Feeling frustrated

Hello MFP members,

I just joined MFP a week ago, and I have not exceeded my allotted calories, and I'm exercising about 4 times a week. I feel like I'm definitely eating significantly less than I used to, and I'm making much healthier choices. I'm frustrated this morning, though, because the scales say I only like .5 pound. I lost 3 before this week--but only losing .5 in the last week is very frustrating.

I'm just wondering if anyone else had something similar happen--did other people lose more weight in the beginning or after a couple weeks of using MFP?


  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Usually that first big loss in the first week is water weight. I had the same experience, had a big loss week one and then nothing on week 2. It was very frustrating and discouraging. However, I just kept going and now it's a year later and I'm down 45 pounds. So don't give up, keep logging faithfully and the weight will come off!:smile:
  • lysser
    lysser Posts: 15 Member
    It is definitely frustrating when you expect to lose weight and then you don't; but try to remember that you're on a long-term journey and not a crash diet. When you're not seeing results, just make sure that you are getting enough calories daily so that your body does not feel like it needs to hang on to the weight. If you feel you are eating right and exercising with enough intensity and frequency, the weight loss will eventually catch up. For now, your body might be rebounding by a big loss the week before by conserving the fat on your body. Next week might be a different story. Use your frustration as drive to keep trying. :)
  • RaleighBaker01
    RaleighBaker01 Posts: 1 Member
    I know the feeling. My weight loss has slowed down, but my fitness level seems to be increasing. I am trying to look at the sunny side, thinking that our ultimate goal should be fitness.
  • lorettasnewbeginning
    And your body naturally retains water and weighs heavier at certain times of the month. Be patient. I'll bet you'll see a loss next week!
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Don't be discouraged by what the scale says, be proud of the choices you are making, how good you feel, and how good you look! Everything matters in this journey - keep your head held high and keep smiling! :)
  • crzycylr
    crzycylr Posts: 78 Member
    My body has its' own way of loosing weight. One week it seems like woowoowoot!, next week wahwah. (For example 3lbs, then .5 lbs) I must look at the big picture and what the average is. It took awhile to put this weight on and I want it to be gone forever, so easy does it is better than quickly. I think my body would have a hard time keeping it off that way (at least that is my experience in the past, and I have a lot of experience in LOOSING weight, but not keeping it OFF). Be patient with yourself and your body, focus on changes that you see, not always the scale.
  • AmandaMTL
    AmandaMTL Posts: 2
    Definitely don't get discouraged! I've been at it for a little over a month now, and I haven't hit 5 pounds yet. I've been doing fairly well; I always have a calorie surplus at the end of the week, I've improved my eating habits drastically, and I've begun exercising daily (HIIT regimen on a stationary bike, powerwalks, some short and simple fat-burning floor exercising and LOTS of squats).

    I was discouraged the first 2 weeks ago as well, as I hadn't even lost a pound. Though every week since, I've been working harder with my exercises, and have been reading a lot of posts about the importance of measurements - not the scale. Definitely take progress shots along the way - they're extremely telling and extremely encouraging! I've noticed that I've built an incredible amount of muscle on my legs and abs, and I'm slowly shrinking. Though if you ask my scale, you'd never know!

    Good luck in your journey, don't give up, and feel free to message me if you ever want to talk :)
  • opportunitylf
    Thanks for all the input! I def. did use my frustration as motivation. After I weighed myself, I had a protein shake for breakfast, and then I hit the track to complete one of my running/walking sets for couch to 5K. I guess a big thing for me is to actually take measurements! I haven't done that yet, but it seems like maybe I should today and then compare measurements when I'm not seeing a weight loss that makes me happy.
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi, I have been logging and excersicing as well. I use my fitbit to track my exercise/steps. I really haven't lost anything. I keep going up and down by the same 1.5lbs which I think means that I am basically am breaking even with my calories in and calories out even though my log often times shows under. I am in my 40's and work full time. I have a 9 yr old and it's hard to find time for myself at the end of the day. If you think we can motivate each other then feel free to friend me.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Hello MFP members,

    I just joined MFP a week ago, and I have not exceeded my allotted calories, and I'm exercising about 4 times a week. I feel like I'm definitely eating significantly less than I used to, and I'm making much healthier choices. I'm frustrated this morning, though, because the scales say I only like .5 pound. I lost 3 before this week--but only losing .5 in the last week is very frustrating.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else had something similar happen--did other people lose more weight in the beginning or after a couple weeks of using MFP?

    Make sure you're eating your minimum amount of calories for the day, for a woman it should be 1200, if you eat below that to much you could mess up your metabolism and then you won't lose as much weight because your body goes into starvation. I set my minimum rate and add my exercise at the end of the day, that way I don't eat back any of my calories. Remember to lose a pound it's 3,500 burned through exercise and calories that your body uses just doing daily activities.
  • opportunitylf
    Hello MFP members,

    I just joined MFP a week ago, and I have not exceeded my allotted calories, and I'm exercising about 4 times a week. I feel like I'm definitely eating significantly less than I used to, and I'm making much healthier choices. I'm frustrated this morning, though, because the scales say I only like .5 pound. I lost 3 before this week--but only losing .5 in the last week is very frustrating.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else had something similar happen--did other people lose more weight in the beginning or after a couple weeks of using MFP?

    Make sure you're eating your minimum amount of calories for the day, for a woman it should be 1200, if you eat below that to much you could mess up your metabolism and then you won't lose as much weight because your body goes into starvation. I set my minimum rate and add my exercise at the end of the day, that way I don't eat back any of my calories. Remember to lose a pound it's 3,500 burned through exercise and calories that your body uses just doing daily activities.

    Awesome, thank you! I didn't realize it was 3,500 calories burned to lose a pound...so that should def. be helpful!
  • PunkinSpice79
    PunkinSpice79 Posts: 309 Member
    I can't add anything constructive. Just wanted to say that you are doing great so far and the results will come! Keep at it and don't give up!!!
  • JayVarys
    JayVarys Posts: 37
    Just remember that weight loss takes time, and once and awhile you'll hit walls. make sure you keep up with exercising and you'll climb over those walls to reach your goal!
  • Busymomo5
    Busymomo5 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm trying to stay away from the scale and weigh myself once a month. I started back this week. The problem with me weighing in every week is that I get frustrated and want to quit if I don't see a good loss. I'm thinking of asking a family member to hide the scale so I'm not tempted to weigh.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Okay I just want to say which I bet you have heard it a billion time weight is not everything. Don't track your progress 100% based on the scale. It's like only checking the gas tank in your car and always guessing everything else is fine. It is a pretty big indication but more over the long term.

    You also ask what we personally experienced. I lost my first 5 pounds in about a week then 2 weeks later another 5 pounds. But really slows down and varies. I have lost 40 pounds as of today and I am at my 6 month mark that isn't even 2 pounds a week but I am fine with that my clothes are very big and my smaller clothes I bought when are even big. It is just a good feeling to get frustrated and stay with it and you will be fine :)
  • opportunitylf
    Awesome tips and encouragement, everyone. Thanks!
  • Okeyboy
    Okeyboy Posts: 27 Member
    Weight loss is a long process and it is something that you can overcome with continued hard work and patience. Good luck.