what keeps you going?

What keeps you motivated to stay fit or keep off the weight? What stops you from falling through the cracks?


  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    Honestly, this is my third week and it has been *tough*. This has been the first week that was really hard to get through and stay motivated. I basically took a day off, took care of myself and my motivation came back. I've lost 13 pounds so far, but the number isn't what motivates me. I want to be healthier for the rest of my life. That's kind of how you should think about this, but even I know it doesn't get you through some rough patches without self-talk. I just tell myself, "Yeah, it sucks right now, but you're committed to this. Are you going to quit? No. Then just get through it today."

    Another way is I think I'm in training for some big unforeseen contest and I need to be in the best shape possible. Sometimes, it's just noticing my left bicep really flexing on the rowing machine. Sometimes it's little things, sometimes it's big things that make you aware of what you're doing.

    When I was really feeling unmotivated to go to the gym, I would tell myself, "OK, just 20 minutes of cardio and you're done. That's all you need to do today." Getting me through the door was the tough part,but once I was there, I usually did more than 20 minutes of cardio. However, there were some days when I just did the 20 minutes and left. You have to give yourself some leeway some of the time -- but not a free pass from doing what you need to be doing.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Not seeing what I want to see in the mirror keeps me going.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    The Alarm.
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
  • saltycloud
    saltycloud Posts: 30 Member
    I think what helps me most is that I don't cut out food. I think I have a lot more cheat days than others but it still works, slowly and steady. I'm on this almost three months and was on vacation two times. The first time I gained back the 2kg I lost before but the second time I didn't gain anything. So I think I'm getting better.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    i set myself challenges every month. It gives me something to train for, I can be very competitive with myself LOL. This months challenge is to be able to po a full body pull up with good form, and run a 5k without stopping to walk.
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    For me, it's all about able. Am I able to do one more. Am I able to go farther, or faster. One more a day, is more that I'm able. Just Keep Going. Are you more able? Every day......yes, you are!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    For me motivation comes and goes. One day I am all pumped up and ready to go the next day I am not. So instead of motivation I make it a habit. Works for me.
  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    The fact that I've come this far already and it would be a waste to gain it all back.

    Also none of my new clothes would fit and I spent a bit of money on some of them.
  • 13ftw67
    13ftw67 Posts: 35 Member
    The vision of the guy in my head compared to the guy in the mirror. I am playing Ice Hockey in a recreational league and I want to succeed in everything I do. I'm back in school finishing my degree as well. A friend turned me on to this Body, Mind and Soul concept and he finished his first Ironman triathlon last year. I also realized that size 36 jeans are easier to find than 40 or 42.

    I realized that I an running from a lazy kid in my head who wants to sit down and stuff his face and whine about it. I have to take ownership of my problem and stay motivated to achieve a goal. This site has really propelled me in the right direction. it is 5:03 am on a Saturday morning and I am up and motivated to burn calories. I did pig out on Pizza and Ice cream last night watching a movie instead of burning calories at the rink. I feel guilty today about that so I must punish myself with hard work and sweat. "If you play you pay is what I say"

    Keep pushing one step forward and sometimes two steps back but move nevertheless.
  • 13ftw67
    13ftw67 Posts: 35 Member
    I loved the repose about being able, to true
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    In the begining it was about losing weight. Being OCD, I followed it to the letter. Logged every crumb I ate... and it worked....

    Then it was going from a size 16 to a 12 when they got too big....

    Now it is mostly habit. I don't log as religiously as I did in the begining... I know I have calories to spare.
    Exercise wise... I found the gym was open when I get off in the morning.... No sense in tryiing to go to bed before the beby gets up... so I might as well do something usefull with that hour.

    And yes..... the 5 mile hike with the baby on my back JUST BECAUSE I CAN!
    I couldn't go 20 minutes when I started.
  • morticia16
    morticia16 Posts: 230 Member
    Noticeable progress, visible changes on my body and on the scale and, most of all, feeling better about myself and physically keep me going.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I have a few clothing items that are a little too small, and the goal of fitting into them motivates me.
  • uthatswho
    uthatswho Posts: 34
    Knowing if I don't keep moving forward I will slide back into old bad habits. After many starts & stops I finally learned to set mini goals. It's been more rewarding to see small changes, rather than being overwhelmed by a larger goal that will take months, if not years to achieve.
  • mousemom18
    mousemom18 Posts: 172 Member
    I still have weight to lose. If I keep going, I will lose it.

    If I don't, I won't.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am starting to look HOT! Motivation enough. Clothes fit better.