Want to speed up weight loss and ENJOY IT? Read.



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think that a ketogenic diet is a valid choice for a minority of people - especially those who have difficulty handling carbs due to insulin resistance or similar factors. It helps with appetite, hunger control and satiety as stated making it easier for some individuals to stay comfortably in a consistent calorie deficit.

    The "speeding up weight loss" bit is a bit misleading as comparisons of isocaloric (equal calorie) keto and non keto diets have shown no meaningful difference (the Vasquez study IIRC)
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    Your brain can run on carbs or ketones. Multiple studies have proved it, and I can provide them if you would like.
    You also fail to mention how horrible it is to kidneys to load them up with ketones.

    You're kidneys won't be harmed...? They process ketones fine, the only reason they would be harmed is if you don't drink water, and that goes for everyone

    Yes, an over-concentration of keytones can cause kidney failure.


    Ask a nurse:http://www.doctorslounge.com/endocrinology/forums/backup/topic-3532.html

    Inb4 someone who does this for a career has no clue what she's saying
  • Bearbrat
    Bearbrat Posts: 230
    You sure seem to change your mind quite a bit about what a "good diet" should be. I read back through your previous posts and just in the span of about two months you've changed your mind completely three times.........welcome to your yo-yo dieting.

    Myself, I'd just rather eat less, eat healthier, move more and lose the weight........good luck
  • meacasia
    meacasia Posts: 2
    What about my arteries??
  • PreciousPerla
    PreciousPerla Posts: 6 Member
    been on a low carb diet - 12months ago my bloods showed very high cholesterol - I had been low carbing for 6 months -
    blood results given yesterday was a low level of cholesterol after taking doctors advice to stop low carbing
    loosing weight is harder but my cholesterol is under control and my mental health is better
    low carbing does not suit everyone
  • touchafaith
    touchafaith Posts: 112 Member
    Sounds like the recipe for a heart attack to me. That's got to be bad for the arteries long term surely? Is there a way to do this to lose weight then 'ease' back onto carbs? Life without carbs is no kinda life for me lol
  • jonesgrrl
    jonesgrrl Posts: 8 Member
    I feel like you got paid to say this... it seems very wordy. It sounds like more of a sales pitch
  • kenna44cat
    kenna44cat Posts: 105 Member
    This is interesting, I think falls under the heading of fad diets, which MFP doesn't subscribe to, as far as I know. Sounds very much like Atkins or South Beach but I don't know a lot about South Beach - was on Atkins for a month or so many years ago and my daughter was so concerned about my health that I quit, without losing any weight. High fat/high protein/low carb diets keep surfacing. I've watched for about 20 years now as they keep coming up with new names for the same concept. I think it's just pleasurable to be able to eat a lot of protein and fat. I do know someone personally whose kidneys failed after extended Atkins but I don't know if a link was established.
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    It only works because you're creating calorie deficit. There is only so much fat you can eat before you feel sick, if there are no carbs involved. Butter with no toast? Oil with no potatoes? Cream with no pie?
    I did Atkins few years back for 2 weeks and I was miserable. Had fried breakfast every morning, but all I really wanted was a piece of toast.
    And as for your body burning fat, yes it will, but it will be the fat you eat, not the fat you store. Again, it's all about calorie deficit.
    And a lot of initial weight loss is water weight, as body is getting rid of glycogen.
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    This works, think paleo. Also to the guys saying your brain runs on carbs - its made of fat therefore runs on fat not carbs.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Then your friends did not do Atkins right, because roughly Atkins is about 65/30/5 ratio (Fat/protein/carbs), that's for the Induction, first stage which is ketogenic.

    I did it by the book several years ago for two weeks and I remember it having more protein than fat. I was also surprised how event he strictest version (the induction stage) included as many vegetables as I eat in a good week.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Whether it be low carb, high carb, low fat, south beach, etc. Different people require different diets. A generic diet program that has the ‘one size fits all’ policy will not always work.

    All diets help you lose weight through a calorie deficit. YOUR way is not always the RIGHT way. Find what works for you and stop dogging others who choose to go a different route.
  • jollyjoe321
    jollyjoe321 Posts: 529 Member
    This works, think paleo. Also to the guys saying your brain runs on carbs - its made of fat therefore runs on fat not carbs.


    So, carbs.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Are-you-for-fetchin'-real? :noway:

    The last time I took advice from an 18 year old I told myself "It seemed like a good idea at the time" may be a good way to end a story but I'd rather have my health and safety first.

  • hikr00
    hikr00 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm glad you've found something that works for you. I've done my research too as you suggested and spoken with my physician. I'm going to stick with eating foods from all the food groups and just eat a little less of them.

    The weight is coming off and I have no restrictions with what I can eat. Works for me!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This works, think paleo. Also to the guys saying your brain runs on carbs - its made of fat therefore runs on fat not carbs.


    So, carbs.

    No, glucose.

    Glucose is needed for normal brain function but that does not mean the brain exclusively runs on it. Glucose can be created through gluconeogenesis from amino acids or glycerol so dietary carbohydrate is not necessary.

    Your brain can then use other sources of fuel as it's main source to include lactate and ketones.

    I think if you are getting 50g of carbs a day (the general marker of a keto diet on here it seems though I personally think 75g is a better marker) then you should be fine.
  • Stacebob85
    Stacebob85 Posts: 95
    I'm no dietitian, but even I can tell you that this is a daft way to lose weight. The point of foing it the "normal way" (for want of better words) (i.e. reducing portions, being more in balance, jiggling about more) is that these are changes that are sustainable FOR LIFE without any ill effects on your health. This means that you never have to 'come off' the plan you're doing, which is when nearly everyone regains the weight they lost (and often then some). As much as losing weight faster sounds like a wonderful idea, I'mma stick to changing my lifestyle and relationship with food and exercise so I can be healthier and fitter for life.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Did this once and felt nauseated, constipated and generally awful.
    I'd rather eat the way I will eat for the rest of my life.