Stronger, Better, Faster Challenge July 6th

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise

Today is:
water, vits, dance class (I'm actually doing two classes today, to make up for a missed one) and a walk.

I've switched to maintenance calories, so I'm having all of the anxiety that goes with that. . .Since my BMR is apparently considerably higher than what MFP says, maybe I've stalled before losing the dreaded last five pounds because I'm undereating? I just got this book from the library that claims you should take a maintenance calorie break for every 10% of your body fat you lose. . , so I'm sort of trying that. Also, perhaps the extra calories will give me energy to add muscle mass. . .it's a theory anyways. . .

Happy exercising to all!:flowerforyou:


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Today is:
    water, vits, dance class (I'm actually doing two classes today, to make up for a missed one) and a walk.

    I've switched to maintenance calories, so I'm having all of the anxiety that goes with that. . .Since my BMR is apparently considerably higher than what MFP says, maybe I've stalled before losing the dreaded last five pounds because I'm undereating? I just got this book from the library that claims you should take a maintenance calorie break for every 10% of your body fat you lose. . , so I'm sort of trying that. Also, perhaps the extra calories will give me energy to add muscle mass. . .it's a theory anyways. . .

    Happy exercising to all!:flowerforyou:
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Wow, great job on your progress. I am sure break won't hurt and may provide the jump start you were looking for.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I read kinda the same thing too. Basically, you should make sure you are able to maintain before going to a place with fewer calories. So the 200 lb person who loses 20 lbs, should stop at 180 and see if they can maintain before going to 162 because of the reduced need for calories at 180 verses 200. I see the logic but I didn't do it at 17 lbs lost (though I haven't gone down in a month, does that count?:wink: )

    Scale time tomorrow to see how I did without tracking calories for a week. I was always coming on-line and not just entering my calories - I was checking the posts too. If I go back to calorie counting next week, I may try to keep the posts to a minimum.

    Yesterday the bike ride made me feel really tired. My throat was sore and my ear clogged, so I took it easy. I did a 15 minute bike ride and 40 minute walk. Today my ear is still funky, so I'm just walking. I think I needed a break after pushing myself so hard on Friday and my body was telling me so.

    Until tomorrow,

  • ek36
    ek36 Posts: 7
    I completely understand what you are describing. I have only been doing this for a month and am not a diehard exerciser yet. Along with walking, last week I went to a one hour CardioBlast class (30 minutes step and 30 minutes kickboxing) and a class which was 30 minutes stomach excercises using the large and small ball and 30 minutes working your legs. After both of those classes I felt horrible. I walked Friday night (3 min mile) for 45 minutes (I was able to watch all the fireworks in the neighborhood), but took a yesterday off. I feel much better today for taking a break. I learned years ago when I was exercising, that our bodies really need a break a couple of times a week.

    Hope you are feeling better.

  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    Good Morning!

    Yesterday, I did a lot of walking. After watching Wimbledon today, I plan to do Power Sculpt dvd and take a walk tonight.

    I bought the Biggest Loser cookbook yesterday. Many of the recipes look really good. I'm going to try a couple of them this week. Does anyone have this cookbook? If so, what are some of your favorites?

    Weigh in tomorrow... I'm hoping that goes well!

    Have a great day!
  • Morning!

    Today is:
    water, vits, dance class (I'm actually doing two classes today, to make up for a missed one) and a walk.

    I've switched to maintenance calories, so I'm having all of the anxiety that goes with that. . .Since my BMR is apparently considerably higher than what MFP says, maybe I've stalled before losing the dreaded last five pounds because I'm undereating? I just got this book from the library that claims you should take a maintenance calorie break for every 10% of your body fat you lose. . , so I'm sort of trying that. Also, perhaps the extra calories will give me energy to add muscle mass. . .it's a theory anyways. . .

    Happy exercising to all!:flowerforyou:

    wow 80 + pounds awesome ..................... your a inspiration
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    HI ALL!!!!

    AAAAACCCCKKKK have not even had a MINUTE to post! I miss my MFP-ers!!!! I am totally missing the support system. Our shooting schedule is kind of crazy -- on set at 7am, home at about 9pm. I generally don't bring my computer with me into the field since I'm on my feet directing cameras.

    I made it through the first episode of the season and it was AMAZING!!!! Absolutely incredible that we actually do build the house in seven days (I'm producing on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition for those who are wondering what the heck I'm blathering on about). Ty is extremely hot and extremely nice in person!

    Anyway, long story short the challenges for me over the season are DEFINITELY going to be limiting the drinking (the crew always loves to party), and creating a regular workout schedule with such exhausting working hours. I've been able to stick with healthy eating, and will continue to do so.

    I came home this weekend, back out again tomorrow for the next shoot. I weighed myself and I'm holding steady. I'm glad I didn't gain.

    I'm really going to try and post when I can, so that I can feel a part of the STRONGER, BETTER, FASTER challenge!!!!

    - WL
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Wow- you guys are really inspiring.

    I had a great weekend and feel proud of myself for staying focused on exercise and diet stuff while in the bliss of a new relationship.

    yesterday I didnt log because of computer issues but I did stay on my raw food diet and watched my fat intake. Went to the gym and walked uphill and did some arm weights.

    Today- back to logging and plan to run after work.
    On Friday I ran 4 miles which is a big deal for me because I tend to stop at 3.2ish. It felt great.

    I am ready to see some of my hard work paying off on the scale.

    Have a great Monday.
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