Levothyroxine and weight GAIN?

Hi, all. I was wondering if anyone else has taken levoythyroxine and experienced weight gain as opposed to loss?

Several months ago, my endocrinologist had my thyroid levels tested. She said they were *just* under what is considered "normal" and that if it weren't for my prolactinoma, she wouldn't be treating for hypothyroidism at all. (She thinks the size of the tumor is impacting my thyroid function.) I started Levothyroxine in February. When I went to my endocrinologist in February, I had actually lost 7lbs. When I saw her last week (5 months later), I had somehow gained weight -- about 10lbs worth. I asked her if it could be related to the levo, and she said no -- and then said that it was something that I had caused, even though I really haven't changed anything - if anything, I have actually become more active because I'm working more (retail) instead of sitting in school all day. Now, she wants to test for Type 2 Diabetes and a slew of other things and is contemplating putting me on another medication to "control my weight." I really don't want to take a third medication.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Also, has anyone who has combined levothyroxine with cabergoline had any side effects related to weight?




  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I take Levo....100mcg....u have to take it before your meal in the morning 30min to 1hr ...I have no weight gain but Im diligent as to when I take the pill. Not sure if this has anything to do with it. I was also Type 2 Diabetic but ate right and lost weight to get my A1c within normal range.
  • frayedpages0320
    frayedpages0320 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm really not sure if timing has to do with it. I take it everyday as prescribed, and I always try to make sure that I have enough time between taking my meds and eating in the morning, but sometimes that just can't happen. It's either take the meds and not eat breakfast and not be able to eat until much later in the day or risk absorption and eat breakfast and not starve myself. So, maybe.

    What gets me, though, is that my weight has been pretty stable throughout high school (just graduated this year). I finally started to lose some weight and then my endo put me on levo and BAM - weight gain. I'm just really confused.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Lets look beyond the medication for a moment:

    1) How recently did your activity level increase?
    2) What about sodium levels before the weigh in?
    3) When you weighed were you wearing similar outfits at each appointment? (jeans can weigh 5lbs)
    4) Have you been taking measurements? If so have the decreased or increased?
    5) Do you weigh your food with a kitchen scale?
    6) Have your calorie goals changed? (usually need to be adjusted between 5-10lbs of loss)
    7) Have you been drinking enough water? (pale yellow/clear pee)
    8) Have you started any new workouts recently? (especially if its weights or strength related)
  • frayedpages0320
    frayedpages0320 Posts: 8 Member
    My habits before February and after February had remained the same.

    1. June
    2. No clue. I'm not consistent with MFP, and I don't keep track any other place.
    3. Yes - I always wear the same stuff.
    4. No measurements.
    5. No.
    6. No change.
    7. I never drink enough water.
    8. Nope.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I take levo (eltroxin) and it's never affected my weight either way.

    Are you having digestive issues? That goes along with the thyroid and 99% of the time if I gain weight its just that.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    My habits before February and after February had remained the same.

    1. June
    2. No clue. I'm not consistent with MFP, and I don't keep track any other place.
    3. Yes - I always wear the same stuff.
    4. No measurements.
    5. No.
    6. No change.
    7. I never drink enough water.
    8. Nope.

    I think maybe the possibility is a combination of a few things.

    Sodium is possibly on the high side. Combine that with not drinking enough water and you end up with water retention.
    Possibility of over-eating. In the amount of time that you gained, its only like an extra 25 or so calories per day since feb. There could also be a little water retention in your muscles from the increased activity.

    I'd try tracking your calories, consistently for a month or so.
    Oh and I forgot to ask, How do your clothes fit?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    a general thought. Something which can upset the body is salicylate. Most often the medical profession do not consider this to be a problem but as it is toxic in many people, to a greater or lesser extent it might be something worth look/read into. I mention this because weight gain, thyroid issues and irritable bowel are amongst the list of things which can cause any one person problems when their body is distressed.

    There is the "food can make you ill" website which looks at the affects foods can have on the body and this gives all the possible symptoms which are attributable to salicylate as well as the other things like amines. There is also a book of the same name which is available digitally. There is also the "Saliclyate sensitive" web site too, some there have picked it up with minimal reactions. The initial, key work into Salicylate was carried out in Australia or New Zealand by Anne Swain and fellow dietitians, others world wide have contributed to the increasing body of work in this area.

    I discovered salicylate in my 60's having had many other symptoms as well as those above, many are now happily resolved but I will never be re balanced. Someone who is younger has the potential to radically reduce the extent of possible damage. I have improved from the point of being in great pain in various joints which got worse with medication, no pain in knees now. I am no longer bloated, reduced with effort by 6-7 stone and still more to go. I am happier in myself, been told I was depressed, accepted it because I knew no better, and felt the cold so severely, that with other issues caused my thyroid to be tested and found wanting. I refused to take thyroxine because it contained maize starch as the binder. Maize starch is moderate in salicylate but one tablet a day bloated me, took my breathing, produced joint pain and made me lethargic. I bolstered my iodine intake by eating cod and tuna to support my thyroid. This would not be safe for many, but it was all I could do when I was told by the allergist to, " take the pill and take something else for the breathing and all", because salicylate does not have a normal allergic reaction, crudely put it has a poisoning effect . I still have skin flair ups but they resolve very easily though strong perfumes has caused me to need to sleep the effects off.

    Please read up on salicylate sensitivity, I was affected from childhood. Knowing what to look out for might help you or others.

    all the best
  • ALittleSwanny
    ALittleSwanny Posts: 36 Member
    I take 100mg of Levothyroxine and I have struggled with my weight more since being diagnosed than ever before!
  • frayedpages0320
    frayedpages0320 Posts: 8 Member
    I really wasn't expecting so many responses! Thank you!

    I should probably mention that I take 50 mcg a day. I don't know if that makes a difference.

    I feel fine - no difference than before I started the meds. If anything, I'm having a harder time sleeping. Otherwise, no digestive problems, nothing.

    With the water retention - it is a possibility, and I'll have to pay more attention to it. However, I haven't been keeping hydrated for years. I also play soccer during the school year, so I wasn't completely inactive before hand.

    My clothes fit fine. I actually didn't notice the weight gain until my doctor said something about it.

    ALittleSwanny-- What have you experienced? I have tried to do research this, but there isn't a lot. Most places say that Levo should, if anything, cause weight loss. However, I have come across some people who have a similar experience - no life/diet changes, added levo, and sudden weight gain.
  • beemour
    beemour Posts: 2
    I also take levothyroxine (150mg/day). I have learned that it is critical to take it at the same time every day, with respect to meals, because empty v. full stomach affects how it is absorbed. This can throw off your levels.

    I have read in many, many books and articles that it is just plain harder to lose weight at all when you have a thyroid problem (Thyroid Sourcebook is a good resource). If you have access to a nutritionist or dietitian, maybe through your endo, I have found that they're very helpful. Most books I've read recommend a low-GI diet for hypothyroid patients wanting to lose weight. And patience. Lots and lots of patience.
  • frayedpages0320
    frayedpages0320 Posts: 8 Member
    I admit, I am not super regular with my medicine; that is, I take it everyday, but not always at the same time. But would this make me gain weight when I was previously losing weight? I'm genuinely confused....
  • frayedpages0320
    frayedpages0320 Posts: 8 Member
    So, I spoke to the nurse at my regular doctors office, and she said she thinks the whole thing is a little weird. She suggested that I call my endo and try to talk to her again. If any of you are interested, I can post her response.

    I appreciate all the help that you all have given. :)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I had weight gain on Levo, too--

    Has your endo checked your antibodies for Hashimoto's? That is what I have-- autoimmune disorder where your body attacks the thyroid. Hypothyroidism is number one symptom-- after over a year, my doctor finally checked.

    Treatment doesn't change much-- but there is more info out there to help you navigate confusing waters once there is a name.

    I'm on Armour right now, which is a combination of T4 hormone (Levo) and T3 (Cytomel)

    Gain stopped-- but I have to be incredibly diligent to lose anything. If I limit carbs to 50g a day, no gluten, no sugar, no dairy, I have been able to take off weight.

    Look into Armour, and check out Hashi-- and don't take no for an answer when your doctor balks-- because she will.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Also, I've read that taking Levo at night before bed (assuming you haven't eaten for at least one hour) works very well. I tried taking mine at night, and did feel much better-- unfortunately, summer time has equaled snack time...my stomach is never empty at bedtime. :embarassed:
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    So, I spoke to the nurse at my regular doctors office, and she said she thinks the whole thing is a little weird. She suggested that I call my endo and try to talk to her again. If any of you are interested, I can post her response.

    I appreciate all the help that you all have given. :)

    Like most of the people on here said, you should take the medication first thing in the morning will a fulll glass of water on an empty stomach. I was on levoylx, not taking synthroid (had my thyroid take over 20 years ago), always take my medication on an empty stomach.

    Some times I set my clock for 30 minutes earlier to take the medication so that I can have breakfast at a set time. Take the water to bed, so everything is right at hand.

    You are going to have to revamp what you normally eat, because it is going to be very easy to put on weight. Stay away from white stuff (flour, bread, processed food, high sodium foods, sodas etc). I have changed the way I eat over the years, now I am very serious about portion control. I find if I exercise, that helps to stabilize my weight, but to lose weight, I have to exercise really hard, for example 30 minutes of slow walking will do not for anything for me. I really have to ramp it up to a higher level. Its not the end of the world, but it a change in how you are going to live your life in the future.
  • Yes I take this medicine since I used it I have gain 30 pounds can't lose it no matter what I try I walk 6 days a week no carbs still can't loose its the medicine imam planning to stop taking it
  • Heavybetty
    Heavybetty Posts: 38 Member
    bump for later
  • Fara_n_KY
    Fara_n_KY Posts: 1 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and prescribed this medication. I found
    It to be useless as it did not treat my symptoms. The issue I suspect I am
    Having is converting T4 into T3 because I have elevated T4 and low T3. However my reg doc won't prescribe anything except Synthroid so I am waiting for an app with a specialist. I remain exhausted and gained 5 lb bc my doc did not run
    Labs for T3 and T4. Frustrating!
  • wendym77
    wendym77 Posts: 1
    I recently started on a small dose of levothyroxine and after the second week I had gained nearly 2kg (5lbs)! I eat a healthy vegetarian diet and jog 40 minutes/day at least 3 times per week. I also do a fair amount of easy cycling and walking during the week. I am trying to hold out for the 6th week so that my levels can be tested again, but this sucks! I don't notice much difference except maybe a slight improvement in my hair, nails, and skin. My last TSH reading was 5.7, so subclinical. Has anyone else had this weight gain at start of treatment? Did it reverse itself eventually?! Did you stop taking the meds?
  • BeverlyJeanHohm
    BeverlyJeanHohm Posts: 1 Member
    I just started on levothyroxin 50 mcg daily. I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's last week... So am very new to this. I am in the middle of menopause and 53. I have been sluggish,depressed, cold and gained 5 to 6 pounds over this past year while watching my weight and continuing to exercise diligently if I had always done my whole life. Since starting the medication a few days ago I have gained 2 pounds. I do feel a little bit more energy and not as depressed but am discouraged about the weight gain. I was hoping to finally see the scale called the other direction! I really appreciate this site! I really need encouragement right now if I am feeling very discouraged! Thank you for all of your helpful information. I appreciate the tip about getting up three hours early and taking the medication.. Will have to try that. Has anyone had trouble with night sweats increase after this medication? Blessings to all of you!!