a bit, track the fluctuations. Granted I'm female, but my body goes up and down a few pounds on a day to day basis.
    I don't know what TDEE is, like I said I'm new at this. :-(
    I haven't weighed myself in a week, I've done the Wii Fit exercise but I skipped all the daily weigh ins on it because I didn't want to like exercise and see it go up constantly (like last time I tried Wii Fit-ing when it first came out) and get discouraged.
    First, you need to open your diary so we can see what you are eating.
    Maybe I gained 12 pounds in my eyelids and I can't see it, where do I make it public?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    your body needs a certain number of calories for your organs to run, so while you dont need 5000 per day, just because you sit at a desk all day doesnt mean you only need 1000 - it may be doable for a while as you have so much excess fat, but long term it is in no way sustainable.

    you would more than likely lose on 2000 cals.... you need to be thinking healthy lifestyle, not quick fix weight loss.
  • Dude you just broke my brain.
    Yeah, I was going to post a picture of Patrick Star as a reply to this, but I couldn't find one, lol.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Hi guys, I signed up here about a week ago because I wanted to lose some weight and wasn't really sure where to start or what to do.

    I've been working a desk job about three years, and have put on about 50 pounds without making any lifestyle changes during that three years. (ate the same foods, did the same amount of "exercise", etc. all that changed was I worked at a desk instead of on my feet)

    So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish, or at least a lot more healthy than I had been previously, and I guess it has ONLY been a week, but in the past week of doing usually an hour of exercise a day (from 0 seconds a day previously), and cutting back from a 5000-6000 calorie a day diet to usually 1000 or less, I have gained twelve pounds. In a week.

    Any protips?

    "So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish"

    So me the diary on how you can put on 12 pounds in one week - unless its water weight - sodium

    I am sorry, when I posted my reply, your dairy was closed. After looking at it, you should try and make some changes. Breakfast try and eat more protein - plain yogurt, milk, fruits - even make a smoothie (yogurt, milk, banana, peanut or almond butter) throw in some cereal) very filling and more nutritious than what you are having right now.

    Lunch: large salad with chicken, meat or fish, even eggs (whatever is your fancy) even a slice or two of bread.

    Dinner: smashed potatoes with any of the above or rice with the same, couscous, home made bake sweet potatoes fries along with mixed vegetables. You could even give yourself a treat with dinner (that's up to your and your daily calories). If you fancy ice cream, exercise for 30 minutes more - that's what I do.

    Don't forget the water, flushes out your kidney and go easy on the sodium - some people on here do not see the reason for this, but sodium and my scale are best friends.
  • OK, got my diary open, sorry, I'm blind.

    Like I said, only been here a week, only have weighed myself once, everything I've eaten is in there.

    I mean I FEEL healthy, and the exercise has helped me sleep a lot better and just feel better at work, and I haven't been really that hungry, but I've been mostly doing an "eat when I'm hungry" thing, except for one night last week when I had some people over and cooked a huge dinner for everyone.

    edit: not really looking for "no ur a lier trol huehuehue top lel", just a confirmation that this is "not normal" and tips to point me in the right direction.

    I honestly don't care about weight loss, I don't care about looking "good", I don't care about not being flabby, just that I have a history of people in my family going up to the 400 pound range in their thirties (I'm 31) and being dead by forty, and I'm not really ready to be dead yet.

    another edit: I guess saying everything I've eaten in there was inaccurate, I didn't have todays breakfast in yet, but I added it now.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You're doing a great job for a start. Your first week has been a bit up and down, it looks like, calorie-wise. Good job logging everything!

    My suggestion is to level things off a bit and eat 2000 calories every day (like MFP is recommending for you). That 12 pound gain is probably just a fluke in water weight from starting your exercise regime. It happens. The muscles are suddenly stressed and the fibers start hording water to help with their recovery. I think if you level off your eating and keep logging, you're gonna get something called the "WOOSH" where your muscles get a bit more used to the new exercises and you'll suddenly start peeing for what seems like 2 days straight. Then after that, if you keep up the calorie deficit, you'll lose slowly but steadily.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Hi guys, I signed up here about a week ago because I wanted to lose some weight and wasn't really sure where to start or what to do.

    I've been working a desk job about three years, and have put on about 50 pounds without making any lifestyle changes during that three years. (ate the same foods, did the same amount of "exercise", etc. all that changed was I worked at a desk instead of on my feet)

    So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish, or at least a lot more healthy than I had been previously, and I guess it has ONLY been a week, but in the past week of doing usually an hour of exercise a day (from 0 seconds a day previously), and cutting back from a 5000-6000 calorie a day diet to usually 1000 or less, I have gained twelve pounds. In a week.

    Any protips?

    "So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish"

    So me the diary on how you can put on 12 pounds in one week - unless its water weight - sodium

    I am sorry, when I posted my reply, your dairy was closed. After looking at it, you should try and make some changes. Breakfast try and eat more protein - plain yogurt, milk, fruits - even make a smoothie (yogurt, milk, banana, peanut or almond butter) throw in some cereal) very filling and more nutritious than what you are having right now.

    Lunch: large salad with chicken, meat or fish, even eggs (whatever is your fancy) even a slice or two of bread.

    Dinner: smashed potatoes with any of the above or rice with the same, couscous, home made bake sweet potatoes fries along with mixed vegetables. You could even give yourself a treat with dinner (that's up to your and your daily calories). If you fancy ice cream, exercise for 30 minutes more - that's what I do. Make sue that you eat 1200 calories or more, otherwise you are going to feel very lethargic (trust me I went through this), now I am on 1400 and eat back some of my exercise calories so that I am able to exercise every day if I want to.

    Don't forget the water, flushes out your kidney and go easy on the sodium - some people on here do not see the reason for this, but sodium and my scale are best friends.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Hi guys, I signed up here about a week ago because I wanted to lose some weight and wasn't really sure where to start or what to do.

    I've been working a desk job about three years, and have put on about 50 pounds without making any lifestyle changes during that three years. (ate the same foods, did the same amount of "exercise", etc. all that changed was I worked at a desk instead of on my feet)

    So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish, or at least a lot more healthy than I had been previously, and I guess it has ONLY been a week, but in the past week of doing usually an hour of exercise a day (from 0 seconds a day previously), and cutting back from a 5000-6000 calorie a day diet to usually 1000 or less, I have gained twelve pounds. In a week.

    Any protips?

    "So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish"

    So me the diary on how you can put on 12 pounds in one week - unless its water weight - sodium

    I am sorry, when I posted my reply, your dairy was closed. After looking at it, you should try and make some changes. Breakfast try and eat more protein - plain yogurt, milk, fruits - even make a smoothie (yogurt, milk, banana, peanut or almond butter) throw in some cereal) very filling and more nutritious than what you are having right now.

    Lunch: large salad with chicken, meat or fish, even eggs (whatever is your fancy) even a slice or two of bread.

    Dinner: smashed potatoes with any of the above or rice with the same, couscous, home made bake sweet potatoes fries along with mixed vegetables. You could even give yourself a treat with dinner (that's up to your and your daily calories). If you fancy ice cream, exercise for 30 minutes more - that's what I do. Make sue that you eat 1200 calories or more, otherwise you are going to feel very lethargic (trust me I went through this), now I am on 1400 and eat back some of my exercise calories so that I am able to exercise every day if I want to.

    Don't forget the water, flushes out your kidney and go easy on the sodium - some people on here do not see the reason for this, but sodium and my scale are best friends.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Weight loss is based on some constants is much like a mathematical equation.

    One constant is > 3500cals/week = 1 lb; Increase your caloric intake by 3500 cals and you will gain, decrease your caloric intake by 3500 cals and you will lose a lb, all other things being static. This DOES NOT take into account water weight fluctuations for example.

    In order for you to gain 12lbs in 1 week, you would have to have eaten an additional 42,000 (3500 x12) calories this week. This is over and above your standard caloric intake of 38,500 (5500 x 7) cals per week. 42,000 + 38,500 = 80,500 cals/week / 7 days/week = 11,500 cals/day.

    Your weight gain in impossible based on eating 1,000 cals/day. Occam's razor would indicate that your scales are broken or that you are a troll.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Hi guys, I signed up here about a week ago because I wanted to lose some weight and wasn't really sure where to start or what to do.

    I've been working a desk job about three years, and have put on about 50 pounds without making any lifestyle changes during that three years. (ate the same foods, did the same amount of "exercise", etc. all that changed was I worked at a desk instead of on my feet)

    So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish, or at least a lot more healthy than I had been previously, and I guess it has ONLY been a week, but in the past week of doing usually an hour of exercise a day (from 0 seconds a day previously), and cutting back from a 5000-6000 calorie a day diet to usually 1000 or less, I have gained twelve pounds. In a week.

    Any protips?
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Hi guys, I signed up here about a week ago because I wanted to lose some weight and wasn't really sure where to start or what to do.

    I've been working a desk job about three years, and have put on about 50 pounds without making any lifestyle changes during that three years. (ate the same foods, did the same amount of "exercise", etc. all that changed was I worked at a desk instead of on my feet)

    So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish, or at least a lot more healthy than I had been previously, and I guess it has ONLY been a week, but in the past week of doing usually an hour of exercise a day (from 0 seconds a day previously), and cutting back from a 5000-6000 calorie a day diet to usually 1000 or less, I have gained twelve pounds. In a week.

    Any protips?

    "So the past week I've been eating pretty healthy-ish"
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My sister did that when she got her first desk job and gained 100 pounds in a year. It's been 30 years and she never lost it. So good for you for starting.

    You're eating too little. And I wouldn't worry about the little weight fluctuation. And it is little.

    Put your stats into MFP. Say you want to lose that 50 pounds at one pound a week. Set your activity for sedentary. Log any extra calories. Eat the calories MFP gives you.

    Don't forget to measure, weigh, or estimate everything accurately. I mean everything. Mayonaise. Salad dressing. Everything.

    It will come off. You haven't blown it.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Something is happening, not sure why its double, triple posting.
  • sexxy_dee
    sexxy_dee Posts: 42 Member
    Can you give me some advice. O 4/9/13 I weighed 363lbs. I started going to the gym and stopped drinking soda on this same day. I dont eat fast food any more. I have dropped 30 lbs to this day. I just feel with all the exercises and food sacrificing im doing, I should have lost more. What am I doing wrong?
  • My sister did that when she got her first desk job and gained 100 pounds in a year. It's been 30 years and she never lost it. So good for you for starting.

    You're eating too little. And I wouldn't worry about the little weight fluctuation. And it is little.

    Put your stats into MFP. Say you want to lose that 50 pounds at one pound a week. Set your activity for sedentary. Log any extra calories. Eat the calories MFP gives you.

    Don't forget to measure, weigh, or estimate everything accurately. I mean everything. Mayonaise. Salad dressing. Everything.

    It will come off. You haven't blown it.

    Yeah, normally I cook everything myself, but I've been eating a lot of prepackaged "healthy foods" like granola bars and whatnot because they're easy to report and log, because they product is already in the database.

    Some of the stuff I'm not sure if I'm reporting it correctly, like I've made bruscetta a couple times in the past week, and I've been just adding the thing in the database, but I'm not sure if that's doing it correctly, like some people consider bruscetta to be the tomato topping that ends up on the bread, some people consider it the bread and tomato combination, how do I know if the bruscetta item I'm adding from the database has the bread it's sitting on included in it or not and whether I should also be logging the piece of bread, etc.
  • CAS185
    CAS185 Posts: 20
    Your body is adjusting to extreme calorie restriction and massive amounts of exercise. Eating 1000 calories a day or less is bad for anyone; it puts your metabolism is starvation mode, meaning that it slows down considerably in order to get as much as it possibly can out of the little food you are giving it. Also, exercising will make you retain water, which is probably what has caused your weight gain.
    Calculate your BMR (basic metabolic rate), which is the minimum amount of calories your body needs to survive given your rate of activity. http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/basal-metabolic-rate is a good calculator. Or just use what MFP gives you. Make sure that you eat the amount it calculates for you, and any calories burned through exercise. Losing weight isn't about starving yourself, that is counterproductive. It is about eating enough to function well and to be energetic and healthy. As soon as you are eating more, I'm sure that things will even out :)