Thyroid disease and weightloss

BonnieJobe Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have Hashimoto's Disease and hypothyroidism as a result. I work out daily, 30mins cardio & 30 mins weight training but can't seem to loose weight. I know muscle weighs more than fat but I'm not loosing at all... arghhhhhh!


  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    I would discuss that with yr Endocrinologist and see what they say. You don't mention whether you are taking meds either.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have Hashimoto's and am hypo as well... I managed to lose. Are you venting or looking for suggestions? More info is needed on your food intake... diary public?

    *Just checked- it isn't... you could be eating 5000 calories of McDonald's daily for all we know. Please make your diary public if you want accurate help.*
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Bonnie,
    I also have hypothyroidism. It is possible to lose weight, but it is going to take time...for anyone. I don't know how long you've been doing this but if you've just started then hang in there. Some times it takes up to six weeks before our bodies start to change, especially if you have a thyroid problem. Also check your thyroid numbers for T3 and T4. I went to the doctor six weeks ago and he said the T4 looked excellent but my T3, though in range, was not where he wanted it to be. The range is from like 85-120 or something. Mine was at 87. He asked me questions which are symptoms of hypothyroidism and I had the symptoms even though I was in range. I was working out 75 minutes a day and eating 1400. I was not dropping anything! He adjusted my meds and my last T3 number was at 101. I have lost five pounds in six weeks without working out 75 minutes a day and without counting calories. Check with your doctor on the numbers, tell him you are having a hard time losing weight. Maybe they can do some tweaking. Give your body time. It will come off but it will take at least 6 weeks to start noticing a difference. Oh and another piece of advice, don't watch the numbers on the scale. It will only discourage you. Weigh in once a month. Go by how your clothes feel. Since you are lifting weights your scale number may not go down as fast as your pants size. Hope this helps! Hang in there! It will come off!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I've trained a couple of women that had Hashimoto's. Can you make your diary public and I'll give you come suggestions.
  • Thanks guys, I've changed my diary to public and would love any feedback offered. The last two days have been a little off as we've been away from home, takeaways are an occasional treat. I have been on my current exercise programme since the beginning of December and while there are areas of my body where there is change I am finding my middle to be more than difficult!
    Here in NZ it's proving difficult to see an Endocrinologist so my GP is trying to manage my meds with great success, my numbers are all stable at the moment. (I shall try and find the last lab report)
    We eat a low fat, healthy diet, unfortunately I seem to retain weight from the thyroid disease too.
  • 9lbstogo
    9lbstogo Posts: 5
    I have an underactive thyroid and have only just begun to manage it (through herbal supplements etc). You can lose weight but you'll have to work that much harder than those without the condition.

    Eating little and often really helps to fire up your metabolism - every 3(ish) hours. It's a little annoying at first, having to eat so often but doing this has really helped be and I finally stopped gaining weight and now I'm slowly beginning to lose.

    Try to see if you can add some protein to each meal and also try to reduce the amount of processed sugar you eat - this really helped me.

    All the best.
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    I just made my profile and diary available to everyone. I have got to be doing something wrong and would really appreciate "REAL" critiques on my diet and exercise schedule. I just keep gaining weight... I just added another two pounds. I know everyone says don't look at the scale, but the numbers on the scale and numbers on my clothes are continuing to get bigger not smaller!

    The ENDO says my meds are inline and have been for three months. I take synthroid (T4) and vitament D first thing in the morning and work out before eating or drinking anything but water. At lunch I take Cytomel (T3) and Chromium at lunch. Then at dinner I take my Calcuim for Osteoprosis and at bedtime I take Enjuvia (hormone for menapause) and more vitamen D. I feel like a pill popper :) lolol .. I drink 8 ounces of water in the morning and 52 ounces of Tea during the day.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    It is hard at first, but it does start to happen. Meds in line are good if the numbers show it. I'm currently on a baby dose of thyroid medicine and will do blood next week to see where my numbers are. The numbers are a better indicator then the rx you take. if you take the highest dose, but your numbers aren't moving then it is useless. Hopefully your doctor does more than just say your meds are fine. I have one who digs for answers and it's making a difference. I feel like "Bobby Riggs" popping pills and vitanmins all day, but I feel so much better and for that I am grateful. Hang in there 12 weeks ago I weighed 371 today I'm at 347. it'll happen.
  • lysa166
    lysa166 Posts: 1
    Hi, I am new to this site and have some questions regarding thyroid and weight loss.

    I am 35 and approx 1 1/2 year ago diagnosed with hypothyroid. Approx 2 weeks ago diagnosed with Hashimoto's.

    When i was first diagnosed approx 1 1/2 year ago, I never really got regulated on the Levothyroxine because I became pregnant with baby 2. So my meds were always being adjusted and reached 100 mcg of levothyroxine during pregnancy. After pregnancy (daughter is now almost 3 months) I was hyper for about two months causing me to drop my pregnancy weight (lost about 30 pounds). I am now on 75 mcg of levothyroxine, and have been for about a week. I exercise 3-4 times a week; exercise classes and weights. I eat pretty healthy; stay away from packaged foods, eat clean foods mainly, small portions. I also read about going gluten free. Not sure I want to, as research is inconclusive. I just added Selenium 200 mcg a few days ago.

    my question is how mong before you are regulted on thyroid meds does it typically take to lose weight? Also is it common that the scale number stays the same, but my clothes fit better and loser? Kinda perplexes me.

    Thanks in advance for any advice an constructive criticism
  • michaelschaap
    michaelschaap Posts: 8 Member
    I had a pituitary tumor which also took out my thyroid. So I take meds to monitor a lot. I do seem to loose weight though its slow. keep at it. You will loose!

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