Weight loss pills?



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    waste of money.
  • ctatchuan
    ctatchuan Posts: 50
    there are no shortcuts, eat clean and exercise regularly, the results will come
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Zantrex-3 and Garcinia Cambogia Extract worked for me. I used them both separately before, and it gave me more energy. I would do about 100-200 ab workouts a day and did show lots of weight loss, but when I stopped taking them and started eating unhealthy again I bulked up. I am now taking them again, eating healthy and doing about 6 hours of exercise every day and I've lost 3 lbs in 3 days since I started.

    ^^^ 6 hours exercise per day huh?

    OP: burn more than you eat, you will lose! Don't do an unhealthy fad!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    oh gawd... here comes all the magic weight loss spells and fat burning snake oils... losing weight is simple, eat less, move more. don't buy into any of these scams... these pills are nothing more than a crushed up placebo with a vitamin or two in them...stay away from weight loss gimmicks... and dr oz!
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    As far as them being a 'magic weight loss pill'.. that theyre not. To be use as an aid to ASSIST in weight loss, Id have to say yes. Ive tried a few 'weight loss' pills in the past and they all seemed to work to an extent. Ive tried the Xyience pill, Hydroxycut hardcore and Super HD from Cellucor. All 3 if taken as directed can help with curbing appetite and also gave me a little energy. I like the cellucor pill bc theres no crash afterwards. The Hydroxycut made me hyper and then fall asleep. I usually take 1 about 20 mins before breakfast. and 1 about 20 mins before lunch. Ill eat smaller portions at my meals and not feel hungry till the next one. If I do get hungry Ill drink some water or I have some healthy snacks stashed away in my desk at work. Just my 2 cents... with good diet and working out they can help but if anyone thinks that you can swallow a bottle of pills and be thin in a month, you need a padded room.
  • anro86
    anro86 Posts: 790 Member
    Thanks for all of your responses. They are pretty much what I expected. I know that there is no such thing as a magic diet pill, if there was, there would be no need to diet. I will save my money and continue eating better, stay under my calories, and try to get in the excercise.
  • cnave99
    cnave99 Posts: 63 Member
    Just have a few things to mention- the 'Diet Industry' is a multimillion dollar money maker for a reason.

    And secondly, having taken most of those pills at one time or another (starting in highschool with the over the counter mini-thins) I will tell you after my doctor got blunt with me and I stopped taking them its taken me TWO YEARS to get my metabolism working right again to where I can eat at the right level and actually lose some weight.

    Be careful. Its not just your money you'll be messing around with- but your precious body, of which you only get one.


    Good luck to you.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member


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  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member


    /end thread
  • englishbulldog2013
    englishbulldog2013 Posts: 11 Member
    fixing start plexus does it really work
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I would say that you should try ViSalus shakes!! I LOVE them and it is so healthy!!! My favorite one to make is peanut butter banana. I do 1 frozen banana, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, 1 cup milk and then one or two scoops of the ViSalus mix. They call it the 'shake mix that tastes like cake mix'.:

    how about you just eat in a deficit and save your money ....?

    Or just use an inexpensive protein powder available at WalMart, Target, Costco, HEB, GNC, your local drug store, etc, etc, etc
  • sourmash1973
    sourmash1973 Posts: 149 Member
    the only thing they aide in is lightening your wallet, and fattening someone else's...

    Love it!!!

    Send me your money and it will get you the same results.

    Nothing works like having a sound diet and exercise program. The only magical tool for fat loss is a food scale. I swear that thing has worked magic on my gut. I worship it every night.:wink:
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    losing weight is simple, eat less, move more. don't buy into any of these scams...

    so true!!!
  • sourmash1973
    sourmash1973 Posts: 149 Member
    oh gawd... here comes all the magic weight loss spells and fat burning snake oils... losing weight is simple, eat less, move more. don't buy into any of these scams... these pills are nothing more than a crushed up placebo with a vitamin or two in them...stay away from weight loss gimmicks... and dr oz!

    This!!!!!!! Dr. Oz is a joke. SOOOOOOOOOO much bad information there.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Metabolife 360, but that has sadly since been banned in the US

    Since it killed at least 155 people.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    For me personally? Nope.

    There is a group on here called "Suppliment Reviews" that you might can research.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I would say that you should try ViSalus shakes!! I LOVE them and it is so healthy!!! My favorite one to make is peanut butter banana. I do 1 frozen banana, 2 tbsp. peanut butter, 1 cup milk and then one or two scoops of the ViSalus mix. They call it the 'shake mix that tastes like cake mix'.:

    I would say that you should google the term "multi-level marketing".
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Even if a pill did work (they don't), why would you want to take one? Would you then plan on taking it forever?

    Just learn how to portion your food and move more to find a sustainable and healthy way of living for the rest of your life. Seriously, don't waste your money.

    Good luck!
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I lost 64 lbs on Phentermine approx. 14 years ago. Even though I was working out like a beast I put it all back on starting the day after I quit taking the pills. I didn't learn how and what to eat to properly maintain my weight and health. I also believe they damaged my metabolism, but maybe that's just me. They made me jumpy and irritable, which was difficult for the folks around me. I was thin but I was pissed! LOL! This time I'm doing it the right way. Exercise, eating right, and portion control are really the only sustainable way. I also changed the way I view food and am not on a "diet" but changing my life.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I lost 64 lbs on Phentermine approx. 14 years ago. Even though I was working out like a beast I put it all back on starting the day after I quit taking the pills. I didn't learn how and what to eat to properly maintain my weight and health. I also believe they damaged my metabolism, but maybe that's just me. They made me jumpy and irritable, which was difficult for the folks around me. I was thin but I was pissed! LOL! This time I'm doing it the right way. Exercise, eating right, and portion control are really the only sustainable way. I also changed the way I view food and am not on a "diet" but changing my life.

    Wow! I'm glad you are healthy and happy now. Congrats on your weight loss!