Help! No personal motivation L(

thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I cannot find any motivation to exercise or eat healthier. Please help. I live alone, cannot find anyone else to work out with. How can I change my thinking???????????? :cry:


  • Surround yourself with people, even if its just online, who will support and encourage you. Find groups and forums that offer support and encouragement. Try and read 10 pages everyday of some type of motivational book. It really makes a huge difference! Hope this helps a little :)
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    you're doing this for you! you want to be healthy. you don't want to miss out on life. You want to be able to take next adventure that may come your way. you never know what may happen tomorrow but you want to ready for anything. you don't want to say you wish you had done it so just do it! keep your goals both short and long term and forgive yourself for a single bad day because tomorrow is a new one. make friends on here because everyone is here for you with kind words whenever you feel you're struggling. good luck
  • tell your self that when you reach a certain weight you will buy something, or do something special. Maybe something you've wanted to do/buy for a while now. :)
  • pattyco23
    pattyco23 Posts: 5 Member
    too bad we dont live closer, you are just what I need to stay on track...someone who needs the same thing. I have my ups and downs and sometimes alot of downs. hang in there and we can do this together....all of us!
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Start with adding some/all of the people that are responding to your post. This is a great place to get support, encouragement, advice. We are all here to help each other. If you develop relationships with supportive people- even if it is online - it will help.

    The 2nd thing you can do is to find reasons why you "need" to lose weight. For example, I am losing weight because I want to live to see my grandchildren have children. I want to dance at my grandson's/granddaughter's weddings. I want to dare to wear a swimming suit again without being ashamed. So, I don't know your situation, but there has to be a "reason" you want to lose weight. find that reason, post that reason, hold on to that reason. Then begin to work on that goal - with that reason always in the forefront. It takes work - losing weight is NOT easy - if it were no one would be overweight. Plan your meals using the calorie calculators - then buy your food and prepare ahead of time according to your schedule. So for example, if you work and have a job that you can't get away or you have to have something quick and easy to eat, then prepare extra for your dinner meal and take that to work for lunch the next day.

    Hope this helps and I will provide support and encouragement for you if you choose to do this.


  • mandy0304
    mandy0304 Posts: 5 Member
    Changing your mind set and eating habits is the first thing to do when dieting. Research different activities that you find interesting. has plenty of exercising videos and guided workouts. Also, you could find some motivational reading, that always helps me. Best of luck to you :)
  • One of the things that helped me was that I finally got tired of my current lifestyle, which was lying on the couch all the time and feeling lonely and unhappy (I live alone and have no workout partners either). I wrote out what type of lifestyle I wanted, and then what parts of that new lifestyle I could live right now. Unfortunately, I couldn't currently live any part of my desired lifestyle, so I then wrote out a list of things that needed to change in order for me to enjoy the lifestyle I wanted. At the top of the list was losing weight. I couldn't be social because I was always tired and in pain all of the because of my weight. I decided to focus on losing weight. I'm joining a weight loss exercise club soon, which will help with the loneliness and see other women with similar goals as mine, and get me up off the couch!

    Just focus on your bright future, don't concentrate on any negative thoughts, and if you take it a little at a time, you'll eventually lose all the excess weight. Here's a thought: in 5 years you can either be thick or thin; either way you'll be 5 years older. You decide how you want to look and feel in 5 years. The choice is yours.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    A good way to get motivated is to have friends on MFP! Keep yourself accountable for your actions by logging in on MFP and trying to see what your problem areas are. Keeping a journal of how you feel when you want to eat and write down what you are craving. Drink water while you write. Writing first helped me loose weight years ago because when I went back to read it right after writing, it scared me at how much food I was thinking of eating. When you think about eating it, you try to eat it!

    You can do it!!! Conquer 1 day at a time! :happy:
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I couldn't find anyone to workout with anyways...always excuses anyway. I just decided one day to get stubborn and realized that the only person in charge of me!!! I started with small goals each week. The first week I stopped eating after dinner, then 2 weeks later I joined MFP. I then started making healthier food choices eat week, then I cut out diet soda, then I started drinking more water. I use to live off of Diet Pepsi and I drink only water and eat fruits, vegetables, low fat items for snacks. You have to want to make the change.....I encourage you to start with anything...make a goal and keep it. You will realize how easy it is to change.
  • thecowgirl72
    thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
    As you all may have noticed, I have not responded to people who have replied to my post. Yes, I haven't been here for a while. Still trying to figure out that solution for personal motivation. I gave up for a while, but watch out everyone - I AM BACK FOR GOOD. Thank you for your advice! - Kristi
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Welcome Back!

    I live alone with my dog, and it's hard to keep motivated. I have found that my MFP friends really give me inspriation through their success stories, and kicking me when I need it.
  • thecowgirl72
    thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Suz. I am committing myself to logging in her, and more importantly reporting good news here! - Kristi
  • thecowgirl72
    thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you Tammy --- I again, I'M BACK :)
  • thecowgirl72
    thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
    Excellent progress ... you reached your goal. Worth a big smile and much more. Kristi:
  • PorscheNicole
    PorscheNicole Posts: 5 Member
    Hey girl, have you considered boot camp?!!!!!! Commitment to working out in a group gives you accountability and motivation. Plus, we never repeat a workout so boredom can never set it. While you're doing the right thing by committing to a healthier way of eating here on MFP, you could also be losing weight for the summer and gaining strength & confidence through exercise. Just ask some of the campers on my Friends page :-)
  • PorscheNicole
    PorscheNicole Posts: 5 Member
    Hey girl, I have to say I just realized that your original post is over a year and a half ago! My bad... you've probably found your mojo by now ;-)
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