Tall twin out there?

Hello I'm Emma (24) I'm having trouble finding a fitness pal buddy because I'm 5ft 11 in. and most of the posts I read etc. The tallest person is 5'4"! I'd like to find someone or some people who are also tall and different sizes to help me better see where I stand and what my goal looks like! Thanks all :happy:

Name: Emma
Weight: 187 pounds
Height: 5ft 11in.
Bone Density: light
Body type: Athletic/curvy



  • NishaaB
    NishaaB Posts: 3
    Heyyyyy, I'm Nisha. I'm 5'11 Also but I Weigh In At 310. Blah , For Now At Least! :tongue:
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    I'm 5'11" and 214 now, my goal is in the neighborhood of 170. I'm medium build. I need to remember to post some pics to my profile.
  • k13694
    k13694 Posts: 11
    I'm close! I'm also 24, but at 5'10. My current weight is 162, looking to lose another 10 or so and see what that looks like.
  • oceanemma1227
    Awesome guys thanks!
    I weighed 155 in high school but I was really muscular so I'm trying to compensate for that and my goal is 145, I know for our height that's tiny but I have a tendency of setting an extreme goal aand I'm also half Korean so that's some pressure =p
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I'm too short. :grumble: 5'9" here and 170. Athletic/curvy build with some fluff on top. We can be buddies if you want. :flowerforyou:
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Not a twin, but similar...

    31 years
    CW 187
    GW 173 (may lower dependent on BF% at that time)
    Clothing: 6-10 depending on brand
    Frame: Large
    Build: Athletic/Straight
  • toomanycats75
    5' 10", 163 pounds here, and fairly large framed. I feel best at 145, am trying to get back to that and add some muscle. I have some love handles and inner thigh pudge at 163.
  • mandyysue
    mandyysue Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! I'm 5' 10.5" currently 170 lbs. Feel free to add me! I always want more tall friends! Did you know there is a group on here called Tall Girls? You should join!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm 6'2 and currently at 205. Probably looking to be around 180 eventually.
  • chancock6
    chancock6 Posts: 87
    Well, I'm not 5 '11 but I'm 5'8 and I know what you're talking about. All these short people lol I sent a request.
  • jmlyons17
    jmlyons17 Posts: 4
    Hi I'm 5'11 and I'd love to be at 187! Add me if you want!
  • oceanemma1227
    You're in the right neighborhood lol I never realized HOW tall I was until I started looking around the boards and it was like omg these people look like I do but weigh 145 pounds and are 5'2" where as 145 is my best case goal hahaha