Watching Calories, but no exercises?

I'm new and wasn't sure where to put this.

My question is this: I'm trying to stay at 1,200 calories a day or less if its possible. However, I know you have to exercise too, but even if I just watch my calorie intake, will that help me lose weight too? Or should I really exercise more?

Its just hard to keep up with a good exercising schedule due to my night shift job, and then living with my Dad, people sleep in the living room and my rooms too small with my husband trying to sleep when I get off.
So its hard to find a good time to actually work out and where. But I am trying to watch my calories intake....

Thanks. And feel free to add me. :tongue:
I could really use the encouragement and motivation, since the people around me at home aren't very supportive.


  • sprague79
    sprague79 Posts: 1 Member
    You can lose weight. I have only done counting calories and have lost 23lbs in a little under 5 months. Of course exercise is really important. You will lose weight but not have a toned body without it, but you CAN lose weight just by restricting calories.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    I work night shifts too, and I am watching calories, I do try to get out in the sunshine for a walk because I get down if I dont' get some sunshine. It is by no means "a work out" just a stroll around the block or I go over to a near by lake and walk the path there. The ducks, geese, and other animals around help to cheer me up :happy:

    I think you can lose, just make sure you are staying as close as possible to the calories they recommed for you.

    You'll do great. I'm down almost 5 lbs in the first week. I know that won't continue but it sure is motivating for me to get off to such a good start.
  • ghostrider1970
    ghostrider1970 Posts: 127 Member
    Sure you can, but you will lose lbm too, your metabolism will slow down, you will have to lower the calorie to keep losing weight... not a good idea
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    Exercise is not a requirement for losing excess body fat but eating and drinking less calories than your body needs is absolutely necessary. Exercise and eating healthy are great for your body but not a necessity for fat loss.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I have to admit that I do exercise, but it is not every day. I ride a bike in my living room, and it has a calorie counter. I do not get off that bike until I lose 50-100 calories. Sometimes, if I am in the mood, I lose 200-300 calories, but I do not rely on the accuracy of the counter. It just helps me to see that I lost that much, and it gives me a little boost of confidence.
    100 calories on a bike is like 15 minutes. Not that much. Btw if you do go up to 300, I hope you are eating them back given you only eat about 400 a day. You are harming yourself if your net is 100 or so....


    More like 6 minutes :laugh: :laugh:
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Others above have more or less summed it up, you will lose weight without exercising, but exercise need not involve joining a gym, running for miles etc, just be walking, or cycling, instead of going by car would do it
  • sebedina
    sebedina Posts: 161 Member
    I eat between 1,500 and 1,700 calories a day, I am a woman, nearly 14 stone and not that active, but been walking a bit more and I found that I am losing weight on this calorie count. I feel quite well on it and I am trying not to deprive myself too much if i fancy a naughty piece of chocolate or oven chips etc. I hope to burn more calories when I become lighter but try to burn calories by walking and swimming which i enjoy. There is no way i could survive on anything less than 1,200. I notice my brain function deteriorates rapidly when I;m not eating enough calories.
  • I honestly want to hear a story about someone who lived off of less than 1200 cal a day and was able to keep the weight off for more than a year. I just don't see how ppl are doing this without their metebolic rate crashing to the floor. I also think a lot of ppl need to start consulting doctors before they start diet plans. 600 calories a day? Man that sounds scary.

    To the OP I support you 100% so I'm gonna tell you that you do have time for exercise and you can eat 1500-1800 cals a day. I work overnight and I workout 6 days a week. If you have a walk-in closet in your house you can fit an upright stationary bike in, close the door and sweat for 30min. Even the cheap ones are quiet and with the door closed your husband won't even know what you're doing. You can also take a 30 minute walk outdoors.

    There is always time for exercise.
  • timmieklose, do not take my advice. I am sorry there is so much ugly people on your thread.

    I think I forgot to mention that some of the things I wrote were based on things I read online.

    That is what I am doing for my diet, and it works for me.

    I have been overweight since 2008, and that is the one thing in my life that I could never control.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    OP: Walking and running can both be done outdoors. Exercise is not necessary to lose weight, just eat at a deficit. But, exercise will make you feel better and it does tend to allow for diets to be less restrictive (and thus easier to stick to).
  • men do more strenuous things

    Welcome to the 21st century kids.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    Search 'In Place of a Road Map' on here.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    You can. Losing weight is predominantly about diet. Exercise just helps.
  • alexandriapatton
    alexandriapatton Posts: 117 Member
    What everyone has failed to mention is that it depends on your starting weight of how you lose weight. For someone who is like 200 or 300 pounds, a simple change in diet will make them lose weight to where they may not have to exercise, but for someone like you who is at a "healthy" weight but you want to get "fit" exercise is necessary to tone your muscles and help you lose the weight. What people don't realize is that it's a lot easier for a very heavy person to burn calories than for a thinner person...
  • timmieklose
    timmieklose Posts: 21 Member
    Wow! I didnt expect to get so many replies so fast! :flowerforyou:

    I did read everyones reply, and took into consideration what everyone said. Indeed everyones different and I suppose I just gotta find the right stuff for ME too. I have taken a "before" picture and did an edit to it to see what I'd look like if I had the body I really want.

    Where I live, its like mega hot outside, so if anything I guess I'll try doing things inside if I can. Jogging in place, jump rope, jumping jacks....atleast its something to burn off a few calories. Maybe when it gets cooler I can do more outdoor stuffs again. :smile:

    I've been keeping track of my calories, and its not TOO hard to stay within my range of 1200-1500 a day, although I strive more towards the 1200. I pretty much eat the same stuff every day, but I DO need to get more toned and lose my jiggles! LOL.
    I suppose whatever is working for yall, is showing you results and your'e happy with it. I hope I can see better results in myself too.

    Thanks again everyone! I hope more people reply so I can read what they say too.
    ~Hugs :bigsmile:
  • timmieklose
    timmieklose Posts: 21 Member
    Im trying my hardest. :smile:
    Although I do have a couple days where I slip up.... Im trying really hard especially with the sugar part. I NEED sugar, but Im trying to keep it under control cause it can get out of!
    I've even drempt I was eating a piece of chocolate cake....THATS how bad I want some REAL sugary chocolaty goodness!!
  • You can definitely still lose weight just by watching your calorie intake, but exercise has so many other benefits even outside the world of weight loss. I really need to exercise more but I always come up with a reason to not. I'm afraid of going to the gym because I am so shy. My husband works constantly and I don't want to go for walks alone etc... I started MFP a little under 6 months ago and I have already lost 60 pounds without much exercising. Mind you I am a big gal, so I have a lot more to lose and thus is was easier for me to drop so much so quickly. If you are a smaller person or somebody with very slow metabolism it may be more difficult for you to lose the amount you're wanting to lose just by cutting calories alone.

    I understand about the night shift thing - I work third shift and it can sometimes make traditional working out somewhat difficult, but try to find alternatives to what you would think of as "working out." It's all about simple things and little changes. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car at the end of the parking lot instead of the closest space you can find. If you work an office job (like I do) take some small weights or resistance bands to work and get some reps and stretches in there throughout the day. Stand up as much as possible as opposed to sitting down. All of these are things wouldn't be considered tradition workouts, but they will all help. Best of luck to you in your endeavors!
  • duster902
    duster902 Posts: 2
    I eat 1300 calories a day and workout 5 days a week , one hour each day. I am losing about 2-3 pounds a week, I have lost 16 pounds in 5 weeks.

    If I go over my 1300 I will get on the treadmill and walk/jog until I burn whatever calories I went over.

    I took the amount of calories I burn just by being alive and subtracted 500 to get to my 1300 calorie goal. I am also breastfeeding so I have to make sure I eat well to keep my milk supply up.

    Good luck to you!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I eat anywhere between 1200 and 2000 calories depending on exercise.

    I walk and cycle. Why not try those? You're then out of the house so you're not going to wake anyone up or disturb anyone. :)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I eat 1300 calories a day and workout 5 days a week , one hour each day. I am losing about 2-3 pounds a week, I have lost 16 pounds in 5 weeks.

    If I go over my 1300 I will get on the treadmill and walk/jog until I burn whatever calories I went over.

    I took the amount of calories I burn just by being alive and subtracted 500 to get to my 1300 calorie goal. I am also breastfeeding so I have to make sure I eat well to keep my milk supply up.

    Good luck to you!

    If you're breastfeeding the normal advice is to add 500kcal, so you could eat at 'maintenance' and still lose. As long as your milk supply's not suffering though, I guess that could be ok.

    I lost my initial 30lb without intentional exercise, but I always walk everywhere, so I get a lot of unintentional exercise anyway.