20 something with 150+ to lose

Hi everyone,

I am 25 (26 next month), currently weighting in at 305 today. Back on the grind of eating healthy and working out. I am looking for some support on here. Anyone have as much weight as me to lose? or have lost a lot of weight? Help!


  • MrsJGatsby
    MrsJGatsby Posts: 25 Member
    Sorta in the same boat as you. SW was 248, CW is 233. Hoping to get down to 145-155 eventually. Joined MFP ages ago but wasn't serious about tracking. But back on track and more focused now. It's tough when you have such a big number to lose.
    Edit: 27 y/o.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I am 35 now, but I started out in my mid-20's at 334 lbs (that I know of, it could have been higher). 9 years later, I am 200 lbs lighter, give or take a couple of lbs. I am glad to be your friend and support you on your journey!
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Hi yall :)
    I'm somewhat in the same boat I started off at 300+lbs I've been using mfp on amd off since 2010. I have lost over 100+ pounds now my CW is 203 I am aiming for 175 for now. I turned 26 in April and I have 2 kids. My daughter will be 9 this.month and my son is 2 1/2 yrs old. Its been extremely hard because I went back to work fulltime yhis pass December. I've had some health issues that put me back and I've gained some weight but I'm hoping that with in the next couple months maybe by Sept I will hit my goal.
  • MrsJGatsby
    MrsJGatsby Posts: 25 Member
    What inspiring stories to hear on the night I decide to start back on MFP! You ladies are amazing!
  • Sashoi
    Sashoi Posts: 295 Member

    I'm pretty much starting where u are, on July 1 I was 304.8 lbs. n right now i'm just thinking about my Quarterly goals to keep me focused. I have set my final goal for my Birthday August 2014 so I have plenty of time to lose 115 lbs. I don't want to be skinny and my body is not built like most so a goal of 190 would put me back in my size 10's. Add me I need as much motivation as anything to stick with this.
  • iron_yuppie
    Looking to lose 75 lbs by my 35th bday (8 months away). I gained 40 lbs during my first 2 years of college and it snowballed from there. I spent the last 10 years in an exhausting job I hated, which left me with no energy or desire to be active. Basically I feel I've wasted my 20s using my weight as an excuse. No more! I have broken up with my best friends, bread and sugar, and for the first time, I'm seeing some results.
    If there's anyone else out there who can relate or inspire, feel free to friend/msg!
  • mulata54
    mulata54 Posts: 2
    Hey ladies! I'm pretty much in the same boat.. I was 274 at my heaviest after pregnancy and breastfeeding and all those lovely motherhood hormones that kicked in lol! I am down to 242 by going 80/10/10. I tried doing it with a nutritionist, tracking here, and restricting calories, but I can honestly say that going 80/10/10 was the best decision I've made. Now I'm pregnant again with baby number two so not completely raw vegan anymore.. but as soon as I can eat the large quantities of fruits and veggies again I definitely will.. the weight literally falls off and I never had so much energy in my life!!!
    Anyways, I just had to share that in case anyone else was interested.. Good luck to you all!!!!!
  • feelingsmcgee
    I'll be 25 next month and I'm in the middle of trying to lose 100 pounds. My highest weight was 273 but I didn't start mfp until I was 265. My current weight is 228. I have some health issues that hinder my weight loss too but I'm trying to stay focused this time. I'm not the cleanest eater and I usually go through waves of being all in and then partially in so I could use some encouragement and understanding if I fall off the wagon again. Feel free to add me.
  • WthBetch
    WthBetch Posts: 6
    Hi! I'm Kayla and I'm a 21 year old with a lot of weight to lose. I'm 315 right now and want to actually see 200 lol. It's nice to see someone in the same boat as me around my age. Just keep motivation and we can do it!