anyone have actual zumba results??



  • phylliskboston
    phylliskboston Posts: 9 Member
    I also started wearing a heart rate monitor to see just how many calories I'm burning, and how to step up my movements for maximum benefit. :)
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    I love Zumba! I have been off and on with it so I can't really tout a huge weight loss I can say that its a lot of fun.
  • bwalker0823
    bwalker0823 Posts: 107 Member
    I love zumba but don't see a whole lot of results. :(
  • wendyximena4444
    wendyximena4444 Posts: 1 Member
    I did Zumba for two months and a half (4 times/week) and only maintained my weight. I got disappointed and stopped, but to be fair, I was NOT eating the right way.

    I started logging my calories three days ago and I am looking forward to doing Zumba and this time actually losing some weight!!!

    Wish me luck!!!
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    I do it 2 or 3 times a week! Love it! lost 47 lbs since January didnt start zumba till about middle of Feb I think. I also walk at 30 min a couple days a week. But it has really worked my stomach and legs ive lost 19 or so inches since jan waist hips arms thighs chest
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    I used to do Zumba a few days a week and had great results in the beginning. After my body was used to it, the progress halted and due to issues with my feet and joints I couldn't pick up the intensity to get more out of it so I stopped going to Zumba and started going to spin class which is a lot lower impact on my joints.

    Zumba is great though. It is so much fun and really gets you in the habit of exercising.
  • msrena
    msrena Posts: 21
    What Cheshirequeen said back on Pg. 1... the exact same is true for me, but I lost 40 pounds (I had a lot to lose!)

    I always find myself back at Zumba... it's the ONE that is both fun and easy... I do it only at home on my wii or xbox, I know I won't go to a gym - I'm not that girl.
  • ZumbaBetty
    ZumbaBetty Posts: 1
    Hi there, I have been doing Zumba faithfully for 9 months and I have lost over 25 lbs and toned and feel amazing!!! My profile pic is my before 11-11 and after 3-13 I have lost 6 dress sizes but mostly I just feel GREAT!!! The routines change a little every month to keep me working it. I did stall for a few months and didn't loose but soon realized my belly fat was shrinking. I do count my calories too. Zumba is a the key for me, I love to dance so I don't feel like I am working out at all and I have NEVER enjoyed working out as much as I enjoy class. The energy feeds me and keeps me going!! I love Zumba and everything it has done for me!!! Hope this helps you out!
  • tam_a_ram_a
    tam_a_ram_a Posts: 52 Member
    Zumba is the best! I've lost 65 pounds and have gone from a size 18 to a size 4 in 6 months. Of course diet had a lot to do with it, but the weight has been off for almost a year and I recently got licensed to instruct Zumba!!!
  • Energy
    Toning (especially core!)

    But for real weight loss you need the clean eating and weight training too!
  • scwilson38
    scwilson38 Posts: 104 Member
    Started doing Zumba in Feb and have lost 50 pounds with eating more healthy and drinking lots of water. Now I am trying Hip Hop Abs. I love Zumba.
  • bery79
    bery79 Posts: 2
    Yeeesss!!! Zumba is the greatest!! March '12 I was weighing 251 lbs and started doing Zumba, not even 5 times a week, sometimes 4 or 3, sometimes Zumba in the morning and spinning on the evening but rarely. And in 5 months I lost 35 pounds!!! I didn't even diet, tried to watch what I ate but due to my bad gallbladder it was pretty easy not to eat badly. You should try it, commit to it and you will definitely see results! I love it!!!
  • aubrisol
    aubrisol Posts: 1
    Last year I was doing 45 minutes of zumba 3 times aweek for about 3 months or so and started losing weight. I lost about 15 lbs but fell off the wagon cause my schedule was really hectic. It's fun and doesn't always feel like a workout but do definitely sweat a lot. I've started it again and man did I miss it.
  • A couple of years ago, before i had my youngest child, I used to do ZUMBA 5-6 times a week. In a period of 6 months I had lost 25lbs. I went down from 145lbs to 120. You just need to be very disciplined when it comes to your workouts. The best you can do is work really hard and do not give up.

    I actually just bought the latest DVD set and I'm starting it again. Good Luck!!
  • gidgette1972
    gidgette1972 Posts: 32 Member
    I do zumba 4 days a week along with healthy eating (most of the time) I have lost 25 lbs since jan 4.
  • SharonP32
    SharonP32 Posts: 3 Member
    I started zumba a couple of months ago. I've lost 26 pounds since Dec. 21. I wasn't sure about it when my friends were wanting me to go with them, but when I started I got hooked!
  • KatyMarie1984
    KatyMarie1984 Posts: 114 Member
    I Zumba 4-5 times a week, 45 minuites expert level using the wii at home, and it works wonders!! body shape changed, butt lifted, energy levels high. Zumba is fun and i love to dance and shake my buttttttttttt so its the only thing i stick to! good luck, stick at it and you will get the results you want :)
  • I heard about Zumba the last week its seems lots of fun. Um gona try it but the problem is that i work in a pizza place all day and most of my meals are not healthy :( . I think its going to be a looooong way.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I lost 45 pounds in a year with zumba. The key is your diet and to make the most out of every move. Remember weight loss is 70% what you are eating I would also get a heart rate monitor bc mfp overshoots cals
  • Wow good for u cant wait to see my results. Shall i weight my self every week to see the results?
  • ChristineOlivarri
    ChristineOlivarri Posts: 62 Member
    I do Zumba six days a weeks and stay under 1600 calories per day, I have lost 52 pounds in about 4 months, yes it works and its amazing !!!!!
  • I've done Zumba now for about 16 days but only starting watching calories at about the 6th day. Before I started to watch my food, I didn't lose anything (but felt great!) On the 6th day I kept my calories MAX 1200 and I've lost 10 pounds in 11 days. It does work - and I agree with most people on the thread, watching the calorie intake is key.
  • Meranda29
    Meranda29 Posts: 27 Member
    I love Zumba! I have a studio that I go to and they have 3-4 classes a day at varying levels. I've just started, so I don't know any of the dances, but I went 5 times last week and am hooked!

    I get a great cardio workout and am a sweaty mess by the end of class - but what surprises me the most is how I can feel it in my muscles the next day. Abs/arms/thighs/etc. I can feel it everywhere.

    It's only been a week and I haven't cleaned up my diet (I find myself ravenous after class) but have noticed that I have zero energy for class if I haven't eaten before. I fix that with a powerbar and am good to go.

    I fell off MFP for a few months but will definitely post results when I see them!
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    First off - I love Zumba!!!! lol

    I died laughing when i saw this pic this morning - wanted to share it with all my fellow ZUMBA-ers!

  • Missjen87
    Missjen87 Posts: 5 Member
    Zumba and hip hop abs (HHA) are so energizing! I went from 218 to 140 through two lifestyle changes- monitoring calories and ZUMBA/HHA! Since I lost weight I have added cardio equipment at the gym to "mix it up some". One thing I have noticed is that since I have lost weight, I don't burn near as many calories in Zumba as the charts say I "should".
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