Struggling :(

I see all these successful stories and wishing I was the one posting before and after pictures. When did everybody start seeing results. I'm growing impatient, but I'm working so hard and just want results. I tend to diet and exercise for a few weeks then get discouraged and give up. This is my 1000 attempt and I really want it to be my last. I move up to college in 45 days, and I really want to be comfortable and confident in myself. I need to see results. Any encouraging words?? Please help, anything will help!


  • Ranocchia
    Ranocchia Posts: 73 Member
    Any encouraging words, but a companion, if you want.
    I should lose at least 10 lbs in 45 days. We can motivate each other. I'll ad you as a friend.
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    Are you talking visible results or scale results? The scale started pretty quickly in small steps. I weighed weekly and would see a pound or two gone each week. It only took a few pounds for others to see it in me. Now if I look at a mirror I don't see it in myself at all. I've lost 33 pounds and many people think it's more than that, but to me I don't look that much different. For me it is always the most difficult to see the weight loss in myself.

    Everyone is different so they will see changes at different rates. The key is not giving up. Make sure the diet changes you make are ones you can stick to. Don't try something drastic just in the hopes of losing a ton of weight. You may lose weight, but it may not stay off. Don't get discouraged if it takes a long time. This is a lifelong commitment you must be ready for, not just something you can do until the weight comes off. Believe me I know, I slacked off and gained a great deal of weight back that I'm now trying to lose again.

    I wish you all the luck in meeting your goals.

  • eversosquidly
    eversosquidly Posts: 59 Member
    I made a list of things that I wanted. A goal list. And I made a bunch of weight goals to hit. I posted it on my fridge. And every time I walk past it--I see the list of things. At 250, I get an elliptical (a friend is giving us theirs) and my car detailed (my mom sells cars). At 230, I get to go to an amusement park I've always wanted to go to. at 199, I get to go on a trail ride. And my mom is planning something special. When I get to my goal weight, I'm getting a puppy. But for every 10 pounds that I lose, I get something small, too. A book or a movie or to go do something fun.

    For me, my motivation is that puppy. I post pictures of puppies on facebook. Every other week, I go up and hold a puppy at Petland. Something tangible is a helpful goal. Because I know, for me, being healthy isn't enough at this point because it's so hard to fathom.

    Sometimes it's really inspirational to come on this part of MFP and look at all the people that have met their goals. But you have to find the victories that you meet for yourself every day. If you can find something that makes you excited, go ahead, when you hit that goal, post about it! I posted about how I went without sugar for 40 some days now. That's monumental for me.

    I want to have a before and after post so badly, too. But just think of how great it'll feel when you get there. Take your time: just keep tracking. Add a little more exercise. Drink the recommended daily water. See how great you'll feel as you hit more and more days of being active on MFP. Every time it says how long I've been tracking, I get excited. Take it one day at a time and celebrate the small things.
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    Step 1: Read all the posts under "Motivation and Support."
    Step 2: Read some MFP blogs
    Step 3: Reach down deep within and ask yourself how bad do you want it.
  • nuvs
    nuvs Posts: 14 Member
    Nothing happens over night but it will happen. Remember you didn't learn to walk in 10 day or run in a week but you can sure enough do it now without hesitation. It will take time but i will pay off. I have been on this weight loss battle as long as i can remember. and for some reason it has now clicked 28 lbd in a year sure not a major change but its a change and its 28 less than a year ago Im only stonger than yesterday for trying and so are you!!!
  • karli2121
    karli2121 Posts: 12
    Thanks everybody! I shall hopefully accomplish this goal before I know it
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