Lessons learned - What DIDN'T work for you?

Hi All,

This is my 2nd real time around so to speak. I lost 50 lbs two years ago. I decided to give myself a "break" back then thinking I could get back on the horse and I ended up gaining 40 of the 50lbs back. I have learned some things along the way that I'd like to share. I hope you share yours too!

1) Obviously - NO BREAKS! I've decided that it's ok to take a day off here and there but no more than that! NEVER STOP TRYING!

2) I have learned that weighing myself once a week wasn't working for me. If I didn't see a decent loss I would get discoraged and want to quit. I blame the Biggest Loser television show for this. Even though it's not realistic, losing a large amount of weight in one week can be done. So crazy me would think about that every weigh in week. I now weigh once a month to ensure I will see a decent (not crazy) loss.

3) I still get stressed and I still binge from time to time. When I binge, I make sure I weigh myself the next morning regardless to show myself the effects of it. It helps me to get back on track. I never did this before.

4) Doesn't matter if it's healthy, low calorie or whatever. If I can't control myself around it, I cannot have it in the house PERIOD. Sorry chips and salsa.

Ok, yeah - so I thought this list would be longer. Leaves plenty more to learn. I would love to hear what you have learned about yourselves! Please share. :smile:


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I can't just will myself away from food - I have to distract myself. I've been doing well by staying out later in the evenings (I live by myself, so nobody misses me, lol) and I try to give myself tasks to finish, even if it's finishing a puzzle. No idleness! It can be fun stuff, but I can't just sit.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Lesson 1 (for me) ..... exercise has to be FOREVER.

    I have always been a yo-yo dieter. I'm good ..... when I'm on a "diet." I exercise .......when I'm on a "diet." After that I slack off. I know that exercise is not the complete picture .... but it has to be in the picture or I will be "dieting" for the rest of my life. Exercise gives me some breathing room so to speak.

    What doesn't work (for me) ...... diets that exclude stuff. I'm not going to be sugar-free for the rest of my life .... so I have to learn how to deal with it ..... sooner .... or later.
  • tbullucks06
    tbullucks06 Posts: 128
    What doesn't work (for me) ...... diets that exclude stuff.
    - ME EITHER!
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Being in a minset of punishment, guilt, anger with myself etc, I find in that mindset that any slight transgression is like a psychological block. If I eat 200 extra cals it's so hard not to write off the day and think "well I failed, might as well lean into it" and then just eat a ton of junk food.

    If I don't beat myself up about it and relax a little... today is another day. I'll just go for a walk or dance around the living room or something to burn off a few more calories. I'll skip dessert the next time I'm out somewhere. It's as easy to swerve those calories as it is to occasionally give in and just let yourself have a cookie without wasting time beating yourself up about it. I mean who wants to be that person where one bite of a cookie dictates the rest of your day, your mood, your choices?!

    Trust me I WAS that person.
    And now it's like meeehh not worth it. It's not a manic race to the bottom, it's about taking the long view and being happy with something sustainable.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    D I E T - I don't even use the word anymore. I am changing permanently not stopping or starting some temporary eating plan. That nasty 4 letter word just doesn't work for me.
  • lucyholdcroft
    Eating less than 600 calories before, previously being ill never worked for me. Sure, I lost weight, but I was no where near as healthy as I am now that I have a correct diet, and I am losing weight healthily, and allowing myself things I love in moderation! I'm a lot happier and a lot more motivated :)
  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    D I E T.....tried all sorts of diets.....all lasting from a day to a week.....

    what worked:

    scheduling exercise at the same time.....even if i have to drag myself to the gym i do it....

    planning my meals so i carry my lunch and snacks to work to avoid raiding the vending machines or eating out with colleagues

    increasing my protein so im not hungry n wont graze

    not buying junk food....if its not in the house then i wont eat it

    measuring out portions

    im still a work in progress and im learning every day
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Not logging. Logging will have to be a forever thing for me. The moment I stopped logging, I lose control and I stop caring. Something about seeing the #'s on the screen and making me accountable even if I go way over keeps me in check. I can gain 60+ lbs in less than 6 months when I don't log. So, this will be a forever thing. God (Mike?), please don't ever take this site away.
  • tbullucks06
    tbullucks06 Posts: 128
    Eating less than 600 calories before, previously being ill never worked for me. Sure, I lost weight, but I was no where near as healthy as I am now that I have a correct diet, and I am losing weight healthily, and allowing myself things I love in moderation! I'm a lot happier and a lot more motivated :)

    Glad you stopped that girl!!!!!! I think that's the biggest misconception in losing weight. People think they need to absolutely STARVE themselves and it does more harm than good.
  • tbullucks06
    tbullucks06 Posts: 128
    God (Mike?), please don't ever take this site away.

    I know, right? I would be LOST without it!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    What doesn't work for me is "eating what your body wants, when you feel hungry".

    If I seriously just listened to my body even NOW when I've learned to eat better and have much healthier habits in general, I would probably eat around 800-1,000 calories per day of too much fat and WAY, way too much sugar. My body's over here like "I just want an egg and toast in the morning, snack of cheddar cheese, venti Starbucks with whip, and a Snickers for dinner".

    So yeah, no. lol
  • QueenofGuac
    QueenofGuac Posts: 47 Member
    I could not stick to my diet when I cut out the things I loved to eat and make.

    I found my self sitting and obsessing over eating a cookie or some chips. Which made me binge on them later. Now I just chill out. Have a few of what I want and really, really enjoy them.
  • luckieface
    luckieface Posts: 7 Member
    Having no motivational people. I goto the gym with my boyfriend, (my gym lacks on the ac so it is always hot). he gives up after a bit and it makes me not want to continue my workout.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    What didn't work? Starving myself (i.e. netting less than BMR) and working out too much (yes, there is such a thing). Generally speaking, those are the only things that didn't work. I could get into the minutiae of what doesn't work for specific goals, but that's probably not what you're asking for here.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    listening to people on internet forums...

    I did my own research.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Procrastinating workouts. Doing workout on a whim not a routine. Not progressive.
    Case of ****arounditis.

    Days off are important don't underestimate the power of rest.for the mind and building muscle.
  • tbullucks06
    tbullucks06 Posts: 128
    I also learned that if I want to eat more, then I have to workout. Sure 1200 calories is enough but some days I WANT more than that. If I want to lose weight then that's the only way I can HAVE more.
  • LoreleiEvil
    LoreleiEvil Posts: 65 Member
    listening to people on internet forums...

    I did my own research.

    This. I had to make up my mind that I was going to lose weight. No more rationalizing, no more self delusion. It's part of being "selfish" and putting me first. NO more punishing my body by withholding food by skipping meals, if I'm too tired to exercise, I don't. I take a nap or I go to bed early.

    I don't tell anyone else what they can or can not eat, that only applies to me.

    Only foods that I WILL binge on are off-limits.
  • wendamabelle
    wendamabelle Posts: 25 Member
    Eating too little. I lose weight faster when I eat around 1400-1500 calories a day. MFP suggested 1200 but that isn't sustainable for me. I felt like I was dieting and that isn't how I want to live my life.
  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    Not logging. Logging will have to be a forever thing for me. The moment I stopped logging, I lose control and I stop caring. Something about seeing the #'s on the screen and making me accountable even if I go way over keeps me in check. I can gain 60+ lbs in less than 6 months when I don't log. So, this will be a forever thing. God (Mike?), please don't ever take this site away.

    ditto this....the power of logging....ive had to accept its going to be for forever too