peripheral entrapment of the sciatic nerve?

Hey everyone... Well I've been on this site for awhile but I don't usually start threads anymore but Im kind of freaking out. I am a runner who has been dealing with an injury for months... Long story short it started with my calf then my itband and basically my whole left side is messed up. I thought I had it resolved with a sports chiro but now I'm experiencing numbness and I keep injuring everything on my left from my achilles to my arch, and my hip, the list goes on... And the pain is getting worse, my leg and foot go numb for no reason. I emailed the doc but he doesn't hav an appt till the 17th... He said he thinks it could be a peripheral entrapment of the sciatic nerve... Does anyone know anything about this?? I'm just fed up of being injured! Thanks :smile:

-Leash :heart:


  • jackiemomx2
    jackiemomx2 Posts: 47 Member
    I have a herniated disc that presses on my sciatic nerve. My pain is on the right side. Almost like a muscle spasm that never really releases. I recently had an MRI, some PT, and ended up getting shots into the nerve to shrink it. That has seemed to help me. You just need to be careful with numbness. If your legs and feet ever feel cold, that could be something more serious like a blood clot. My sister works for an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spinal care so she's always on my back to be aware of numbness and coldness. I'd skip the running for a while. When I have my flare ups all I can do is stretching like Pilates or just walking in good sneakers. You should also see if you can push to get in to one of the docs emergency appointments. I'm pretty sure it's common for the Dr to leave slots open everyday for emergency patients. Good luck!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    My husband has injured himself in the past and has a pinched nerve in one of the lower vertebrae in his back. As a result he often gets numbness down the one side of his leg. His is mostly down the side and moves around to the front of his leg from his hip to his knee. I also have experienced some numbness down my leg from an injury to my sciatic from a car accident. The numb and tingling feeling does sound like this issue based on our experience but definately keep that doc appt.
    Also, the best thing you can do for this is to move, keep doing the light streching and just walk but don't push too hard.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Eeek neither of those sound good! I emailed my sports doc which is different from the chiro bit she won't be back till the 7th, I can't catch a break!.. Thanks for the responses :smile:

    -Leash :heart:
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    Call a physical therapist, ask if they do a free consultation (my asked me to refer friends in just this manner) see what they can do for you... worked wonders for me.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Hey everyone... Well I've been on this site for awhile but I don't usually start threads anymore but Im kind of freaking out. I am a runner who has been dealing with an injury for months... Long story short it started with my calf then my itband and basically my whole left side is messed up. I thought I had it resolved with a sports chiro but now I'm experiencing numbness and I keep injuring everything on my left from my achilles to my arch, and my hip, the list goes on... And the pain is getting worse, my leg and foot go numb for no reason. I emailed the doc but he doesn't hav an appt till the 17th... He said he thinks it could be a peripheral entrapment of the sciatic nerve... Does anyone know anything about this?? I'm just fed up of being injured! Thanks :smile:

    -Leash :heart:

    I had symptoms like this and I don't want to alarm you, but mine was a slipped disc and was bloody agony.

    I used to suffer on and off with sciatica for years, however, my pain threshold must have got quite high because I trained on a sciatic-like pain down my left side (hoping it would run it off - what a bloody fool I was!), the next day it was slightly worse, I did the same again, then on the third day, I tried to run, but it was just too sharp a pain and too much.

    That night I drove to work, did my shift and when it came to getting back in my car to come home, let's just say I was in a bit of pain :sick:

    I got home, but was unable to get out of the car as I couldn't move. My husband had to help me out and I shuffled like an old woman indoors.

    The pain comes from the jelly-like centre of one of the discs in between the vertebrae of the spine leaking out, this jelly touches the sciatic nerve, hence the pain.

    Ice-packs eventually helped me no end, twenty minutes at a time, an ice pack on the affected area, the ice, I presume, shrinks the jelly back in and gets it away from the sciatic nerve. I had to stay well away from heat on my back as this would swell the jelly and make it leak more - not good and the thought of it makes me feel nauseous actually :frown: :sick: :sick: :sick:

    To the OP, you may have to keep away from running until it has healed up, swimming is a good exercise to keep fit at and not such a shock to the body like running is everytime you pound along.

    Do not try to run through it, do not life anything in an incorrect manner and do not strain yourself trying to shift furniture about or life heavy bags in an awkward way.

    I really hope it heals up soon xxx

    ps knew I would forget to type something in, I rattle and rattle on!! What I meant to say was that I hope you get to see a doctor or chiropractor very shortly because they are the only ones who can correctly diagnose you :flowerforyou:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I had the same thing (although I'm no runner) back in 2007 and it lead to a disc herniation so bad that at one point we were talking surgical repair. I've spent the last 3 years working on it. The chiropractor really helped releive the pressure on the nerve through manipulations. I'm still going for maintenance once a month, but overall relieving the pressure was key. Now I'm supposed to be working on strengthening the core muscles to keep the bones in alignment and make sure that the nerve stays within the centre of the hole through my pelvic bone.

    This alignment and exercise has helped with the disc issues, but I still have random issues going on. My nerve is on the left side, for example, but since my back was out yesterday and I wasn't aligned, today my right big toe is hurting and causing swelling up and no walking for me today.

    Seeing the chiro today. It's been a long road, but I'm glad I didn't get the surgical repair.
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    DO NOT RUN or do any strenuous activity but you can swim but not if you feel pain. Do be very careful as this is something that will not go away without care. Please please see a doctor asap. I have had major back surgery NOT only due to a trapped sciatic nerve but that was part of my problem. Steroid injections given by a specialist may be the best course of action but rest may just do it. You need to be patient .Good luck.