Military 3 day diet



  • tedroa
    tedroa Posts: 1
    I am doing this diet right now. I only lost a total of 3 lbs. First week I lost 2 lbs. and 2nd week I lost a lb. I skipped the 3rd week and it's now the 3rd day of my 4th week. It helps me to eat with smaller portion of food. I started with 119 lbs and I am now 116 lbs.

    I know two person who is also doing this diet. One lost 9 lbs on the first week and 5 lbs on the second week. He is heavier and have more weight to lose though. And the other person lost 2 lbs on the first week and nothing on the 2nd week.

  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    You would have to link more information on it. Unless you are eating 3 MRE's in 3 days...that may constitute a "military diet"...because eating MREs will expel everything in your gut including that hot dog that's been lingering in your colon since 1991. Possibly making you shed weight in the same fashion as stomach flu. We honestly don't have meal plans in the military, just a chow hall with a fast food line and a main meal line...nothing special.


    Exactly. I've been in 7 years, and I've never had a plan like this. Heck, in training, the whole idea was to eat as much as you could so you had energy to get you through to the next meal and we STILL all lost weight.

    I'm not judging the diet, itself, but there sure isn't anything "military" about it.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    No. Avoid Pinterest for anything related to diet information. There aren't any magic plans. No super special detox water, etc.

    Pinterest is a seething den of stupidity when it comes to diet information.
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    What happens on the 4th day?
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Wait, wait, wait...MRE's always constipated me to no end....did they finally up the "grease" factor?

    Not that I'm aware of. I remember lasting for a 3 day FTX with only one bowel movement. But we sure put the plumbing to the test once we got back onto regular food.
  • beekay70
    beekay70 Posts: 214 Member
    This stupid diet shows up on this forum at least once a week. Just let it die, along with the cabbage soup diet.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    This stupid diet shows up on this forum at least once a week. Just let it die, along with the cabbage soup diet.

    ^ This. Eat less and move more.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Temporary diet = temporary results.

    Temporary diet = temporary results = water weight lost, not fat
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I love MREs, I used to trade my candy for more rice pilaf haha...

    I loved the herb crackers (and doing the cracker challenge) but my favorite was getting PB, chocolate drink mix and putting them together with some water. Ah, the good old days.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    I was looking around on Pinterest and came across this diet plan. I looked at it and it seems like a it would be doable for only three days. However, I was wondering if anyone has actually tried it and did it work. And to you military this something used in the service? Any imput would be appreciated.


    Where's the web address?
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    Like I said it was just a pin on pinterest. I have never tried it and was just wondering about it. I have lost almost 100lbs without these types of things. With the comments on the post you would think it was the best thing...however that is pinterest!!!! So I thought I would ask about it here. I have many friends who have asked me about this diet or the next and I try to do my research on them before I give them any opinion. I wouldn't do this and always tell them the best way is eat better and move your butt! But as you know many people want to try the fast way.
  • Lalagregg12
    Lalagregg12 Posts: 7 Member
    Don't do it. I l tried it thinking it would be a good jumpstart and only lost about 3lbs in 3 days which were quickly gained back. Also the diet lacked fiber and I ended up getting constipated and getting an anal fissure. :( It was painful and frightening, not something I'd like to go thru again.