Body Key by Nutrilite -- anyone done this?



  • ashleyroberts2012
    I just had to reply to this message. I felt compelled to ask.... You mention that the "REP" of the product will make money off of who they are selling it too??? SO what makes more sense when you say it out loud.... Support someone you KNOW with the products they can get for you and make them a few bucks... IF they are giving you their price they make no money off of you... OR should they go to a store and buy some other products that I GUARANTEE are nothing comparable to NUTRILITE and support the big business places such as "Walmart...?" EITHER WAY MY FRIEND SOMEONE IS GONNA MAKE A PROFIT. The point is that the buyer gets the product. Plus... With BODYKEY there is a 180 day GUARANTEE MONEY BACK.

    I am a IBO and i not only use bodykey, but I sell it, and I talk very highly of it. If you dont know anything about the actual product and DO YOUR RESEARCH... I would recommend keeping your negative inputs to yourself. :)

    To who was asking about BodyKey.... I say, "What do you got to lose?" Try it... Your gonna try something else anyways. :)

    Cheers and Hope that helps :)
  • hayden9489
    hayden9489 Posts: 1
    A lot of people have gluten allergies and don't even know it. The common symptoms are upset stomach after eating, constipation, or diarrhea. The Body Key shakes are gluten free, and are full of probiotics (3 Million CFU) Yes that is a good amount. Without getting too technical, 80% of your immune system is in your gut. Anytime you are on antibiotics you are killing the bad AND THE GOOD bacteria in your body. This Good bacteria is VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. ( I have a friend who is lactose intolerant and her husband is a Doctor and a Chemist. He has her on probiotics because it's not the same thing. Another option you have is that the shakes come with Stevia which comes from the stevia plant and is all natural.

    One of the ingredients in the appetite control chews is "glucomannon" It's a food supplement, a type of fiber, from the konjac plant but is also used as a thickener or gelling agent. The fiber is bulking fiber so this helps aid with digestion and constipation. It's marketed for controlling your appetite because you do feel fuller. When taken before you eat, you more than likely won't eat as much. And, it tastes similar to a starburst. In women, this ingredient also helps with lowering cholesterol. Daily adequate fiber intake has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and this product can help with reaching 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. It also helps to lower blood sugar, which is great for diabetics.

    There are aloe shots that come with the bundle. They will jump start your colon. Even people with IBS need aloe. It will help prevent the flu, cure an upset stomach, and eliminate heart burn. It also cures diarrhea or constipation. These Aloe Shots have Folic acid (brain power), Ginger Root (balance) Blueberry (Antioxidant) and Cranberry (urine tract) and a lot more.

    The products are great and come is a 6 month money back guarantee...NO QUESTIONS ASKED. That's the kicker.

    I took the DNA test and it has helped me immensely. I learned that I'm a fat trimmer (I absorb fat easier than most and I have a slower metabolism) and that I should be doing high intensity workouts to lose the weight faster.

    What I found most beneficial was the website that comes with it.I haven't seen anything else like it. Of course you can log in your food and your exercise, but this website is all comprehensive. There are soooo many benefits to the site that I can't even name. The site is chuck full of workouts and workout videos from beginner to advanced. Literally hundreds. You can easily log your food, your supplements,and your exercise. It puts all of your data and puts in into a pie graph to help you stay balanced. Once I got my DNA results back, I entered them and it gave me a weekly shopping list of EVERYTHING I need to buy at the store and the recipes that go along with it catered to my body. There's no thinking; there's no impulse shopping.

    I love body key. I've learned so much about food and the importance of eating right, and it truly has transitioned me into thinking about it as a lifestyle. I've never felt better. And, I hope this helps.
  • michellechawner
    I stopped reading at "test your DNA"...

    took the words right out of my mouth

    why do people actually get excited about this stuff? Every time some money making sharks come out with a new 'magical' way to lose weight there are always crazy people queuing up to hand over their hard earned cash to them. Always.

    Stop it!

    Eat less and move more. Nobody needs to be taking DNA swabs from you. This is not a crime scene

    Amen. Trust me, I've tried a lot of it (diet loss supplements/herbalife/etc). Not worth it. I'm losing it by cutting cals and eating better.

    I've dropped 42 pounds before... how? DIET AND EXERCISE. In 6 months. If you love the product then do it. I have a protein shake I love but I don't push it onto others because I'm not sure if it's their thing, If they ask my opinion I mention it, and the others I have tried and what I've thought of them as well. Yes I am an IPC (Independent Product Consultant) for a company,
    I don't go and sell my **** in the forums like these people are also trying to push onto the OP (which, is against the forum rules everyone!)

    OP, best bet, so your research and see what you find. Whats works for some, doesn't work for others. Just realize the money you're putting out and ask if it's worth it if it doesn't work. Plain and Simple.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member

    FYI: Some of the sports franchises who use Exclusively Nutrilite products. Detroit Red Wings, AC Milan Football club. So its good for some of the most credible athletes in the world.

    Yep, worked out real great for the Red Wings. ;)
  • ACharlesE
    ACharlesE Posts: 1
    I am doing the BodyKey right now. In 43 daysI have lost 14 lbs and lowered body fat by however much as well. I hate losing weight so I needed some toys to get me motivated and other than Nutrilites stellar products the genetic test caught my attention; I am also using the FitBit tracker and scale.
  • KSaavedra83
    I agree with you. It's funny how some people would rather keep maintaining the lifestyle of those huge companies that feed them crap than to support a company made of the everyday people.
  • KSaavedra83
    That's awesome! I lost three pounds in the last 5 days! I am really excited!
  • SherrysLife2012
    I don't like eating breakfast, so I keep thinking maybe these shakes would work for me, just 1 a day at breakfast, but they are soooo darn expensive!! I think between Visalus, Shakology and Amway, the lowest price was Visalus, but maybe I missed something. Shakology and Amway were both over a hundred a month, Amway might of been $99.00, but from what I could tell, Visalus was $49.00.

    I have some other shake stuff I bought at the health food store, I might try that first.......right now it just sits in my cupboard, guess its time to try it out, I think I only paid around $15 for a small canister, I will have to compare nutrition one day to the other shakes.

    Then there is Ruby who I follow, she is doing Visalus, but she is also wealthy and has personal trainers.....ugh.

    Where is that magic pill or drink or wand or whatever.

  • tcmixman
    tcmixman Posts: 1
    Disclaimer: Not affiliated with any of these companies. But I use products!

    Anyone getting upset because someone offering you a product is making money is ignorant.
    Everyone makes money off you! It's your choice who you decide to "help get rich". If you make ignorant statements
    Chances are you are ..... economically inept.

    PS: I own a very large engineering company and my customer are stupid enough to pay me to service them :)
    I guess Me, Apple, and Samsung are great "scammers".
  • _lcee
    _lcee Posts: 1
    umm different bodies work in different ways! and the reason they have to is if you have several problems the product is not for you. watching what you eat doesnt always work since youre already backed up with everything else you need something to cleanse your body so that you intake all the good stuff.
  • jadexxus
    jadexxus Posts: 3 Member
    So Phoenix_Risin, have you done it? Was it useful?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    So Phoenix_Risin, have you done it? Was it useful?

    Nope, didn't bother.
    I don't like the idea of having to pay monthly to keep healthy, since only "their way" is healthy.
    That refers to any diet or supplement out there, not just the Body Key program.
    If I can't eat regular food and maintain the weight loss and keep momentum, it's just not for me.
  • titch2lil
    titch2lil Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all :-)

    For those of you considering trying it, please please please get your information from someone who knows what they are talking about. Ask a nutritionist about the program. Ask a naturalist. Ask a doctor. Ask someone with expert knowledge in the field of supplementation. The same goes for every avenue in life, marriage, finances, holiday destinations etc. Ask someone who is an expert in that particular field.

    People are always willing (including myself) to give opinions, but in the end, when you have so many different opinions and people with varied experiences, all you get is a bunch confusion. Ask an expert.

    The same goes for your gym rep, find out what company he reps, then go to like... the better business bureau or consumer history or somewhere to see if it is a company you would be glad to support.

    Fact: Everyone shops.
    Fact: Every time we shop, someone makes money off us.
    Fact: At my job, someone is making money off me. Otherwise I wouldn't have a job.
  • kittin31
    kittin31 Posts: 1 Member
    Wow kinda feeling the hate :( most MLMs have guarantees, I know amway is 180 days no questions, if you are stuck, give it a shot, if it doesn't work get your money back, I try not to bash on peoples professions, how they make a living is their business. Does t he product work for ME? That would be all I would be concerned about, and make sure they have a open bottle guarantee. MLMs have great people and not so great people like anywhere. Man has customer service sucked for me in MN lately! Walmart, target coburns, the customer is not always right! I think staying positive and encouraging can help with weight loss and not always looking for he bad, but maybe that just helps this busy mom lead a happy life. I love supporting my friends and they are thankful for support, but I'm honest if something doesn't work like I expected, I return it ASAP :)
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Lol. DNA testing for weightloss. MLMs will try any dubious practice won't they...
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    A fool and his money is soon parted.
  • inabochian
    What gym has this program? Is it a local chain? or larger chain?
  • BeeVain
    BeeVain Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing BodyKey by Nutrilite since 1.5 years now (in Germany). I wanted to loose 33 lbs (15 kg) and did so in a few month (4 month I think it was).
    This was more than a year ago and I never gained back a single pound - on the contrary: I lost another few pounds (now 40 lbs over all = 18 kg) without doing anything else!
    Let's just say, I tried a lot of different stuff before, and I really like about Bodykey, that it works (just because I finally know that carbohydrates ARE ACTUALLY GOOD for my body and I was always cutting back on pasta, bread etc.and trying to eat as much protein as possible - which (in my case) was wrong). The whole program was very easy for me, never hungry, always feeling good, I can say yes to eating out with friends, cut back on sweets and fat (like cheese) a little bit and feeling so much lighter and healthier. I didn't do a lot more sports than before, just started to drive my bike to work (it's just 15 minutes away though :D)

    I can say, after years of trying I finally am back to my skinny live, it feels so good and even the guy I was obsessed about asked me out. He said he noticed me from the very first time he saw me, but felt I wasn't ready (and it's true - me going out with this hotty 2 years ago?? Being naked in front of him? Nooo wayyy....). We are now not only working together and dating each other (since 1 year), we also live together and he is crazy for me. Happy and healthy and we even now sometimes cook bodeykey receipes together - just because they are yummy!