Why? Why? Why? No progress makes no sense!



  • ilovefitness36
    My stats:

    36 y.o
    Waist: 27
    Hips :39
    CWeight: 129
    Goal weight: 115

    My weight creeps up weekly. For the amount of times I work out vs. the amount of times I have a handful of 'forbidden snacks' (and I swear it's just a handful) It makes no sense. My inches do not change. I'm so frustrated.

    When I had my physical in April nothing showed up in my blood work that gave any indication that my thyroid is suffering.
    My B12/iron/D levels were low, but I diligently take vitamins/drops to bring them back up and have been since April.

    I used to be a fit and toned small butt tiny girl who worked out 5 days a week, and still had occasional treats (was still with the same guy who ate junk food) this was 2-3 years ago.

    I went through something very traumatic 3 years ago and stopped working out altogether. I had lost SO MUCH weight, and went down to a measly 109. Part of me liked it but part of me was upset because all that muscle tone was lost. I could barely eat. My anxiety was skyrocketing. BUT INSTEAD, I turned it around and started EMOTIONALLY EATING. OMG. That was part of the culprit.

    But now, I'm working out hard 4x per week with a trainer, and I haven't really seen results in the lower half of my body, which is where I want to see it.

    I could keep rambling on and on about this, ***but my eating habits haven't changed from now since a few years ago (before my trauma event) , and I still lost weight and became toned.****

    Please don't tell me its age!!! LOL
  • maundrelle
    maundrelle Posts: 39 Member

    Diet for weight control; exercise for fitness. You can't out-exercise a bad diet. Just because you're working out doesn't mean you have a solid deficit of calories. Exercise is actually a very inefficient way of creating a calorie deficit. Working out is great for maintenance and will generally keep people from gaining, even if they're over consuming a little...but it's a really ****ty way to create a calorie deficit.

    You need to get your **** together in RE to diet...like I said before, you're most likely underestimating your intake. Looking through your diary it is easy to see how...lots of quick adds, etc. As others have stated...start logging accurately. Go out and get a food scale and start weighing your food and ingredients. Make sure you're getting your proper nutrition...try to get as much in the way of vitamins and minerals as you can through food...get 1 gram of protein per Lb of LBM or 0.80 grams of protein per Lb of total body weight...make sure 20-30% of your diet is good, healthy fat. Dietary fat is essential for shedding body fat and of course, serves much more important purposes than that.

    Once again...diet for weight control; exercise for fitness.


    Also, try taking a rest break every 6 week for an entire week of no intense workouts. (walking, yoga etc. only) When you get back to working out, you become a BEAST! :)

    Good luck!
  • ilovefitness36
    If you eat too many calories and exercise, you will still gain muscle but it will be hidden under your fat.

    It's funny you mention this, but my upper body is toned. My shoulders have squared off, I've gained quite a lot of strength since I first started (which equates to muscle gain ...how else?) and someone else told me the same thing.

    I just need to get rid of the fat LOL
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    I just looked at your dairy from Thursday, you are not eating the right kinds of foods. high sodium , sugar ect.... try to simplify what you are eating, more lean protein, (chicken, fish shrimp) complex carbs, (oatmeal, brown rice ect ) healthy fats, nuts , avocado and lot's of fresh green veggies, spinach, green beans, asparagus, kale...
  • auria17
    auria17 Posts: 94 Member
    Hey, check out www.venusindex.com

    They think a bit differently there. I have been on the program for six months. It is more about shape and getting to your best body, not about how much weight you lose.
  • Widadita
    Widadita Posts: 176 Member
    Looking at your diary, no wonder you're not losing! I could not eat all that and hope to lose weight. I would be GAINING for sure!
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    You lose weight in the kitchen. You get fit in the gym.

    You eat like crap.
  • ilovefitness36
    I just looked at your dairy from Thursday, you are not eating the right kinds of foods. high sodium , sugar ect.... try to simplify what you are eating, more lean protein, (chicken, fish shrimp) complex carbs, (oatmeal, brown rice ect ) healthy fats, nuts , avocado and lot's of fresh green veggies, spinach, green beans, asparagus, kale...

    But that's just it. I WAS EATING more. I was eating whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, avocado, (I have a nut allergy), but I changed it up. I was eating, chicken, corn (I'm not a fish lover often, I need to be in the mood, and I HATE TUNA lol)

    But I was finding that my lunches (VERY HEALTHY LUNCHES, I might add), were almost 500 cals in!! Look at my diary in June (the "WARRIOR BOWLS" i ate for lunch were a big bowl of brown rice, chicken breast, edamame, carrots, avocado, onions, tomatoes). What I ate for breakfast and lunch was something I often ate, and I GAINED. I don't understand how the meals I was eating couldn't have been healthy. Every ingredient in them was healthy!!!

    So I chaulked it up to perhaps eating TOO MUCH.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    This is the same thing that happened to me. Every week I was eating at a deficit yet I gained weight. Gained back the 50 pounds I lost. Nothing I did seemed to stop the 1 pound or so per week I would easily put back on. None of the doctors I went to could help me (or probably cared to help me).

    After a lot of research and much came from articles and web sites people on here pointed me to, I realized for years I was underfeeding my body. Working out 2 hours a day, burning 1,000 calories and then eating only 1500 calories left my body with just 500 calories to live on. Definitely not eough. I have learned that I ruined my metabolism and it needed a lot of work to be fixed.

    I would suggest looking up your BMR and your TDEE. You are close to goal so the healthy weight loss for you would be 1/2 pound per week. If you eat at TDEE - 10% you should be good.

    Good luck.
  • ilovefitness36
    Hey, check out www.venusindex.com

    They think a bit differently there. I have been on the program for six months. It is more about shape and getting to your best body, not about how much weight you lose.

    I will definitely take a look at this. I don't believe I eat like crap 100% of the time, I believe for me it's 80-20. But with the weight I'm at now, all I really want to do is tone.

    I'm understanding of the concept that muscle is more dense than fat, and that could be making the scale go up. But if I could be at the same weight but look trimmer, I would be satisfied. Even if I didn't make it back down to 115 ever again.
  • ilovefitness36
    This is the same thing that happened to me. Every week I was eating at a deficit yet I gained weight. Gained back the 50 pounds I lost. Nothing I did seemed to stop the 1 pound or so per week I would easily put back on. None of the doctors I went to could help me (or probably cared to help me).

    After a lot of research and much came from articles and web sites people on here pointed me to, I realized for years I was underfeeding my body. Working out 2 hours a day, burning 1,000 calories and then eating only 1500 calories left my body with just 500 calories to live on. Definitely not eough. I have learned that I ruined my metabolism and it needed a lot of work to be fixed.

    I would suggest looking up your BMR and your TDEE. You are close to goal so the healthy weight loss for you would be 1/2 pound per week. If you eat at TDEE - 10% you should be good.

    Good luck.

    I just googled "TDEE" and went on the first site that came up, and it said that my TDEE is 1980. So if this is the amount of calories that I burn on a daily basis, incorporating my 4x a week at the gym. What does this mean then?

    I went on this site for BMR http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ and it told me my BMR is 1338!!!!

    I'm so sorry. I'm clueless when it comes to this stuff. This is why I am here and asking for all your advice which is greatly appreciated!
  • Teardrop81
    Teardrop81 Posts: 132 Member
    This is just a suggestion based on the information you provided and my quick glance at your diary. If you've been doing the exact same thing for the last year as far as exercise and it looks like you eat basically the same foods every day, it might be possible that your body has reached a sort of homeostasis and has no reason to change. It's like being stuck in the mud... no matter how much gas you give it your wheels are just going to spin. This happens to me sometimes. Unless you do something drastic, like start clean eating or going paleo, you might not see any changes. Like everyone else has said, your diet will affect your weight, the exercise will only affect your fitness. See a licensed nutritionist for more effective advice! :smile:
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    This is the same thing that happened to me. Every week I was eating at a deficit yet I gained weight. Gained back the 50 pounds I lost. Nothing I did seemed to stop the 1 pound or so per week I would easily put back on. None of the doctors I went to could help me (or probably cared to help me).

    After a lot of research and much came from articles and web sites people on here pointed me to, I realized for years I was underfeeding my body. Working out 2 hours a day, burning 1,000 calories and then eating only 1500 calories left my body with just 500 calories to live on. Definitely not eough. I have learned that I ruined my metabolism and it needed a lot of work to be fixed.

    I would suggest looking up your BMR and your TDEE. You are close to goal so the healthy weight loss for you would be 1/2 pound per week. If you eat at TDEE - 10% you should be good.

    Good luck.

    I just googled "TDEE" and went on the first site that came up, and it said that my TDEE is 1980. So if this is the amount of calories that I burn on a daily basis, incorporating my 4x a week at the gym. What does this mean then?

    I went on this site for BMR http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ and it told me my BMR is 1338!!!!

    I'm so sorry. I'm clueless when it comes to this stuff. This is why I am here and asking for all your advice which is greatly appreciated!

    ^ I keep reading about this TDEE and would also love to learn more about it! (I'm so clueless when it comes to that!!) Is that amount the amount of calories you need to eat EVERY day, or just on days you know you're working out? What about days you're not working out?