The truth about diet soda!!



  • Maitlyn
    Amen to that....I don't think I could give up my one diet coke I allow myself each day :-)
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I am not stopping my diet coke.. I do 2-3 a day
  • momtojacob
    I love me my diet pepsi, 1 a day.
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    That sucks, but I agree with a lot of people.....I don't think 1 diet soda would hurt you...
    I rarely drink sodas of any kind but when I do have on, most likel, it will be diet (Cherry Pepsi). I also love Peach soda but I have not found a diet one so once or twice a month I have one.
  • acreator24
    acreator24 Posts: 26 Member
    Man that was a lot of words and what not .... nearly put me to sleep. From my perspective I was a 4 regular Pepsi's per day kinda guy plus any 32oz I'd pick up at lunch and/or dinner. Considering my weight loss vs my exercise which consists of mowing the lawn 2x per week and walking the dog 1/2 mile once per week or so...I think it is safe to say that switching to all the Coke Zero products (and Pepsi Max) has been a successful move on my part. I also only eat 1600 cals per day and it's been coming off steady - 2lbs per week.

    I still take down 4 cans of soda per day and sometimes a 32oz at lunch or dinner. Trying to replace that with water but I dont think it makes any difference and I loves me some caffeine!
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    compared to the empty calories regular soda has ill stick with my diet coke zero and diet doctor pepper ---- in moderation of course--- i usually have 2- 3 in the morning since i dont like the taste of coffee
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    Cutting regular soda out of my diet was a HUGE step for me. As my wife said, she thought I would go to my grave with a can of Pepsi clutched tight in my hand. She was more surprised than anyone that I cut it out completely in favor of Coke Zero. I've even started limiting the amount of that I drink in favor of water most of the time.

    But I love carbonated drinks and simply NEED the caffeine when I'm working an overnight shift.

    Whatever side effects the artificial sweetener in a couple of cans of Coke Zero a day might have can't be any worse then the high fructose corn syrup from 4-5 cans of Pepsi a day I was getting before. I'll stick to the Coke Zero.