Rate my routine?

Just looking for some advice of what I should do.
My current routine that I just started is as follows:


Monday: Weight lifting (biceps, triceps, shoulders, etc.) 3 sets, 8 - 12 reps, treadmill @5mph for 20 min.
Tuesday: Weight lifting (legs, quads, hamstrings, inner &outer thighs etc.) 3 sets, 8-12 reps, elliptical (alternating at resistance of 7, 10 and 13) for 30 min.
Wednesday: Rest & walk for 30 min, stretch.
Thursday: (usually still sore) Run on treadmill for 45 min at 5mph (taking two 5 min walking breaks)
Friday: Rest, too busy working to make it to the gym.
Saturday: Go hiking for 1 hour or run on the treadmill similar to thursday.
Sunday: Rest/ work schedule conflicts w gym yet again.


About 1,200 calories a day. I only have coffee w cream and sugar for breakfast. Might have either a carb or a protein for lunch depending if I am going to workout after lunch or before. My post workout snack is yogurt, and pre workout I may have an apple or banana. I try to eat protein for dinner and carbs earlier in the day. On Saturdays I tend to eat about 1,800 calories.

Sooooo any suggestions on what I am doing right or wrong? Modifications? How long until you think
I will see results? I am 135 and my goal is 125. My weight has increased by 3 lbs as my muscles got sore but I was told that is muscles retaining water if not being used to a new workout. I am going to the beach soon and won't have access to weights, so I was probably going to do bodyweight exercises and then go for runs in the morning for about 30 min.


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    1200 calories is probably too little, depending on your height/weight.. I see on saturdays you eat more.. I would still calculate your numbers, your not that big at 135 (unless your really short) and looking to lose 10 lbs you shouldn't starve yourself...

    Now onto that workout!

    Weight lifting - add pull ups, push ups and everything else you can do for the upper body.. you want to work the most muscles in your workouts.. bicep/tricep etc are targeting which is fine, but dont forget the others.. Same with your lower body. Make sure the last 3 sets are hard, like #12 is straining (but not losing form) to finish.. if not increase weight. Also you maybe able to cut out cardio times to less than that if your weight training is longer as its more beneficial at your weight.
  • mandapanda721
    I'm 5'4 and 18 years old. I used to be 117 lbs last year but it was unhealthy and my body rapidly gained back all of my weight. Now I'm trying to have more muscle when I lose so that it doesn't come back.
    How come I should cut cardio?