New to the site and in need of motivation!

Hi all,
My name is Alli and I'm from Australia. I'm brand new to the site but certainly not new to dieting! I have previously lost 10kgs and was very active but this year I injured myself playing netball and required a full knee reconstruction. I was bed-ridden for nearly 2 months and I have now put on all the weight I lost - and then some! I am now 92kgs (202 pounds), the heaviest I have ever been, but I am so restricted in what I can do because of my knee. I used to love running but I am not allowed to run for another month :(

I would love to hear from anyone who has ever been through a similar thing and has been able to lose weight after surgery, I'm really struggling for motivation!



  • Maggie1960
    I can certainly empathize - I broke my pelvis at the end of May and was on bed-rest for 6 weeks, then partially weight bearing with elbow crutches for 8 weeks and I am still not back to full mobility - I am not allowed to do any weight-bearing exercises like running, aerobics, trampolining etc and am restricted to swimming and slow walking. I gained weight of course, and am now aiming to be slender, toned and fit by Christmas. I have an appointment at the fracture clinic on the 22nd September and I am really hoping my Consultant says I can start more intensive exercise.
  • krgoldb
    Hi! I just joined tonight, I am on a mission to fit in my clothes again and be healthy for my beautiful children! I have a 6 yr old and a 4 month old! I gained entirely too much weight while pregnant, and I am ready to lose it!
  • muffintop22
    Ohh you poor thing Maggie, that sounds so painful. Good luck with your appointment! I should be able to up my level of exercise in a few weeks but I'm so unfit now it will take a while to really be able to get into it.